#9 & #10

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9# A fantastic Libero with the ferocity of a beast and the wisdom of a sage.

10# A king of midfielder who makes even with the earth his friend with absolute courage and unwavering ability to get things done.

"Our next target is... Master dragon and King Arthur!" Said Daisuke.

We all eyes widen and our mouth opened.

"Master dragon..." Said Kariya.

"And King Arthur..?" Finished Kurama.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Asked Daisuke.

"Are you being serious?" Asked Kariya not so sure if Daisuke was a either joking or serious.

Master dragon and King Arthur is a very well known story or even series created in the medieval time, everyone must have atleast heard of it once.

Haruna showed us the book and everything of the story, dragon, curses, knights, adventures, fairy.

But still, going into a fairytail is crazy, atleast going in the future, past, present is logical but... Into a fairytail will be quite.. Hard.

Suddenly doctor Aruno as always appears out of nowhere and tell us that it is possible! By finding the perfect artefact for it.

But we soon started to lose hope since there's no way people like us could easily find an artefact like in the fairytail-

"I do! A rich relative of mine collect old artefacts! I heard he got the King Arthur crown! I'll go borrow it." Said Kinako then left the soccer building.

You found that a bit suspicious, but we can't say no since it's our only way to get into this... Fairy tail.

Kinako came back after an hour and showed us an old crown, also this time we will be jump time as thirteen! Not eleven.

We all rushed in the Caravan to not waste anymore time, but we waited a bit for Fei and Kinako, you wonder what they both were doing but anyway.

You all time jumped, you are sitting next to the girls. Aoi, Akane, Midori talking about the ending of the book.

"Let's hope everything goes we--"


The caravan goes wild, the caravan alerm activates wich make the lights turn red and lots of alert screens titles on front.

"What happened?!" Asked Nishiki.

"I don't know, maybe something happened to the navigation equipment!" responded Fei.

"it was reckless of us to use a suspicious artefact to time jump!" Said Kariya.

"The crown is real! I'm telling you!" Said Kinako.

"Maybe it was thoughtless of us to try going into a fairytail?" Said Kirino.

"Are we sure it's not because of the passenger limit?" Asked Kurama.

"It's not the time to joke Kurama!" you panicked.

"No use ! I can't control it!" Shouted Wonderbat.

Then everything went blurry..

You slowly open yours eyes, you yawned then stretched.

"Wait a minute..." You look around seeing yourself in a rather large room on comfy bed.

".  .  . Where I am?!" You shouted.

You stood up then analyse the room you were in, a small desk made of wood then a closet with some clothes and.. A knight armor.

Then look on your left next to the closet seeing a HUGE sword, okay.

"So I am in the book right..?" You look around, you tried to find clues on where you are then... You notice there's a window! With no glasses though.


Knock knock.

"come in?" You weren't sure who it was.

"this voice... [F/N]?!"

Your eyes widen when you see Kirino in a knight armor, you ran toward him for a hug.

"I thought I was alone! I'm so glad you're safe!" You said happily.

"Don't worry, we're not alone. Shindou and the other's are also here." Smiled Kirino and hugged you back.

"Really..?" You look at him.

Kirino nod then break the hug. "Looks like you are also a knight of the round table." Said Kirino looking at the opened closet with an armor in it.

"Round table..? You mean that.." Your said realizing that.. Armor.. The sword everything..

"Yeah, we've been put as the characters IN the book." Said Kirino.

"I see.. So each of us has a role to play?" You said.

"Yeah, put your armor and come down to the courtyard, King Arthur is waiting for us to welcome the main character." Said Kirino.

"Oh! I wonder who's the main character!" You said excited.

"I'll wait you down there." Said Kirino and closed the door leaving.

You nod then look at the armor. "Okay, you've already learned how to wear these in Jeanne d'arc era." You sigh then put the armor on and took the sword with you and walked toward the courtyard.

You saw, Shindou, Kyousuke, Taiyou, Kirino, Kurama, Shinsuke, Tove, Kariya, Nishiki in the same armor as yours.

"[F/N]!" Said Happily Kinako happy to see you.

"Kinako! Everyone." You smiled glad they are all fine.

"Looks like all the knights of the round table is finally here." Said Shindou.

"Looks like it." Said Kyousuke.

"Let's go, we have to greet our.. Main character's." Smirked Kariya.

"Let's go ! Can't wait to see who's the main character and the second knight and... Servant." You said but you already got the idea of who's the servant, you then look at Shindou.

"Oh ! Shindou is the leader of the knights of the round table!" You said.

"Yeah." Said Kirino.

"I mean, a old captain can still be a leader right?" Smiled Nishiki.

You all nodded.

We all walked out of the building and waited for our time, you notice the main character is... Tenma ! The second knight is Fei and... The servant.

"Pft-" you tried hold your laugh.

"What's wrong?" Ask Nishiki.

"The servant is... Wonderbat !" You chuckled silently trying to make less noises as possible.

They all sweatdropped at you.

Then it was our time to appear, we all walked toward Tenma, Fei and Wonderbat introducing us as the...

"Knights of the Round Table!"

You all came with a serious face, acting wasn't the best thing you could do but for the sake of this book we needed to act so nothing mess up.

"We are the knights of the Round Table, here we shall test whether or not you are worthy to be our comrade-in-arms!" Said Shindou with a very well act.

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