Protocol Omega 3.0

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"How about after this match when I'll crush your team, let's hangout?" Flirted Gamma.

You did a disgusted face and shake your head to say obviously NO.

The match started as the protocol omega do the kick-off, the king charles order us to protect the goal at all cost, but everyone didn't listen since he's just a "beginner" as a coach.

But you did listen to him and went to the defense line.

Also Zanark wasn't player but more like he was the coach of the Protocol omega 3.0.

Gamma gets the ball and arrives toward the defense, you, Kirino and Hamano goes on front of him to stop him.

Gamma stand there and raise his hand. "Swift wolf Lycaon!" Said Gamma and appeared his Keshin.

"Kirino, Hamano behind me!" You ordered.

They nod and stood behind you, Gamma smirk and shoot in the soccer ball without a Keshin armor.

You call out your Keshin and tried to block the shoot of Gamma, but Gamma's shoot strength was stronger than Alpha's or even Beta's.

"I can't..." You mumbled then got hit by the soccer ball and fall on the ground.

The ball also hit Hamano, Kirino and Shinsuke behind you.



You stand up but you felt a slightly pain from your leg by trying to stop the shot, they are strong..

You tried to concentrate on the match but seeing Jeanne on the other side scared you, Jeanne was terrified and couldn't stand because of fear.

Remember when Charles tried to make us do his Strategy and that nobody was listening except for you? Well Tenma, Fei and you listened to him and did what he ordered, but it just made the opponent mad.

But thanks to this we were able to dodge them because they were too mad to predict our movements.

But the first half ended, we walked back to our bench.

Charles walk up to us telling his new strategy to us.

"Put the defenders as forwards?!" You yelled.

"Yes." Nodded Charles.

"What kind of strategy is that..." You mumbled.

Then Tenma tap your shoulder. "Let's trust him." he said with a smile.

You nod then smiled back.

For the second half all the defenders walked on front as forwards and midfielder while the midfielder and forward became defenders.

You were a forward next to Kirino with the ball, you look up and see Jeanne still not able to stand up.

"Jeanne.. How can we help her awaken her strength..?" You asked worried.

"I believe in Jeanne, she has a strong heart than anyone I've ever known." Said Kirino.

Hearing these word's from Kirino made you glad, seems like he understand Jeanne, if Jeanne's Aura appears that'll be the perfect chance for them to fuse together.

"Why are you smiling?" Asked Kirino noticing you smiling a bit.

You immediately hide your mouth with your hands. "Uh.. Nothing!" You said lying obviously.

The kick-off started as Kirino pass you the ball, you dribble toward the opponent field but..

"No no no! Do like I said!" Shouted Charles.

"Okay..." You pouted and dramatically kicked the ball out of the field acting like it was an "accident".

The match continued as we push the ball out of the field to anger our opponents, Hamano pass the ball to Kirino.

Kirino tries to make a score but he got stopped by an opponent with an defensive hissatsu, Kirino falls on the ground because of the hissatsu and get injured on his leg.

You focus on the opponent who has the ball and push the ball out of the field, then walk up to Kirino.

"Are you okay..?" You said and held out your hand to help him up.

"I'm fine.. But.. It's my fault for letting the opponent getting the ball." Said Kirino feeling guilty.

"... Don't say that." You smile.


"Listen, your duty is to support us to attack, whatever happens. I'll also support you and attack then score for the team with the other's." You said.

"[F/N]... I finally understand now." Said Kirino and hold your hand, you help him stand up.

"Understand what..?" You asked confused.

"Oh, nothing." Smiled Kirino then face himself toward Jeanne.

"Jeanne! I believe in you and your word's! So push everyone to the victory." Shouted Kirino to Jeanne.

Jeanne look at us from where she is then look back at the war and didn't said anything.

The match resume as Gamma pass the ball to Reiza, Kirino goes on front of his opponent then appears an blue aura around him.

"It's.. A Keshin !" You thought.

"Battle flag warrior Brynhildr!" Said Kirino saying his Keshin name, his Keshin is a woman in a blue armor holding a red flag and shield.

Kirino uses his Keshin and push the ball out of the field from the opponent, after this action Kirino Keshin immediately disappeared after.

Because of this bravery and strength from Kirino it made Jeanne wanted to also do the same for her knights, she stood up and took the flag of France(?) then wave it and made a memorable speech to her knights who followed her to here.

"That's the Jeanne we know!" You said looking at Jeanne.

But you stopped thinking when you notice Wonderbat pointing the Mixi max at you.


Wonderbat didn't let you finish and clicked on the Mixi max about to fuse you and Jeanne but you immediately ran up to Kirino and grabbed him and pushed him toward the Mixi max.

"Huh?! [F/N]?!" Said Kirino panicking.

"HOLD STILL !" you said to him.

"I don't know why you made this choice, but it's thank you that I feel confident about myself."

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