Fierce Attack

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Is there something bothering Shinsuke..?

The match resume as Raimon do the kick-off, Kyousuke pass the ball to Nishiki

"Denrai Houtou!" Said Nishiki and shoot in the ball with his hissatsu.

But surprisingly the doll blocked it with his hissatsu and passes it to its forward, the doll uses the hissatsu and shoot toward the goal.
Shinsuke tries to block it but the ball only slightly touched his hand.

You arrive in time between the goal and the soccer ball. "[H/N]!" You used your new defensive hissatsu and blocked the shoot with your leg then throw it out of the field.

"That's awesome, [F/N]!" Said Tenma to you.

"I didn't knew you could learn this fast a new hissatsu in this kind of situation." Said Kirino.

"Hehe, I practice while yall don't watch." You smiled.

"Thank you.." Said Shinsuke toward you with a sad tone.

"Don't worry! It was thank to you I could've block it in time!" You said to Shinsuke.

Phew... Running all the way to the goal made you a bit tired, your stamina is getting worse, I really need to practice more or I'll slowly be a burden to the team.

The match continued, since we noticed that Shinsuke was hesitant Kirino and Shindou did their best to block the shoots for Shinsuke.

Until that all of us started to get tired unlike these dolls, humans have limited energy, the doll dribble toward Shinsuke once again to try to goal.

"if you're feeling indecisive then fly!" Shouted Liu to Shinsuke.

"Huh ??" Shinsuke look at Liu confused.

"no matter wich way it comes, thinking about it first only wastes time! So leave it all to luck and fly!" Shouted Liu.

"Leave it to luck?! That's so irresponsible!" Shouted back Shinsuke.

"It isn't! I'm just telling you to let time go by! If you don't make a descision you'll lose everything! Shinsuke! Isn't there something you want to protect?!" Said Liu.

The doll uses his Hissatsu and shoot toward the goal, your eyes widen when you see Shinsuke using a new hissatsu "Full throttle Punch!" and blocked the ball.

Impressive, seems like your spotlight got stolen by Shinsuke, YOU'RE SO PROUD OF HIM!

Shinsuke then pass it to Tenma then Nishiki then to Taiyou.

Taiyou call out his Keshin and uses a Hissatsu Keshin then scored at the last seconds of the end of the match.



"You did it Taiyou!" You smiled at him.

"I'm glad to help everyone." He said.

"Everyone! Let's go see Kongming!" Said Liu, we all nodded and followed him.

Liu open the door of the exit, you all end up in a beautiful place with trees, mountains and flowers and grass.

In the middle of this beautiful place we see a woman wearing a traditional Chinese clothing with light purple colored.

You all walked up to the woman, no. This woman IS Kongming, well.. You thought it was a man though...

Liu bei tried to convince Kongming by explaining everything hoping she will join his side but seems like she doesn't  to be interested at all.

"Seems it will be hard to explain her how the Mixi max work." whispered Kirino.

"I don't think she'll even listen to us." whispered back Shindou.

"I already know what you all want from me." Said Kongming then look on the left.

You all look where she's looking at and... It's Wonderbat pointing the Mixi max at her..

You all sweatdrop at Wonderbat action,Wonderbat immediately put away the Mixi max from Kongming.

Liu tries to convince Kongming once again but you heard a unexpected sound of a motor and seems like you're not the only one.

"He's coming." Said Fei.

"He?" Wait... He.. Is it..?

Then the sound is coming more closer, you see a red vehicle that looks like a motorcycle landing on the grass and flowers, well actually it's floating, you glared at the person who's none other than Zanark.

Zanark land on the grass and appear his red sphere and appeared his teammates that you've met in Kongming's first floor estate.

"I've brought my friends with me this time, our team name is Zanark Domain." Said Zanark.

"[F/N]..?" Taiyou look at you worried.

"Huh ?" You notice that your hand started to shake again, am I... Scared of this guy? No, it can't possible, I've met the worst player's in fifth sector how come this dude coming out-of nowhere can scare me?

"I'm fine.. It happens times to times." You faked smiled and hide your hand in your pocket.

"Okay.." replied Taiyou.

Zanark uses his sphere to create a field on the beautiful place of Kongming nature.

Your team ask Liu to be our coach, Liu gladly accepts, Wonderbat cries again in the background.

You and your teammates warned to Taiyou about how strong these people from El Dorado are.

Then we all walked in the field in our normal positions, you were a forward and seems like Zanark also plays as a forward in his team.

You pass the ball Kyousuke for the kick-off and followed your teammates, but while following you hear Zanark counting.. But for what?


You look at your teammates observing what's going on then you notice...


He's waiting for all of us to get the ball?!


"Nishiko don't pass the ball to Shindou!" You shouted.

"Huh ?" Nishiko didn't hear you clearly and too late he passed the ball to Shindou.


"Too late!" Said Zanark and tackled brutally Shindou away and gets the ball.

"Consider this as a greeting! You all got to get the ball, be grateful!" Said Zanark.

You run up to Shindou. "Are you okay?!" You asked worried checking if he had any injuries.

"I'm fine.. Stay in your position!" Said Shindou.

"Oh, right. There's one left who didn't got to touch the ball." Zanark look at Shinsuke.

Zanark disappear and appears in the sky then uses an hissatsu. "disaster break!" Zanark shoot in the ball toward Shinsuke.

Shinsuke call out his Keshin and tries his Keshin armor but he didn't got the perfect timing.



Your hand started to shake again.. No way.. Am I really scared of someone like him..?

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