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You slowly open your eyes, you heard some noises not so far, your eyes widen.

Cars. Street. Road.

You knew where you were, back in the past.

"What the..." You tried to understand how and why you got there, then you notice Alpha was still grabbing your arm.

"You don't need to understand, because soon. I'll erase the meaning that soccer has for you." Said Alpha.

"Let go!" You said, but surprisingly Alpha let go of you arm and walks away.

Strike mode

Alpha shoot in the soccer ball toward a car, wich creates an accident in front of your eyes, but this time the car accident happened way too fast that your sister didn't had time to protect you.

"Modification of the interrupt point completed." Said Alpha.

Suddenly the time has frozen, you look around the only moving people are you and Alpha, you still couldn't believe that you had to see this accident once again.

"Don't worry, Your sister and you won't die, instead you will be the one falling into a coma for two weeks, because of it your sister will fall into a depression that will make her stop playing soccer. As for your parents. They won't survive." said Alpha.

"How dare you!--" You were about to hit Alpha but you suddenly got an headache and fell on your knees.

"Now, soccer will now disappear from the your life." Continued Alpha.

"You're wrong! I'll never forget soccer, never! I've made friend's and finally found happiness! It's not because of someone with some weird outfit that'll make me forget about soccer!" You stood up with your bad headache.

Alpha eyes widen, he then talks to someone with his communication device.

"A new method has been proposed to conclude this matter, you have two choices. Join us and we'll have mercy on you or.. We'll have to use force." Said Alpha and take the soccer ball in his right hand.

"Not even in your dreams, I'll never join!" You respond.

"We knew you'll say that, I'll now change the locations." Alpha click on a blue circle on his soccer ball.

Move mode.

This time you appear in a field with sand on the ground instead of grass, you look around and see a small house near and lot's of trees surrounding the area.

"The appropriate place, wouldn't you agree?" Asked Alpha.

You look at Alpha confused.

10 more people appears behind Alpha wearing the same outfit as him, you guessed that's his team since they are now 11 perfect count for a soccer team.

"You should be happy, here, you can now play the soccer you love so much against us." Said Alpha.

"I knew it, you're a soccer player right?" You ask.

"Nothing as lower dimensional as that, we are route agents authorized to intervene with time, our goal is to create the perfect route where soccer is no longer a part of this world." Answered Alpha.

"Nobody is allowed to change route! Just because of people like you!" You said in anger.

"We will eliminate Soccer." Said Alpha and clicked on another button on his soccer ball.

Strike mode.

Alpha shoot in the ball toward you, you summon your Keshin trying to stop his shoot but it was too powerful.

You got surrounded by Alpha Team, you prepared yourself to dodge their attack but someone stole the ball from them.

The boy who stole the ball has two pigtails with light blue green hair, his eyes are the same color as his hair.

"I came a bit late, sorry about that [F/N]." Smiled the boy to you.

"Huh?" Is he someone you are suppose to know?

"Who are you?" Ask Alpha.

"My name is Fei Rune, Just like [F/N] I need soccer! It's not fair ganging up on one person, how about we make a real contest?" answered Fei.

"Contest? How so?" Ask Alpha.

Fei snap on his fingers and appeared 9 people behind him wearing a red and white uniform.

"How about this?" Ask Fei, seems like he's challenging him to play against his team by soccer.

"Very well." Replied Alpha.

"You'll be helping us right?" Asked Fei to you.

"Y-yeah.." You answered.

Fei help you up and snapped on his fingers once again and your outfit changed into the red and white uniform.

"Soo cool.." You mumbled.

Now you wished you had those powers to help you in the morning..

Alpha appears a man and gave him a mic so he could be the commentator then appeared a screen with the scores, Alpha team name is Protocole Omega he then ask us the name of our team.

"Oh right.. Since we are an improvised team we don't have one yet.. Hm.. We're.. Let's go with [F/N]'s!" Said Fei.

"Eh?! Why me?" You look at Fei not so sure about that.

"Since we are your team let's call it like that!" Smiled Fei.

"If you say so..." You sigh.

Fei then hand you a yellow captain armband.

"You should be the captain Fei! I've never been one before!" You refused.

"It doesn't mean you've never been one that you shouldn't be one !" Fei insisted.

"I... Fine.." You accepted and put it on your arm, it feels weird..

Soon as the match started Fei and the Protocol Omega are insanely fast, your eyes couldn't even follow.

Both team goalkeeper are also strong, but Alpha call out an Keshin in the match. "Ruler of the skies. Phoenix! Armor!"

Your eyes widen, this was something new to you, Alpha Keshin turned into an armor, Alpha passes our defense and shoot in the ball without an Hissatsu and scored.


"What's this..?" You asked.

"His appearance changed by fusing himself with his own avatar and wearing it like a armor." Answered Fei.

"That's possible..?" Too much new things are happening that you are confused.

After some minutes Fei walk up to you.


"Huh ?"

Then suddenly in the sky appeared a flying... CARAVAN ?! The window of the caravan opens and you see a blue Teddy bear.

"Oh, [F/N]! Greetings!" Said the blue Teddy bear and waved at you.

"And it speaks..." You said in shocked, you didn't knew if you should faint or pinch yourself.

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