#7 And #8

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We got back to the present and as expected Zanark didn't make disappear the soccer ban, then doctor Aruna today told us something about a new team named. "Perfect Cascade" the strongest team of El Dorado leaded by a coach named Sakamaki Togurou.

Looks like things are getting toughter, after this Daisuke came out to tell us about the new era we will go to find power number 7 and 8.

Dinosaur era.

7# A flying defender who controls the skies and make the best use of his mastery with the air.

8# A dynamic midfielder who wield the power of ancients times and can split the ocean apart with his fangs.

Does these descriptions remind you of something?

That's right, we'll Mixi max with DINOSAURS!

You look at Fei, Then stares.....

"Uh... What's wrong [F/N]?" Asked Fei noticing your stares.

"I noticed Fei looked so cool Mixi trans with a T-Rex! I also wanna try to Mixi max with one!" You said.

"Is that so? You make me glad then." Smiled Fei taking your compliments.

Today's artefact is... Dinosaur fossil!

"I will be announcing people who will come! Tenma, [F/N], Tsuguri,Shindou, Nishizono, Taiyou, Kirino, Nishiki, Kariya, Kinako, Fei. That's all!" Said Daisuke.

We all walked in the caravan, this time you sat down behind since Kyousuke and Taiyou both wanted to sit next to you... As always.

Time jump!

|69 millions years ago|

The caravan landed in a safe place since this area there's FULL of dinosaurs, then as always we change our outfit to....

"Wonderbat... Why do I also got to wear this kind of... Outfit ?" You said, you were wearing a yellow dress with a necklace of fake fangs, Aoi, Kinako. Akane and Midori also were wearing the same.

You then look at the boy's outfit. "Nevermind, I'm not complaining anymore." The boys looked like they were wearing a trash plastic bag with dark green colors.

"If we want to survive in this era, we need to wear something that blends in with them." Responded Wonderbat.

"But in this era no humans existed yet." Said Shindou.

"It's okay ! Let's just go with it!" Said Happily Kinako.

We all walked out of the Caravan somehow alive, we've been walking for some minutes.

You observed the lakes seeing this huge aquatic dinosaur swimming.

"Fan of Dinosaur too??" Asked Shinsuke.

"Not really, I've only been to museum sometimes with Kyousuke when we were bored." You replied.

"Oh! Then tell me if you wanna know anything about dinosaur!" Smiled Shinsuke.

You nod happily.

"Everyone ! Stop spacing out and let's find this dino-" Shouted Wonderbat but trip on a rock and fell off.

"Wonderbat!" You all yelled and went toward Wonderbat but you all stopped soon as you saw thats Wonderbat landed on a....

Wonderbat stand up and look at you all terrified.

"What's wrong?! Speak up!" Said Wonderbat.

"D-dino" Said Tenma.

"Huh?" Then Wonderbat turns around and SEE HUGE DINOSAUR, you all tried to run away from the dinosaur but this dinosaur was chasing us.

"FEI! MIXI MAX WITH YOUR T-REX AND SPEAK TO IT!" you shouted while running.

"THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!" Shouted back Fei.

Then Shinsuke tripped on a rock, Tenma goes back to help him up but soon as he helped Shinsuke the dinosaur was near them.

You hide yours eyes not wanting to see this horrible scene.

Then... Bam !

You move away your hands seeing that another dinosaur knocked out the one that was chasing us.

On top of this dinosaur who saved us there was a human, a boy!

"I'm called Tove." Said the boy to us and land down off his dinosaur.

Then he walk toward us and smelled us, you hide behind Kirino like no way in hell I'm letting this stranger coming out of nowhere smelling you.

"Hey ! What's your name?" Asked the boy to Tenma.

"Tenma-" Replied Tenma.

"Oh ! Dummy! All right! You all come to my house follow me!" Said the boy then started to ran.

You all shrugged and followed him, this boy was running for like what? 10 minutes non-stop and isn't even exhausted!

We arrived on front of a hole with no path, Tove whistle and called out another dinosaur but this one is more gigantic than the one that chased us.

The gigantic dinosaur used his tail to create a bridge for us, this Tove boy is friend with Dinosaur.. That's cool.

On our way we met lot's of other dinosaur helping us to get to Tove house, after some hours we finally arrived.

"It's quite lovely here, we can even see the beautiful sky!" You said looking around.

"Do you live alone?" Asked Tenma.

"Alone ? No! I live with my dad!" responded Tove.

"Your dad is also here?!" Asked Tenma shocked.

"Mhm! Dad! I'm home!" Shouted Tove then a huge wind appeared, a dinosaur with red colors and wings on his arms landed down.

"A Quetzalcoatlus!" Said Shinsuke.

(You don't know how much I struggled to write this single word)

"C-crack in the buttock..?" repeated Nishiki.

"A Quetzalcoatlus(from now on I'm copying and past this word)." Said Shindou correcting Nishiki.

We all ate with Tove for dinner, these food were unique but.. tasty!

After this delicious dinner, you questioned Tove if he knows a dinosaur stronger than the Tyrannosaurus.

He replied that he knows one."Rockstar, she's the boss of these parts who lives in a cave within Beast Valley. She's way bigger than anyone else!" Said Tove.

You asked Tove to bring us to her but he fell asleep soon as he finished his food.

Then we decided to go there tomorrow, then the father of Tove invite us to sleep in this some sort of huge "bed" filled with leaf.

Then the girls found another bed made of leaf inside a cave for us five to sleep in it so we separate girls and boys.

While everyone were sleeping you walked out of the cave and watched the beautiful night sky, then you heard some soccer ball down there and noticed Fei and Tenma practicing.

Looks like you weren't the only one who couldn't sleep at all, then behind you saw Kinako hidding behind huge bushes spying on them.

You found that suspicious but you are also spying on a spy who is spying them.

So... Yeah, you shrugged then continued watching the sky.

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