Future With Fei

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The most voted character is Fei!]

|You are 18 years old|

What have you become? I'll tell you that.

You've become a professional player in soccer and graduated from your school, what happened between you and the other's?

You all took your own paths and promised to meet again one day in the soccer stadium as rivals in a soccer league.

After practice you walked toward your home, are you still living with your sister and auntie? Yes and no.

Your sister grew and has a boyfriend and soon both of them are gonna get married, so you and your auntie are the only ones living in the same roof now.

But it doesn't deplease you since now you can speak lot more often with your auntie, but you often missed your big sister teasings.

You were on your way home until something unexpected happens.

"[F/N]!" Shouted someone your name, you look around seeing no one around.

"Up there!"

You look up and see a... Familiar Caravan.. It's.. Your eyes widen, you see Fei waving at you from the caravan window.

"F-Fei?!" You shouted.

The caravan land down, Fei turn it invisible and runs up to you.

"[F/N]!" Fei hug you, Fei has grown a lot, last time you saw him you both were almost at the same height now you're literally at his chest.

"H-how are you here?!" You asked surprised by the sudden visit from your future friend.

"From the Caravan, of course silly!" Said Fei and breaks the hug.

"But.. Isn't that gonna cause something to the future?" You asked.

"Nope, since we already know each other in this time-line." He said with a bright smile.

"Oh, I see. Then how are you? You've grown!" You said.

"I've been doing well! Me and my friend's are living like normal human beings, you grew taller too!" Replied Fei.

"Nah.. You're still taller! Anyway, what's up with this sudden visit? It's been 5 years!" You said.

"Actually... I was getting bored and.. I miss you and the other's so much.." He replied.

"Aw.. Then.. Come !" You held out your hand to Fei.

"Come?" Asked Fei tilted his head.

"I'll show you my favorite place to practice soccer!" You said with a smile.

Fei nod he then put his hand on yours, you hold his hand and started to walk.

"What about you? How you've been?" Asked Fei.

"I've been doing fine, you must know since in your time you have more technology than I have." You respond.

"I didn't wanted to get into your privacy.." Said Fei.

Fei hasn't change a bit, it made you feel nostalgia.

You two arrived at the riverbank.

"This place?" Asked Fei.

"Not only that!" You said and grab a soccer ball out of the bushes.

"You've never showed me this before!" Said Fei, with his eyes widen open.

"Of course! We we're too busy saving Soccer that I didn't even showed you everything back then." You smiled then pass the ball to Fei.

Fei catches it. "Riiight, my bad." Sweatdrop Fei.

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