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"We're back!" Shouted Tenma holding a basket of food, vegetables, Fishes and ect for lunch with Fei.

Meanwhile Shindou was outside training hoping to get the same amount of aura as nobunaga to success the Mixi max.

"Here let me help." You said.

"Thank you." Smile Fei and Tenma.

You help Tenma and Fei putting down the food then went back to the others to listen to their plan to infiltrate the
Banquet for Cherry blossom viewing.

Wonderbat and Nishiki offer their help to learn us how to dance but...

Nishiki dance was only moving his hand around while Wonderbat dance was twirling around everywhere, we all sweatdropped.

"None of them has the rhythm." Said Tenma.

"They're both rejected." Said Fei.

"Has anyone learned how to dance?" Ask Aoi.

Everyone shakes their head to say no.

You look at Kyousuke. His eyes were closed seems like he's thinking about something, he's very quiet today he hasn't even spoke to you.

"Is there something wrong Kyousuke?" You ask to your navy blue haired friend.

"It's nothing." he simply replied.

"If there's something wrong you can always speak to me." You smile.

"I know, there's nothing wrong don't worry." Smile Kyousuke keeping his eyes closed.

"Okay, I trust ya." You said and listen back to your group conversation.

Seems like we are going to learn how to do the Bom dance. An old and traditional japenese dance, our teacher will be Aoi!

Knowing Kyousuke he probably won't even try to learn it, we all went outside to practice but it was chaos none of us could perfectly dance.

It was more of a circus than a dance show for a banquet, we were about give up until...

"Do you want to get better at dancing?" Said Tasuke coming toward us.

"Mhm, do you know someone who can learn us?" You asked to him.

"I can ask my sister! But she has to help out at the store so she can't stay long." Said Tasuke.

"That's okay! Can you ask her?" Asked Tenma excited.

"Sure! Besides, I wanted to help you as a thank you for saving us yesterday from the white deer gang." Said Tasuke.

"Thank you Tasuke!" You smile at him.

"But I want to ask you a favor as exchange." Continued Tasuke.

"What is it?" Ask Tenma.

"The game you call soccer... I want to play it with you guy's again." Smile Tasuke.

Tenma gladly accept Tasuke favor.

|Time skip|

After that Okatsu learned us how to dance correctly, you memorized every single of the movements so you can dance with no problem, but you notice that Kyousuke has disappeared.

"Sorry but I need to go do something." You said.

"Where?" Asked Midori.

"Kyousuke has been acting all strange today and now he left without saying anything, I'm starting to get worried about him and Shindou." You said worried.

"Why Shindou..?" Ask Akane.

"He seemed stressed, I can't blame him since he needs to train even more to success the Mixi max." You replied.

"Oh well, since you already dance perfectly go find them!" Said Midori with a thumb up.

"I'll be right back soon as I find them." You said and left.

"I'm coming too!" Said Akane but Midori stopped her.

"You can't skip dances lessons!" Said Midori.

"Noo..."Said Akane.

"Don't worry, I'll tell Shindou that you are also worried!" You smiled.

Akane smiles and nods.

The last time you saw Kyousuke was behind a tree watching us dance, where should he be now..?

Okay, think as Kyousuke. Cold. Distant... No. That's not helping at all!

Fine! Since I can't find Kyousuke I'll go find Shindou first!

You thought and walked toward where Shindou is suppose to train, Wonderbat said he was not so far.

You walk in the wood's and find a place with a soccer field, you notice Shindou.. And.. Kyousuke ?!

Kyousuke was hidding behind a tree observing Shindou and Fei training.

"Seems like I got worried for nothing." You thought and walked back to the house.

|the next day|

Everything is planned, well. Shindou and Kyousuke will play the flute and Nishiki the Taiko drum, actually they won't "Play" the instruments since Wonderbat prepared a music player to act like we know how to use instruments.

"[F/N]! Wear this Kimono." Said Akane holding a pinkish Kimono that almost looks like the same as Aoi's.

"Why should I..?" You asked since you really like your clothes.

"To look pretty of course! We are dancers." Said Midori.

"... Fine." You sigh and took the kimono and went to the changing room to change.

We walked toward the Banquet until that we notice an interviewer who says wich people get accepted and wich get refused to enter the banquet.

Us the girl's are wearing a straw hat since it's the traditional look for dancers, we tried to look cute and all to impress the interviewer but Nishiki made us fail with his "Funny" makeup he weared on his face.

Time for plan B.

We tried multiple disguise, make-up, dresses, even hidding in a barrel didn't work!

"What are we going to do?!" You said holding your head panicking.

"Calm down, [F/N]." Said Kyousuke.

"But how? We tried everything!" You said to him.

"We won't be accepting anymore dancers!" Said the guards on front of the entrance of the banquet.

"It's the end..." You break into pieces deep inside, your soul was about to leave your body.

"Woah, [F/N]!" Said Aoi noticing you were dying inside.

"Hey!" Shouted someone.

You all looked toward the person, it is Toukichirou.

"What are you doing here?" Ask Tenma.

"I didn't wanted to miss a chance of getting a climpse of Nobunaga. Even from afar." Respond Toukichirou.

(Author rn: I'm your biggest fan i'll follow you until you love me. Ahem. I mean- CONTINUE)

Then Tenma asked a favor to Toukichirou.

You look at them wondering what was their idea now.

Inazuma eleven go x reader [Chrono stone/BOOK II] Where stories live. Discover now