Soccer In The Past

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|Some minutes ago|

"Hello!" Said Nishiki opening the door of the White deer clan building.

You all see Tasuke and his friends tied with a rope surrounded by some men's.

"Give Tasuke and the other's back!" Ordered Tenma.

Suddenly the candles turn in and by their light you see Beta from the protocol omega sitting on the boss chair on front of the White deer clan members.

Beta challenge us to play against her team in a soccer match, if we win. We get Tasuke and others back. If we lose.. We must follow beta orders.

Tenma accept her challenge.

"But we need five more player's." Said Nishiki.

"Fei can create duplicates, right?" You ask to Fei.

Fei nod at you as a response.

But then Toukichirou interrupt you and Fei then counts Tasuke friend's number. "There's exactly five here, why not let them join you?" Said Toukichirou pointing at Tasuke and his friend's.

"What do you think Fei?" You ask.

"If they join us I can concentrate on my own play." Said Fei.

"Then it's decide-"

"How dare you all choose without your coach!" Said Wonderbat.

"What? Is it a bad idea?" You ask tilting your head.

".... No! We'll go with it." Respond Wonderbat.


The match started but there was one problem.. Nobody told Tasuke and his friend how to play soccer!

The white deer were able to score against you because of their shoot strength.


"Their shoot are strong.." Beta probably gave them her power.

Your hands are still shaking from trying to block the shoot, this shoot was so fast that you didn't had time to call out your Keshin.

The first half ended as 0:2, these white deer guy's are tougher than you thought.

For the second half Toukichirou gave Tasuke and his friend's a tactic to steal the ball from the opponent, it actually worked!

Then Raimon counter attacked and passed the ball to Kyousuke, he call out his Keshin armor and scored!


This amazing teamwork made you want to give it all you had.

The match resume as The white deer gang do the Kick-off and immediately dodge your teammates dribbling toward you.

They use again their hissatsu that they used to be score against you twice.

"I won't let you score anymore!" You said and waited for the perfect timing to call out your Keshin and use your armor.

You raise your hand toward the soccer ball and blocked it with a single hand.

You Smirked. "Shindou !" You shouted and pass the ball to him.

Shindou nod and gets the ball then uses his hissatsu tactics "God's Baton!"

Shindou lead his teammates to the opponent goal and pass the ball to Nishiki who score by using his Keshin against the opponent.


After this second score beta walked away giving up on her team.

|Time skip|


Raimon make a huge comeback against the white deer gang by winning.

Then we stopped the white deer gang from escaping and asked them where was the other children's they kidnapped.

"Lord imagaway ordered us to kidnap children's to turn them into soldiers." Answered the gang.

"Turn children's into soldier's?! That's unforgivable!" Said Nishiki angered.

"That's the sad reality of this era.." You said clenching your fist.

After questioning them and got all our answers we went back to the hidden house to eat and rest a bit after this match.

Well... After dinner everyone went to sleep, except for you.

You slowly opened your eyes then sit up making sure to not make noises, you look at your teammates peacefully sleeping.

You didn't wanted to wake them up so you tiptoe out of the house to train, you walked a bit far from the house and started to juggle with the soccer ball trying to think of a plan on how to get in the Banquet for Cherry blossom viewing.

"You're very good, it's like you're dancing with the moon." This voice is... Tasuke.

You stop juggling and face yourself toward Tasuke.

"Tasuke..?" You said a bit shocked, how did he found you out there?

"You can't sleep right?" Ask Tasuke.

You nod and pick up your soccer ball.

"Is there something troubling you?"

"Not really, I just... I'm just thinking on how we can meet again nobunaga." You replied.

"I see... So, once you meet Nobunaga you will leave right...?" Said Tasuke a bit sad.


He blush a bit then look away. "It's just that.. I would be sad to not be able to saw your...'Soccer' dance(he means play) anymore." He said.

"Tasuke... Well-"

"[F/N]!" Shout Shindou from the bushes.

"Wh-where do you come from?!" You asked scared by the sudden appearance.

"I found a solution to get in the Banquet for Cherry blossom viewing!" Said Shindou with a smile.


|Back in the hidden house.|

"EH?!" Everyone shouted.

"You want us to dress up as dancers?!" Ask Tenma.

"This is our best option!" Said Akane agreeing with Shindou.

"What a wonderful idea!" Said Nishiki also agreeing.

"Then it's decided! We'll dress up as cute dancers and get in this Banquet for Cherry blossom viewing!" Said Wonderbat.

"Are we really going to do that...?"Ask Tenma not so sure about this.

I'm still wondering why was Shindou in the bushes back there... Was he spying on me and Tasuke?

|Some minutes ago/Nobody pov|

Shindou wake up from hearing some footsteps, he slowly open his eyes and see [F/N] leaving the house.

He sit up quickly then notice Tsuguri was also awake.



They both stare at each other then Tsuguri acts like he didn't saw anything and went back to sleep.

"Is this your way of saying I should go follow her..?" whispered Shindou.

Then you know the rest!

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