Saving Soccer!

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The caravan land down on front of the soccer building, Just as they said they were demolishing the building because of the law.

This is getting hard every time, soccer is slowly disappearing and none of us except me can use the Keshin Armor and we are low in numbers, that's why we'll only be using duplicates for now..

And we can't practice in a open space or we'll be immediately arrested for breaking the law.

"What should we do.." You mumbled.

"I know! We can use the holy book of champions!" Shout Wonderbat.

Everyone look at Wonderbat a bit confused.

"What's a holy book of champions?" Ask Tenma.

"It's a book that contains secrets on how to create the strongest soccer team in the history!" Reply Wonderbat.

"That's neat!" Say Nishiki.

"Hold on! The holy book of champions is an exhibit at the soccer museum 200 years from now." said Fei.

"But.. If that book is from the futur, wouldn't El Dorado already have it to create their strongest team?" You ask crossing your arm.

"That's true.." Said Tenma.

Oh oh!

"The holy book of champions is written in a code that is indecipherable!" Said doctor Aruno coming out of nowhere just like last time.

Then he explained to us that the person who's name is Master D wrote this book and nobody was able to read it, before you and your friend's question Doctor Aruno already disappeared..

Wonderbat encourage us to go get this book hoping we find master D and create this "strongest" team, time for another time travel!

Before we go we prepared a plan, gosh it feels weird to steal something precious to save soccer..

Anyway the plan for short is GET THE BOOK WITHOUT GETTING CAUGH!

|200 years in the future/Soccer museum|

Fei put his communication device on his cheek to speak to Wonderbat, this teddy bear will be hacking the system of this museum and we'll do our best to steal the book.

Thanks to Fei devices we were able to infiltrate inside the building without getting seen.

But one of the door wasn't opening so we took the... Ducts..

"Are we really gonna go in the ducts...?" You ask.

"Sadly yes, we can't waste more time." Said Fei.

You sigh."fine, then I'll go in last." you said.

"Why?" Ask Nishiki.

"To watch the surrounding, I'm the only one who can use a Keshin armor, since we are in the future their 'guards' must be robots or something." You said.

"Oh okay then." they said and one by one went into the ducts.

Nishiki grab your hand to help you get in, you all crouched your way to the exit but you all meet face to a room with a HUGE space but with only a way out.

The only way out was the ladder on top of us, we did the leg up, you were on top trying to reach the ladder.

"Tsk, I can't reach it! I'm too small!" You said angered at your small height.

"What should we do?" Asked Shindou.

"I'll do a risky move so prepare yourselves!" You said.

"What kind of-- WOA-" Asked Tenma but he got interrupt by you.

You jumped and succeeded to grab the ladder, but you saw your friends about to fall but they didn't let go of each other and didn't fall into this deep hole, you almost got an heart attack by watching it.

You let go of the ladder and help them up, you sigh in relieve. Gosh you've never felt this much stress in just some seconds.

"That was close, thank goodness." Said Tenma.

"My heart almost stopped.." Said Nishiki.

"Im sorry, forgive me! I'll never something this dangerous again!" You bowed at them multiple times.

"Don't worry, we are all fine that's what it matters okay?" Said Shindou.

"True." add Kyousuke.

You all climbed the ladder and went back into another ducts, it leads us to another room with a locked door but this time Wonderbat was able to open, but we immediately hide ourselves when we saw these robots guarding the path we were about to use.

We then decided to use another path and arrived FINALLY in the last room where we all see this Book but it wasn't this easy, there was two security system protecting the book, one with an shield protecting the book from outside and the second red lasers.

Wonderbat send the code to Fei but only of the security went off, the second one was still there. You then carefully watched the system, if we wanted to get this book someone had to dodge these lasers.

"Tenma, you can dodge these like you do with your hissatsu!" You said.

"Huh ? Me?!" He point at himself.

"Come on! we don't have much time left!" You said.

"O-Okay !" Tenma directly went in the lasers and just as you thought he succeeded to dodge them and take the book, but.. It wasn't this easy, the book slip out of Tenma hands and activate the security system.

!!!! We have intruders, They took the Holy book of champions !!!!

Fei grab the book and shout. "Let's get out!"

Everyone followed Fei and dodge most of the robots, we end up a empty room.

"What's this place?" You look around.

Then suddenly you hear something, you look on the floor seeing some mark in the floor.

You immediately step back, you and your friend's except Fei suddenly get surround by an electric wave blocking you from leaving the area.

The area turn itself into a soccer field, Fei tries to join the team but he got pushed away by the electric wave.

"welcome to the soccer battle simulation room." said a feminine robotic voice.

Some robots walk in the soccer field, looks like we need to win against them.

This is hard, no one here except you has enough experience to be a goalkeeper, the only problem is that you were also the only person able to use a Keshin armor.

Should I play it safe or not? But I promised I wouldn't do something dangerous again..

"[F/N]! We can't waste more time! Play as a libero!" Shout Fei.

"Libero ? You're crazy! Who's gonna keep the goal then?!" You shout back.

"Trust me!" he shouted back.

Jeez.. Fine, let's listen to him.

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