Special Keshin's

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The match started as Raimon do the kick-off, Raimon was able to catch up the team Perfect Cascade, then all your teammates used their Mixi max to counter the opponent but...

"It's no use." Said Ray then called out a... Plasma Keshin...?!

This plasma Keshin had this horror movie design, its scary..

Ray uses his Keshin strength and steal the ball from Tenma then pass it to his teammates, the opponent also has the same plasma Keshin as his captain.

The opponent shoot and succeeded to pass Shinsuke Mixi max.



The match continued like this in favor of Perfect Cascade they continued on scoring by using their new hissatsu Tactics against us, then some wild Dinosaur interrupted the soccer match by running everywhere.

You look up and see a sphere device brainwashing the dinosaur.

The score right now is 0:7 if these dinosaur keep running we'll 100% be sure to lose this match.

"Stop these dinosaur! I'll take care of this one!" You said pointing at the flying dinosaur.

"But he's flying [F/N]!" Said Taiyou.

"And? I did jumped high enough to pass you." You smiled then jumped.

"be careful!" Shouted Tenma.

You nod. "[K/N]! Armor!" You shouted and wear your armor then land on the back of the dinosaur. "Let's go!" You walk toward it's head and grabbed it to move where it's gonna fly at.

Meanwhile down there your teammates were using the soccer ball to hit the Dinosaur on the ground and succeeded to make them snap out of this brainwash.

"[F/N]!" Fei shouted and did a long pass toward you.

You jumped off the dinosaur then shoot the ball toward him, it hits the dinosaur and makes it wake up from the brainwash.

The only problem is... YOU'RE FALLING!

You were about to hit the ground until that the flying dinosaur comes to the rescue, you land back on his back.

"Huh? Woah! Thank you!" You smiled happily.

The dinosaur land back to on the ground and let you go down, then flies away after you landed down.

Even after this interruption of the dinosaurs the match continued on, 0:9. We're losing!

But then it got interrupted once again by... Death horn, coming behind the rocks he charge toward Fei who was on the ground, after getting pushes away by one of the Perfect Cascade player.

But Big bite death horn neck and block Death horn way from interfere with the match.

You walk up to Fei. "Take my hand!" You said and held out your hand, Fei immediately grab it, you help him up and continued the match.

"We won't waste Big effort!" Said Fei.

You nod, the match continued on but both Fei and Kinako were having a struggle to make no hesitation passes.

But... While observing these two, you noticed that Kinako has been trying to speak to Fei about... His Keshin.. Does Fei.. Has a Keshin this whole time?

The match resume but Kinako and Fei were both talking while you and your teammates tried to steal the ball back, what are they doing?!

"[F/N]!" Shindou pass the ball to you.

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