The Last Power

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The second half starts, but Zanark wasn't moving, was he bluffing all this time or he's waiting?

You tried to stop Fei but he brutally hit you with the ball wich makes you fall on the ground, he did the same thing to your teammates on defense.

Then Zanark stops Fei and steals the ball, unlike last time Zanark didn't do any rough play and played fair, he even pass the ball to the others!

Then he told us who was Clara Jane.. It's the most dangerous hurricane, said Zanark then he told us he Mixi max with it.

"That's possible..?" You look at Hamano.

Hamano shrug.

Zanark also tell us that he heard someone voices from the Chrono stone, it must be... Coach Endou.

Then four of Garu player's surround Zanark who has the ball to stop him.

"guess I've talked a little bit too much, the weaker you are the louder you bark, but you know what's next right? I'm strong but I have a loud bark!" Then an light aura surround Zanark.

"Now that I have the ultimate power. I'll bark and bark and bark all over! Mixi trans! Super Zanark." Zanark Mixi max with Clara Jane, but only his hair and eyes color changes. (chapter picture).

"He really did Mixi max with a hurricane!" Said Hamano.

"That's... Impressive.." Your eyes widen, so that's how strong Zanark is.. But you immediately shake your head and ran to the front.

Zanark dodges his opponents with an incredible speed and pass it to you, you get the ball and see more opponents coming toward you so you pass it back to Zanark.

"Score!" You shouted.

Zanark face himself to the goal and uses a new hissatsu. "I resurrect it right here and now! Great max me."

The goalkeeper tries to block Zanark's shoot with his Keshin but he fails to.



Everyone was happy that we got our second score against Garu team, then Daisuke finally agrees that Zanark is the last eleven player we needed.

"We have to keep this score til the end of the match." Said Kirino to you.

"Understood!" You smiled at him.

"Seems like your happy again!" Said Tove to you.

"Of course, we'll win all together!" You said.

The match resume, this time everyone's spirit has brighten up that Kirino and Tove were both able to call out their Keshin and using their armor to defend the goal, this made you even wanted to do your maximum til the the end.

Shinsuke gets the ball and do a long pass to you, Fei comes on front of you trying to steal it.

"Do you see it Fei?" You asked while keeping the ball.

"See what?" replied Fei trying to steal the ball.

"That soccer bring happiness and not sadness because it's not something you use to do war." You smiled at him then pass the ball to Reiza.

Reiza pass the ball to Zanark, Zanark score another goal wich makes.


"Fei can you see that?" You asked to him.

Fei stayed speechless then he look toward the direction of Saru, you look at Saru then Fei, are they using telepathic powers to speak?

You went back to your position since the match was soon resuming, your team was mostly trying to defend the goal so we could keep the advantage of the score.

But something unexpected happens.

Your head started to hurt you badly, you lose balance of your body and falls on the ground, you hold your head in pain but when you tried to look up you also notice that you're teammates were having an some sort of headache like yours.

Fei walks toward you, his eyes were shining with a blue color, is he... Using his second stage power?!

"Fei... You said that... You won't use your powers.." You said with all the strength you had, but your pain got worsen. You felt like your head was going to split in half.

"F-fei! That's not the soccer you want.. Am I right?!" You continued even if you head was killing you mentally.

"[F/N]... I.. I'm your enemy!" Said Fei and dribbled away with the soccer ball.

You couldn't stop him because of how painful your head was doing to you.

But there was one person left... Ray! Since he's an android he probably can't feel human pain.

Ray uses his drive mod and call out his Keshin then uses his armor against the whole team of Garu.

But the Garu's players immediately destroyed Ray android system wich was hitting his weak spot on the head and made him stop functioning, no one from your team can move.

Garu's players took the opportunity and tied the score back to.


One of the Garu players pass the ball to Fei letting him doing the last goal.

But an adult voice could be heard from the spectators seats calling for Fei, suddenly the pain went away. You slowly stand up.

You look toward the spectator seats, you notice the same guy who took the chrono stone of coach Endou!



Your eyes widen, you look at the score
3:3 a tied...

You look at Fei and saw him fainted on the ground, you tried to approach him but the Garu's players stopped you from it, the man with a white hoodie carries Fei and walks away.

Then Saru come out and tell us that tomorrow, the final match will be done on this same stadium, everything will be deciding on tomorrow's match.

You didn't care about the tomorrow match all you wanted is to make sure was fine, so you went after the man who took Fei.

All your teammates followed you.

Then you all stopped when you saw the man face, his eye... Hair color.. Looks like Fei's...

Fei wakes up and look at the man. "Who are you..?" Asked Fei.

"I am Asurei Rune. Your father." Responded the man.

Everyone hear this and got shocked.

Asurei tried to explain his story and why he abandoned Fei to Feida, he was trying to protect Fei from El Dorado because he was one of the worker before, then he got worried for Fei and came back to Feida to watch over Fei.

But Fei didn't wanted to listen, Asurei tried to convince Fei to leave Feida, but Fei declines.

Then Kinako step in.

"Stop acting selfishly!" Said Kinako.

"That's none of your business Kinako! Why do you always go into my affairs!" Said Fei.

"Because... Fei you are... my son." Said Kinako.


You look at your teammates then think for some seconds.

"HEH ?!" You all shouted.

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