Kirino Mixi Max

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"HOLD STILL!" you said.

"Gah ! I shot the wrong person!" Said Wonderbat.

But even if it was a mistake the Mixi maxed still worked.

I knew it, this Mixi max was perfect for Kirino! Kirino hairs becomes longer and blond, his eyes become the same as Jeanne's, glasses appeared on Kirino face.

"Woah.." You knew that Mixi max changed people appearance but gosh.. Kirino looks beautiful!

Kirino immediately steals the ball from gamma and pass it to Kyousuke, Kyousuke uses his Keshin armor shoot in the ball toward the goal.



Then with Kirino strategy, we all attacked and passed the ball to Shindou.

Shindou uses Nobunaga Mixi max and score the second point against the protocol omega 3.0



The match ended as Raimon wins the match, you didn't score any points but it made you relieved that your team won.

"[F/N] I.." Kirino walk up to you.

"Don't say anything, let's just say it's my way to say thank you to you." You smiled at him.

"But.. I didn't do anything?" Asked Kirino and turned back to normal.

"In your eyes yes, but in mine you've done something that made me change." You said.

Kirino smile at you.

Your face look toward Zanark who seems pissed, he appears his red sphere and made disappear the protocol omega 3.0 and the purple aura that was surrounding the field.

Then the army of Charles charged in the England castle.

"Zanark!" You shouted at him.

"Hm? Hmpf. You've won this time, but I won't go easy on your team next time." He Smirked and also disappeared.

"Wai-! Tch, he's gone." You clench your fist.

"Don't mind him." Said Kyousuke.

"Okay.." You said.

|King charles Castle/time skip|

The France army succeed to win against the England one, we were now on front of the King Charles who is congratulating us for our victory.

Then after this we walked outside to our caravan since our mission is done here.

You stood next to Tenma and the other's watching Kirino and Jeanne from afar.

"[F/N], how did you knew that Kirino was the person perfect to Mixi max with Jeanne?" Asked Fei coming toward you.

"Oh.. It was easy to tell, both of them had similar problems." You replied with a smile.

"Similar problems?" Asked Fei raising his eyebrow.

"Yup." You nodded then yawned.

"Tired?" Smile Fei.

"Yep... I think that all these war and Mixi max stuff made my brain tired.." You said.

"Pft, alright. Let's get in the Caravan so you can rest a bit." Chuckled Fei.

"Yey !" You said happily and walked in the caravan, you sat on the last seats behind the caravan to rest in peace.

Then you remembered... "Oh, they are still there." You said with a smile holding three candies from Jeanne that you haven't ate yet.

You ate one and put back the two other's back in your pocket, then you went for a small nap while time jumping.

|???/nobody pov|

Somewhere in a unknown place, there was Zanark sitting on a cutted half tree smirking while looking at his device for information about the Raimon team.

"Hm, Shindou Takuto. He has Nobunaga Aura.. And now Kirino Ranmaru with Jeanne d'arc aura. Then..." Zanark then see...

"[F/N] [L/N], Huh.. Can play any position? She was even able to see the power in Ranmaru. Interesting." Said Zanark.

Then some people with the same uniform as zanark appears behind him.

You can guess it, it's his teammates.

"I'll crush Raimon apart, then I'll question this [F/N]." Said Zanark and clenched his fist.

|Back to your pov|

You were practicing with your teammates in the soccer building, you've noticed that when they were out of the mind control of beta you noticed that Shinsuke was training as a goalkeeper.

It didn't bother you since atleast you were relieved to play the other position other than goalkeeper.

"[F/N]!" Shouted someone.

You look toward the sound and get attacked by a wild soccer ball, you immediately kick in it to avoid it to hit you.

The ball flies in the air but the unknown person who shouted your name jumped and gets the ball then land down on front of you.

"Hiya! Did I scared you?" Smiled Taiyou and winked at you.

"Taiyou!" You smiled happily seeing him but immediately stopped then stared at him. "Did you escape the hospital again?" You asked.

"Nope! I'm completely healed." He smiled at you.

"Huh? Wait, really?!" You said.

"Mhm!" He nod.

"That's great! We can play soccer again!" Your smile came back.

You then introduced Fei to Taiyou, but Taiyou says that he already knows everything since Gouenji told him everything.

That's why.. From now on. Taiyou is a member of our team!

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