Future With Saru

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|Third person pov|

"[F/N]? [F/N]!" Shouted someone.

You open yours eyes meeting some dark violet eyes of Saru.

"Oh, hey." You did a faded smile since it was still pretty early.

Ever since you've came back to your normal life, Saru would often come and visit you with El Dorado Time jumping stuff into your world.

Remember the favor you asked? Yeah that favor!

You asked him a favor and it was... To know about him more! Since you two are friend's now, why not start know each other more?

"Did I woke you up too earlie?" Asked Saru with a sad expression.

"Nah, it's okay!" You said and sit up.

"What should we do today?" Asked Saru.

"Hm, what would you like to do? Since yesterday I was the one who suggested to do some cooking with you!" You replied.

"Hm.. What would I wanna do... I know! How about we stay in your room and speak about some of our funny stories?" suggested Saru.

"Great idea! Atleast I don't have to change back to casual clothes to go outside." Yep, you are in your pajamas. But eh.. Who cares? I mean Saru has been visiting you a lot lately.

"Oh! I remember once I stopped a fight between Meia and..."

|Time skip|

You fell asleep by listening to Saru stories, Saru notices you sleeping and smiled then put the blanket on you.

"Have a nice dream [F/N]." Whispered Saru, then went back to his world.


You two have been friend's for 3 years, but some feelings has developed through your friendship... It was.. Weird for Saru.

"Knock knock !" Said Meia then opened the door of Saru room.

"Oh, hi Meia." Said Saru.

"What's wrong? You feel like you've seen a spider." Said Meia worried.

"It's about me and [F/N], I... I somehow can't look at her in the eyes without feeling this... Weird feeling! I never felt it before, I'm sure it's not friendship! Am I... Starting to hate her?!" Said Saru panicking.

"Describe me this feeling." Said Meia.

"Uh.. My face.. Turns red when I look at [F/N] and I-"

Meia gasp. "I know what you have!" Said Meia.

"What do I have?!" Ask Saru.

"Love sickness~" giggle Meia.

"It's not funny.. I'm being serious there.." Said Saru.

"I'm not joking! I'm serious." Said Meia.


"Yeah! It's like me and Giris! We both fell inlove and look we are cute couples! Maybe you like [F/N]?" Said Meia.

"How... Do I get this... Feeling out of my chest?" Said Saru.

"The only thing to do is to confess!" replied Meia.

"Confess..?" Saru thinks about it.

"Just don't rush! Make sure to-"

"I'll go talk to her!" Saru stand up and grabbed El Dorado sphere device.

"Wait Saru!-" Before Meia could even finish Saru already left.

"Jeez..." Mumbled Meia.

|Your room|

"I need to talk to you!" Shouted Saru.

[F/N] was eating some noodles while watching some animes, she pause her anime and eat the noodles quick as possible.

"What's up?" she said and throw the empty noodle box in the bin.

"I... I noticed something!" Said Saru.

"What is it?" Asked [F/N].

"I really like you!" Said Saru.

"Huh..? Aw! I like you too!" She said innocently.

"No! I meant... Love! Like Meia and Giris!" Said Saru correcting his line.

"...." [F/N] blinks.

"Huh...? [F/N]..?" Saru wave his hand on front of [F/N] face.

[F/N]'s face slowly turns red. "You... Aren't joking right..?" She asked.

"Is it a bit too soon..? Pretend I didn't say that i-" Saru tried to leave but [F/N] grab his arm.

Saru look at [F/N]. "Huh..?"

"I... Like you too.. I mean love!" She said blushing alot.

Saru suddenly felt happy then smiled and hugged her.

"I'm glad.. You.. Accept me." Said Saru happily.

"I didn't knew you had these kind of feelings toward me.." Said [F/N].

"I've been actually keeping them without knowing it was love." Chuckled Saru.

|Saru as a husband|

Saru showed a new side of him, soft.

He always make sure to keep you safe and always ask if you need anything, he's pretty much been a very supportive husband to you, no matter what choices you make he always tries to understand.

He often want to cuddle with you since he always see Giris and Meia doing it, it didn't bother you so you accepted.

You two often go on dates, but Saru often gets shy when you try to feed him, it always melt your heart when he does his best to make you happy.

Who proposed? Saru did! He prepared a romantic dinner for you two and took his opportunity to propose, you said yes happily.

That's your future with Saru as a husband!

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