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|2 days later|

You and you team had a hard time with the adjust, the protocol omega player's dribble and passes were way too fast and blaming us for being too slow.

But except for that, it's going... Some sort of well?

But suddenly we got a call from the chairman, that the second stage children has attack some building, we all agreed to go confront them.

We all ran toward the  destroyed building that the ennemies attacked then... We all saw the second stage children, but your eyes widen when you see the Saru!

"Saru... You are a second stage children?!" You asked.

"Yes, I'm the emperor of Feida who rules the second stage children." Replied Saru.

"Emperor you mean... Leader ?" You said.

"Yep I am Feida's leader and soon I will be the world's leader." Said Saru.

"But.. What did you wanted to tell us??"

"I think you already know everything from El Dorado, so now. Let's start the preparations." Said Saru then raise his hand.

The second stage children's behind Saru raise their hands and snapped on their fingers, an purple aura surround them, the building pieces started to float and create something that looks like a...

Stadium surrounded with plans and buildings.

"Are we really going to fight these monsters?!" Shouted Kariya.

That's the power of the second stage children... Gosh this make you anxious more than you already were.

But they promised us to not use their power to show they superiority, but suddenly Fei faints next to you, you hold his arm before he falls on the ground.

"Fei?!" You shouted worried

Kinako and the other's went toward you checking Fei.

|El Dorado Room|

You all waited for Fei to wake up, mostly Kinako, she was so worried about Fei and rushed toward you.

You didn't understand why all the sudden he fainted like this... He was fine just some hours ago..

Then Fei woke up.

"Oh.. I blacked out." Said Fei.

Then we spoke about maybe that Saru and his friends did some sort of magic or something to make him faint, but why Fei though? He could've easily make faint the chairman or everyone of us.

Then we left the room letting Kinako and Fei have a moment, then you and your team went to a room to have a meeting.

We had no data about the second stage children so we just planned to play with our own soccer.

Tomorrow match will start with Kyousuke's team then Shindou's then if there's a tied between both team, it will yours to make entrance and win the last match.

You were walking in the hallways on your thoughts.


You raise your head and see Shindou. "Shindou? Aren't you in your meeting?" You asked.

"The meeting ended, since most of my teammates from El Dorado left." Replied Shindou.

"Even alpha ?" You asked.

Shindou nod, weird Alpha is that type of person to be serious and Stay till the end while.. Beta and Gamma are kind of obvious but.. Strange

"Do you want me to speak to them?" You asked.

"No, I'm the captain of this team, I'll find a solution to gather these three back." Respond Shindou.

"Even if you're not Raimon's captain you still act like a captain!" You chuckled.

"Hm, I guess." Smiled Shindou.

|The next day|

The crowd cheering for El dorado all around the stadium made by the first stage children, you and your teammates were sitting on a special seats for player's waiting for our turn to play.

The first match was about to begin, you clench both of your fist nervously.

"Kyousuke, good luck." You thought looking at Kyousuke.

On front of Kyousuke's team there was eleven players wearing a grey hoodie, when the match was about to begin they throw away their hoodie and reveals their faces to us.

Your eyes widen when you see... Zanark ?! How and why is he with the second stage children's? He's also the captain of the opposite team.

Now that you think about it more deeply.. His powerful aura, he must be a second stage children this whole time.

Then Zanark point at your direction.

"[F/N] [L/N]! I'll play seriously in this match to thank you and Nishiki from rescuing me!" Smirked Zanark.

"How is that suppose to be a 'thank you'?!" You thought.

The match started, the opponent didn't move of a single step.. Kyousuke tried to score with his Mixi max but the opponent goalie blocked it with one hand, then threw the ball back to Kyousuke.

"They have faith in their goalkeeper strength, that's why they aren't moving.." You mumbled worried.

Kyousuke tries with his Mixi max hissatsu but the goalkeeper still blocked it, then Kyousuke tried with his Keshin armor.

But still no use.. The goalkeeper also had a Keshin and blocked it with his hissatsu.

Then instead of playing soccer they started to gang up to Kyousuke and hit him with some tackles and stuff.

This ended up badly, you notice Kyousuke got injured on his leg because of the opponents attack.

You stand up from your seat.

"[F/N]? Where are you going?" Ask Shinsuke.

"Kyousuke is injured! I'll go switch out with him!" You responded and walked down the stairs to the stadium toward the bench.

"Kyousuke!" You shouted from the bench.

"[F/N]?!" Said Kyousuke noticing you.

"Please! Switch with me!" You said.

"No! I can still play!" Replied Kyousuke.

"No you can't! You can hardly even stand, please let me take your place!" You said trying to convince him.

"Please... [F/N].. Let. Me. Play." begged Kyousuke looking at you right in the eyes.

"..." You look down, you've never seen Kyousuke this determined, you slowly raise your head toward him then nod. "Okay.. Do your best Kyousuke." You said with a smile.

You walk back upstairs to watch the match and sat back down to your seat.

"What happened...?" Asked Tenma.

"He's gonna be fine..."You said.

"Huh?" Tenma look at you confused.

"Oh? I mean.. Nothing!" You said, you were actually on your thoughts you kinda spoke out loud accidently.

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