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"It's decided! I'll be you all coach for this match!" Said Daisuke.

"Huh..? EH?!" You all said in shocked.

"But weren't you gonna tell us about how to form the Strongest eleven player's??" You ask.

"Eleven?" Ask your friend's.

"I'll save that for later, for now we need to win this match. The key to winning it is.. 3D!" Said Daisuke.


(No not 3D MEN'S).

Your team was half focused on the match but the half were thinking on what does 3D mean, defense? Dribbled? No. It would be too easy.

"Everyone! Connect to the scattered dots! Use all the space above the field!" Shouted our trainer Kidou.

You try to understand what Kidou meant but then BINGO! you got what he meant, you immediately do what Kidou ordered and let the defense open.

Shindou steal the ball and pass it to you, you run in the middle of the field then pass it to Kyousuke, each of your teammates pass the ball to dodge your opponent, the ball is now in the air waiting for someone to catch it.

"Let's go [F/N]! Just like in the museum!" Shout Nishiki.

"Museum?" you think for a moment and remember the dangerous action you did to grab the ladder.

"Ohh!" You nod and run toward Nishiki, Nishiki boost you up, you jump toward the Soccer ball and call out your Keshin this time it successfully appeared your Armor!

"Take this!" You shouted and kicked in the ball toward the opponent goal.



The match resumed as we scored once again and tied up against the protocol omega.


The match resume again you pass the ball to Kyousuke, he tried to appear his armor but fails.

"Hey pointy head! If there's nothing else you got, just eat your Keshin!" shouted Daisuke.

... What?

"Eat... His Keshin?" You look at Daisuke confused.

Even Kyousuke seem to be confused.

The match continued, you pass the ball to Kyousuke.

"Come on! You can do it!" you cheer Kyousuke.

Kyousuke nod at you and tries again, somehow it worked.. Was it because of Daisuke words? You didn't knew..
Kyousuke was wearing a real knight armor with a red cloak, he shoot in the ball and scored.



This score made Beta mad, she then used her mixi max and gave her aura to all her team members, they all gained more strength and pushed your teammates away, Einam pass the ball to beta.

Beta call out her Keshin armor and use her hissatsu to shoot, you run toward the goal and also call out your Keshin armor, you try to block her shoot with your leg but...

"Sorry.. I can't.. Block it!" Your Keshin armor disappear, you get hit by beta shoot and fall on the ground.



The following match was a disaster because of beta sharing her strength to all of her teammates we could stop them and lost against them to a 5:3.

Then beta uses this future device soccer and clicked on a button.

Lock on mode.

Beta shoot the ball in the sky toward Daisuke, Daisuke suddenly turned into a orange stone..

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