Nobunaga Aura

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On your way you found Shindou, you two explained hearing Tenma screaming then agreed to go toward the sound.

You three ran up to Tenma and Aoi with four other children's and a man with them.

"Tenma! Did something happen?" Ask Shindou.

"Yes, we ran into kidnappers, but he saved us from danger." replied Tenma then look at the man.

"This man?" Ask Kyousuke.

"Yes ! Um.. Uh.. " Respond Tenma.

"I'm Kinoshita Toukichirou!" Said the Man.

"Kinoshita Toukichirou ? I've heard of this name before.." Mumble Tenma.

Then... It pops in your head. Kinoshita Toukichirou is someone who later on will be named.. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, if you remember well your history lessons. He's the one who united Japan.

Later on the day, we talked a bit with Kinoshita Toukichirou explaining about our situation, we can say he understood a little bit? Anyway.

Wonderbat was able to find a place for us to sleep without getting spotted,then we decided with Daisuke that the one who will earn of Nobunaga Aura will be Shindou.

|Next day/Morning|

It was still earlie but we still needed to find a way to find Nobunaga and where he was at the moment.

While walking you see Tasuke coming out from the bushes with what seems to be his little sister. "[F/N]!" Said Tasuke while holding a bento in his hands, they both walk toward you and your team.

"This is my little sister Okatsu! Oh, by the way here!" Smile Tasuke giving you the bento.

"Huh ?" You open the bento.

"Food ?" You tilt your head confused

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"Food ?" You tilt your head confused.

"My big bro made it! I guarantee you it's really good!" Said Okatsu.

"I tried my very best to make it, as an apology for yesterday, I wanted you to try it." Said Tasuke.

Eh...? But I told you him it was nothing, oh well.. I can't say no to food!

"Thank you." You smile brightly at Tasuke.

"You're really popular around boy's even in this era." whispered Midori at you with a smug face.

This made you blush, you tried to hit Midori but she dodged.

|nobody pov|

Behind [F/N] there was a some jealousy going on~

|back to your pov|

"Good luck on your search, [F/N]!" Said Tasuke.

"Mhm!" You nod happily.

Then from far away you hear some horses noise, you look at the sound direction seen a group of people riding horse coming toward your way, they were holding huge red and yellow flags.

After some minutes you and friend's could finally see their face's, you all eyes widen when you notice it's.. Nobunaga Oda !

"[F/N]!" Whispered Tasuke, you notice him and sister crouching.

Riight, we need to bow at him.. You and your teammates immediately mimic Tasuke and her sister waiting for Nobunaga to pass by.

But it didn't actually went like we thought, he stop his horse in front of us.

He ask if we were imagawa's spies, Shindou goes on front of him bowing saying to him that we are just travelers.

Jeez.. This Nobunaga is scarier than in the book's that I read about him.

Nobunaga respond to Shindou saying that he will trust us for now, we were relieved.

But it didn't last long until that a wild horse comes out of nowhere and charge at the direction of Shindou, Tasuke and Okatsu.

But Nobunaga get down of his horse and his strength to push away the horses with force, the horse runs away scared on the other way.

"He sure isn't ordinary." Mumbled Kyousuke.

"Yep.." You mumbled too.

Then you notice Wonderbat taking out the mixi max and tries to take the aura of Nobunaga but a shield appeared blocking the mixi max from successfully taking his aura.

Then Wonderbat had to lie about the mixi max being fireworks staff for a festival, somehow Nobunaga trusted him and walked away with his horses and guards like that...

"This dude is really wise." You said.

"Why the mixi max didn't work though..." Mumbled Shindou.

You look at him, then tap his shoulder. "There must be a reason to it, don't worry." you smile at him.

Shindou nod and smile at you.

After some explanation from the doctor Aruno explained us that Nobunaga Aura was too huge compare to Shindou's, that's why Shindou needs to train to be able on taking Nobunaga's aura.

Then Okatsu ran toward us, telling us that there's still a chance of meeting Nobunaga Oda again.

And it's at...

"Banquet for Cherry blossom viewing?" You asked.

"That's the it!" Shout Wonderbat next to you (ouch your ears).

Then Wonderbat take out a plan of the banquet out of nowhere and start to create a plan for us to get Nobunaga's aura.

But we got interrupted by Okatsu's mother, she ran toward us saying that Tasuke went missing and got taken away by a men.

"We need to save him!" Said Tenma.

"But we don't know where they are.." Said Kyousuke.

"Right.. Why don't we ask Toukichirou?" You suggested.

"Right! He probably knows!" Said Tenma.

|Time skip/places ???|

Toukichirou took us to an unknown building, but it was the right one.

We saw the kidnappers from last time when you, Shindou and Kyousuke came from hearing Tenma's scream.

Your eyes widen when you see Beta from the protocol omega sitting on the boss chair.

"Give Tasuke back!" Ordered Tenma.

"Well... Maybe I'll give him back if you beat us." Said Beta.

"Is it really safe to play soccer in a world where it doesn't exist?" You asked.

"We have no choice [F/N].." Said Tenma.

"You're right.." You sigh.


You thought that you would have to go against the protocol omega 2.0 but instead, you were just going against the kidnappers.

Let's hope this will be less hard than fighting against the protocol omega.

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