Mission Complete

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"Fei, you're my son!" Said Kinako finally revealing her identity.

So.. Ever since the beginning his both parents were watching over him..

"that's why Kinako knew so much thing about me.. But what's the point of telling me this now? I.. Even if I quit Feida.. I have nowhere to go." Said Fei.

"That's a big lie you say." You said then everyone look at you.

"[F/N]..?" Fei look at you.

"Your home is right there, everyone came to make sure you were fine! Wich means we all cared even if you left us for Feida. Your our friend." You said with a smile.

"No matter what happens, your home is here." Said Tenma standing next to you.

"See! I'm not the only one who waited for you to come back!" You said.

Fei was tried to hold his tears, he then walks toward the exit.

"We'll be waiting for you!" You shouted.

Fei nod then left.

|Some hours later|

"Here's the confettis everyone !" You said giving the confetti to Tenma, Aoi, Wonderbat and others.

"Thank you [F/N]!" Smiled Aoi.

"Shh! I hear footsteps! Whispered Nishiki, then we all stood there on front of the door.

The doors open and you all throw the confetti at Fei.

"Welcome!" Everyone said welcoming back Fei.

"What's this?" Ask Fei surprised.

"Midori came up with the idea!" Said Tenma.

"If we're going to welcome you back, it might as well be a party!" Said Midori.

After this small welcome, Daisuke came out and told us that we've finally gathered the strongest eleven of history.

1: Shindou--Nobunaga
2: Kirino--Jeanne
3: Taiyou--Kongming
4: Shinsuke--Liu
5: Nishiki--Ryouma
6: Kyousuke--Okita
7: Tove--Quetzalcoat
8: Fei--Big
9: [F/N]--Master Dragon
10: Tenma--King Arthur
11: Zanark--Clara Jane

"That's right! We do have all of them!" Said Shinsuke finally realizing that.

"Wait, wait ! Let's make sure we didn't miss anyone." Said Midori to Aoi and Akane.

Then they started to count to make sure we are perfectly 11 and yep! We are indeed 11.

Then we decided to name the team that'll fight against Feida team as.... Chrono stone!

"But what about Alpha, Beta and gamma? They did fought with us in the Ragnarok's!" You said.

Talking about them they just appeared right on time on front of our door.

"We asked the chairman a favor." Said Alpha.

"Favor?" You look at the trio.

"We will let you all eleven play the match of tomorrow, but we have only one request." Said Alpha.

"Wich is ?" Asked Tenma.

"I wish for you all to protect our soccer." replied Alpha.

"Our..?" Your eyes widen, then Alpha did a small smile to you.

Your tears started to fall off your cheek.

"OI! Alpha! You made her cry!" Said Gamma to Alpha.

"Is my smile scary [F/N]..?" Asked Alpha confused.

"You boy's really suck at smiling." Said Beta.

"No, no! It's... Happy tears.." You said with a smile then tried to dry your tears.

"I'm sorry.." Said Alpha.

"Don't be! I would love to see you three smile more." You said to them.

"She mostly meant mine." Said Gamma.

"Don't even dream, she meant me!" Said Beta.

And here they goes again, you sigh then walk toward them. "I meant all of you three!" You said.

"... Understood." Both Gamma and Beta said.

You still don't know how these three ended up liking being around you now.. But oh well! It doesn't bother you.

|The next day/morning|

The next day the chairman and El Dorado coach gave us every single information they had to help us beat Feida's team.

Even some ears cover to counter their powers.

"The coach of this match will be..." Said The chairman.

"The chairm-" Said Wonderbat but something stomp on him, you all look behind and see... Doctor Asuno?!

"Is he our coach?" you asked.

"Nope! Not me." Smiled the doctor Asuno.

"Then, who is it..?" you asked confused.

"Him." Said Fei and took out Endou's chrono stone.

Then a weird machine appears in the room, seems like Doctor Asuno made it, then Fei put the chrono stone in it.

You all waited to see Endou coming back but.. The machine didn't work..?

"Are you sure this thing work?" Said Midori then hit it with her foot.

Then an alarm sound started, as the machine screen becomes red.

"Midori!" You shouted.

"Not my fault!" Shout back Midori.

Then the machine explode, the light turned off for some seconds then turned back on.

"That's bad! Coach Endou chrono stone is still in there!" You said.

"Wait [F/N]!" Said Kyousuke.

"Huh?" You stand up and look toward the machine, lots of dust comes out.. But there was a human shadow in it.

"Hey everyone!" The dust fades as you all see Endou!

Everyone went to greet him and gathered around him.

"You aren't going to speak to him?" Asked Kyousuke.

"I am, but later." You smiled.

Kyousuke smiled too and stood next to you waiting for the others.

Then we all decided that our coach will be none other than Endou mamoru.

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