Book Ending

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Before this match started Tenma told us that he wasn't enough to be a captain, wich everyone denied except Kurama.

You wanted to slap Kurama for being this harsh to Tenma, but you didn't do it.

The match started but soon as the kick-off started we immediately lost the ball to the opponent as they immediately scored against us.


The first half ended as 0:2 since the opponent scored once again against us.

You drink some water and walked back to the field for the second half, Raimon starts the kick-off but the Perfect Cascade players all called out their Keshin and uses its armor.

After this they started to use rough play, if we tried to block them they would use the soccer ball as weapon to hit us, you couldn't stand there anymore and left your post as defender.

"Fei!" You shouted.

"[F/N]! Go back to your post!" Shouted Tenma.

"Come on!" You said ignoring Tenma.

Fei nod and pass the ball to you. "I'll score!" You said dribbling toward the opponent field.

But you got stopped by their defensive hissatsu, you get pushed back and fall on the ground.

You see the soccer ball rolling toward the lake and falls, the lakes started to shine, then something appears from the lake it is... Master dragon!

This time her colors are back to normal instead of dark, her eyes were shining.. She's.. Back to normal!

Your tears fell. "Master dragon! You're alive!" You said happily and ran toward her for a hug.

"Wait, [F/N]!" Said Tenma.

You hugged master dragon, a warm blue light shines around you, you close your eyes.

Your eyes open and see yourself on a white-pinkish area with master dragon.

"I am grateful to you, [F/N] [L/N], you and King Arthur saved me" A feminine voice could be heard, it was master dragon's

"Woah... You can speak?!" You asked in shocked.

"Yes, it's thanks to your feelings and the light of Excalibur cleared the darkness that shrouded my heart." Replied Master dragon.

"I see.." You said.

"You have something... Or someone you want to protect right?" Asked Master dragon.

"Someone..?" Your eyes widen.

"it is for him that you are fighting, a deep love that you keep immensely hidden." Continued Master dragon.

You see some flashbacks of this person you've been lately getting feelings toward to...

"You mean that.. I wasn't imagining things?" You asked holding your chest. Blushing a bit.

"No, I can feel you deeply love this person, but these feelings aren't enough for you to protect him. To protect them, you must enforce strength and wisdom." Said Master dragon.

"Enforce wisdom and strength?" You look at master dragon.

"You believed in me and tried to save me till the end, please allow me to offer my strenght and wisdom to help you protect this person." Said Master dragon and put her head toward you.

"I'll do my best to protect this... Person." You mumbled and hugged master dragon head, master dragon aura goes through your body.

Your hair becomes longer and becomes blonde (if you're character is already blonde then imagine it its white silver colored), your eyes became bright blue.

"Wield those powers to your heart's desire." Said Master dragon moving her head away and disappear in the lake.

"Thank you, Master dragon." You bowed then turn yourself to your teammates. "The real match starts now!" You said feeling the power and strength of Master dragon.

You walk Back to your position. "Oh gosh, I hope no one heard the conversation I had with Master dragon..." You thought.

The match resume as Perfect Cascade start the kick-off, they dodge Tenma and Taiyou and dribble toward you and Tove.

"I won't let you!" You said and runs toward the one who has the ball. "Sparkling illusion!" You said using your Mixi max hissatsu.

You steal the ball from your opponent and dribble toward the opponent field.

"Tenma!" You passed the ball to him. "Nothing can be done alone in soccer! We all have faith in you! Captain!" You said to him.

Tenma eyes widen, he nod then dribble toward the opponent goal.

These words opened Tenma mind about being what's called a real "captain" Tenma pass the ball to Taiyou and pass it to Nishiki.

Everyone told Tenma they he didn't needed to be an ideal captain to be the one, his quality was already enough to be OUR captain!

Wonderbat took the chance and Mixi maxed King Arthur's aura with Tenma's

Mixi max complete!

Tenma hair's grows longer like yours and became blond, Tenma uses a new hissatsu from the Mixi max and dodge his opponent's and score the first goal!


The match continued in our favor as we did three more score and won against the Perfect Cascade on the last seconds with a 4:3

We all celebrated it happily, Finally we've won against El Dorado strongest team!

The Perfect Cascade player's immediately left after their defeat, and.. That's where we say goodbye to King Arthur since we needed to leave.

You, Tenma and Aoi went to fill up the bottle of water on a lake, not so far from your teammates.

"I'm sorry if I worried yall." Said Tenma apologizing.

You and Aoi look at each other then chuckled.

"Eh..? What's so funny..?" Asked Tenma.

"You look more like a captain." You and Aoi said at the same time.

"Really..?" Asked Tenma surprised.

"You're amazing Tenma and [F/N]." Said someone.

"That's kind of you Aoi- wait... Aoi, when did your voice became deep?" You asked and look at Aoi.

"That isn't me..." Said Aoi.

"Huh?" You look around where the voice came from and.. Saw a boy on front of yall he was wearing orange colored outfit and has white hair, wearing boots also wearing goggles.

"Who are you?" Asked Tenma also noticing the stranger.

He take off his goggles and your eyes widen. "He looks like.." You said.

"Tenma.." finished Aoi.

"Perhaps we do, My name is Saryu Evan, everyone call me Saru." Introduced the stranger.

"Saru ?" It's not a common name.

"I came here to tell you something really important, it's about you and us,are you ready? We're-" Said Saru but suddenly a purple light surrounded you as you appear in a unknown room.

"Saru??" You looked around then see your teammates also there.

What's going on..?

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