Second Match

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The second match started it was Shindou's team against the Giru, their captain was the girl that you met earlier in the waiting room.

The match started off really bad, Gamma, Beta, Alpha none of them followed Shindou orders.

Meia, Giris a perfect couple that have a perfect play and passes, these two are dangerous, they scored the first goal against Shindou's team.


The match on our side was a disaster nobody would listen to Shindou orders, not even Zanark was doing an effort on teamwork. All he does was tackling into the opponent or even hit them with the soccer ball, it goes the same way with his own teammates.

No, not only Zanark, but the whole team of Shindou none of them were doing a nice teamwork, it's all for themselves!

In the match, Meia and Giris called out their two Keshin together to score a goal 0:2.

The match was hard to watch, after some minutes the score went to 0:3, at the third score Shindou"s team goalie injured and couldn't stand up anymore.

Then.. Someone no.. Something walk on the field, your eyes widen.

It's literally Coach Endou but.. as a robot?! This robot was also wearing the goalkeeper uniform wich means, this robot will be keeping the goal from now on.

The first half ended, 0:3 they still have a chance to score back and win this match.

"This is stressing.." You said.

"They'll be fine! They'll win." Said Tenma with a smile.

Even in this situations Tenma can still smile... No negative thoughts! Tenma is right they'll win!

The second half starts.

But soon as it starts Zanark was still not going to trust his teammates and immediately do a long shoot wich fails because of how far he was from the goal.

The match resume but suddenly Shindou got called by the coach and told him something, you wonder what kind of information this coach told him.

The match continued and seems like Shindou has a plan.

Shindou uses a new hissatsu, an upgraded hissatsu of God's baton. "God's batton! Fire illusion!" Said Shindou.

Your eyes widen, Shindou finally succeed to make perfect passes to Gamma, Beta and Alpha, they didn't missed any of the pass like they did on the first half.

Then Alpha, Gamma, Beta united and create a new hissatsu you've never seen before.

"Shoot command 24! Omega attack!"

Thanks to this hissatsu led by Shindou God's batton it score for our favor 1:3, you smiled.

The match continued very well as they also catch up and tie to 3:3, there's not alot of minutes left. Meia and Giris tried to score but Mecha Endou(the robot) blocked it a penguin the hand, a hissatsu you've never seen before.


But Mecha Endou didn't last long because of how strong his hissatsu were, his robotic arms couldn't take it anymore, with his last strength he summoned a Keshin to block Giris and Meia Keshin's.

Mecha Endou explode and the ball got blocked but ends up in the air, there was no goalkeeper anymore!

Meia and Giris uses their hissatsu to score in the goal... But.. Someone blocked it. It was Zanark!

"Wow..." You said impressed, Zanark used his chest to protect the goal.

"What a troublesome guy.." Said Daisuke.

Then Zanark dribbled in a insane speed toward the opponent goal and succeeded to score the last goal with a normal shoot with no Keshin or Hissatsu 4:3


The match ended, your inhale and exhale, this match stressed you soo bad! You thought your little heart was going to stop for a moment.

"[F/N]?" Aoi stood up and walked toward you.

"Hm?" You look at her.

"Can you please come with me? I need to bring Daisuke to Zanark..." Said Aoi a bit scared.

"Oh.. Let's go then." You smiled and stood up.

"Mhm!" Smiled Aoi.

You walked where Zanark went and saw him standing there.

You tap Zanark shoulder.

"What?" He turn around and look at you and Aoi.

Aoi take out a small bag and Daisuke comes out from it.

"Stone grandpa, huh ? What? Impressed by my powerful skills?" Smirked Zanark so sure of himself.

"You haven't brought out all your full power yet! At that level, I would never consider you as one of the strongest in history!" Said Daisuke disappointed on the match.

So that's what he meant by "troublesome" back there in the spectator seats.

"I haven't brought out full of my power? Don't talk stupid!" Said Zanark.

"You don't get it!" Continued Daisuke.

"What?" Frown Zanark.

"You are afraid of the bucking stallion inside of you." Said Daisuke.

"Bucking stallion?" Asked Zanark a bit confused, well can't blame him since I also don't understand what he means.

"That's right, you are afraid of losing control of your powers just like in the past." Replied Daisuke.

Your eyes widen, that's it, you understood now, then Daisuke tried to provoke Zanark to force Zanark to master his powers on his own.

Zanark accepted this challenge from Daisuke and left on his red vehicle and disappeared.

"Is it really a good idea to let him go in the wild like that? Who knows when he'll come back.." You said.

"There's no way of knowing if we don't let him go." Respond Daisuke.

"I guess.." You said.

.  .  .

"RIGHT!" You yelled.

"What's w-wrong ?" stuttered Aoi that got scared by your shout.

"It's soon my turn to go fight against the second stage children! I need to go change uniform!!" You said and ran away.

"Wait! [F/N]!" Then Aoi chased after you.

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