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"What?! So you're those legendary people?!" screamed Toukichirou so the guards and the interviewer could hear.

And thanks to Toukichirou amazing act, we were able to get in the banquet with no problem.

"We own ya Toukichirou." You smile and entered the banquet as dancers.

Toukichirou did a thumbs-up at you and sneak in the banquet as spectator.

When finally it was our turn to walk on the dancing stage to dance everything went CHAOTIC! everyone was so nervous that most of us were not synchronized and Aoi, midori, Akane bump into each other.

You raise your head a bit seeing Nobunaga being not pleased by what's happening.

"This is bad, what should I do.." You thought then suddenly a soccer ball rolls toward your feet.

You look at the direction where it came from you see Toukichirou hidding then left.

You smile and start to juggle with the ball, everyone eyes were spot on you.

"[F/N]? What are you doing??" Whisper Tenma.

"Why should we dance if we can show everyone our love to soccer?" You smile and pass the ball to Tenma.

Tenma smile and nod and pass it to Shindou, everyone started to applause by our passes and amazing tricks with the ball.

Wonderbat take the opportunity and take out the Mixi max trying to fuse Shindou's and Nobunaga's aura together but it fails once again.

The guards surrounding you and the other's, Then you see Beta coming out of nowhere and stop Wonderbat from escaping.

Then the guards surround Wonderbat too.

"These insolent knaves were plotting to kill you Nobunaga, here's the proof!" Said beta taking the Mixi max from Wonderbat and showing them to Nobunaga.

Tch, surrounded and if we try to escape there would be atleast one of us who will get captured by the guards.. There's no other choice than confront them.

You all got gathered on front of Nobunaga who is sitting on top of a wooden platform(I don't know how to describe it, but there's a wooden building with seats on top where Nobunaga and his guards are).

Nobunaga question you and your teammates.

Then Shindou stand up and said these following words. "Nobunaga, we have traveled here through time!"


Shindou, what have you done-

But somehow Nobunaga get interested by Shindou's words and ask him to describe the future where we come from, Shindou agrees and describes that there's no war in the future.

"Then answer me, do I. Nobunaga Oda. Will rule over the country?" Asked Nobunaga to Shindou.

We all look at Shindou, if Shindou says the truth. Nobunaga may not be happy at all, but if he lies they might be a chance that Nobunaga notice his lie.

"Unfortunately, Nobunaga Oda won't rule over the country." Said Shindou.

"Is that so? That is a shame." Smiled Nobunaga who doesn't seem mad or even sad about what Shindou said.

You sigh relieved, maybe now that we explained this he may understand our situation-

"Who are you?!-" Shouted one of the guard then a hit sound could be heard from afar, you look behind you seeing some guards getting knocked out.

Then the Protocol omega comes in with some Imagawa flags. "We are Lord Imagawa Yoshimoto's retainers and we have come to challenge you to a duel." Said Einam.

"It's them !" Exclaimed midori.

"Protocol omega." You glared at them.

The duel is a match of Kemari and old popular soccer game in Japan, against the protocol omega, Nobunaga seems interested.

Shindou tells him to let us fight for him since our speciality is Soc- Kemari.

Then Toukichirou asked Nobunaga to be our guider(coach), nobunaga accepts our offers and the challenge.

"The match will be held in 1 week, 7 days." Said Einam.

Then Wonderbat inform us that the exact day is the fool's day wich is a festival with an... Rowdy event? Anyway it's not important.

After this the protocol omega disappears and beta walks away from the crowd disappearing also leaving.

|Time skip/night time/hidden house|

You were outside behind the hidden house sitting on the floor watching the sky thinking about how you could beat the protocol omega.

Everyone were inside eating dinner, but you didn't felt like joining them right now.

You hear some footsteps coming toward you.


You turn around and see Fei.

"Oh, hi Fei." You smile at him.

"Why are you here all alone?" He asked and sat down next to you.

"I'm not really hungry, I guess.." You replied.

"Is there something bothering you?" Asked Fei.

"I'm worried that we can't beat the protocol omega.." You said with honesty.

"We have a whole week to practice! We'll become strong enough and beat them!" Smile Fei trying to cheer you up.

"You're right! I can't stay here and just think about the match! If I wanna win the only solution is PRACT-" Stomach growl.



"PFT-" Fei tried to hold his laugh.

"I think my stomach is also asking for food.." You said and sigh.

"Here." Fei hold a bowl with some tofu in it with chopsticks.

"Woah! Okatsu and Tasuke prepared these??" You asked eyes sparkling.

"Mhm! Now eat while its hot!" Said Fei.

"Thank you!" You said and took the bowl and chopsticks and started to eat happily.

"Slow down! You're gonna choke!" Said Fei.

"I don't choke this easily!" You said kept on eating.

"I'll bring some water in case." Teased Fei and stood up and walked inside the hidden house.

Now that I think about it, it's the first time you and Fei had a real conversation outside of soccer.

He sure is a caring boy, you should one day maybe give him a gift to thank him for helping you.

I mean, if he wasn't there you would have already lost to Alpha....

Alpha... I wonder where you are now, nobody from the protocol omega said exactly what happened to him.. And I was hoping to see him again and play real soccer with him.. Let's hope he's fine.

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