The Girl In Armor

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The caravan landed down, Wonderbat uses his device to change our clothes to Jeanne's era so we don't look suspicious.

From the sky we saw lot's of knights fighting each other, wich means that we are in the middle of a war.

"This is a real war.." Said Tenma.

"Yeah." Said Kyousuke.

"Fire... Armors.. Weapons.." You said looking around the area.

We tried to find a way to meet Jeanne until...

"Who's there!?" A man in a armor shouted.

We explained that we were just foreigners and that we got lost while running from war, they half believe our words but they still think we are suspicious.

Then you look around and notice that knights have surrounded you and your friend's.

"Do you think they are after Jeanne?" Ask one of the knight.


"I don't think so.." A feminine voice could heard.

Your eyes widen when you see... Jeanne! She has blond hair and is wearing glasses. (I'm surprised that glasses existed in this era).

Shindou tried to explain to them that we come to the future but he soon shut his mouth when he remembered that in this kind of era when something supernatural happens its either something from the devil or something.

Jeanne walk toward you and take her glasses then move them a bit then she turn herself to Kirino still moving her glasses.

"What are you doing..?" You asked a bit confused.

"Perhaps.. she can't see well with her glasses?" Said Kirino.

"Jeanne, Shindou is there.." You said helping out Jeanne by pointing at Shindou.

"Oh.." She said and look at Shindou.

We stayed silent but the knight threatened us to speak or they'll kill us, but Jeanne stopped them and grab something from her small bag and took out a... Candies ?

She gave one to Kirino.

"It's candy, please take it." Smile Jeanne.

"Take it?" Ask Kirino.

"Have a taste." Said Jeanne.

"Right now?" Add Kirino.

"Yes, right now." respond Jeanne.

Kirino then took the candy package and ate it. "It's good!" Said Kirino who seemed to like the candy.

"Thank goodness!" Said Jeanne relieved, Then Kinako approached Jeanne.

Jeanne ask Kinako if she want one, Kinako nod happily, she gave her one and ate it. "It's delicious!" Said Kinako holding her cheeks.

"Why don't the rest of you have some too?" Asked Jeanne to you and the rest of your team.

You all nodded and walked toward Jeanne and accepted her candy, you notice that Kyousuke was the only one who doesn't seem interested to it.

"Jeanne, may I have two candies?" You whispered then pointed at Kyousuke.

Jeanne smile and nod then gave you two candy, you thank her then walked toward Kyousuke.

"Here Kyousuke!" You smile and give him a candy.

Kyousuke take a glance at the candy for some second then eat it, his eyes widen a bit by the soft taste of the candy, you also eat yours and immediately fell inlove with these candies!

"How is it?" You ask to Kyousuke.

"It's good."He replied.

Your left hand started to shake again,what's wrong with me now..? You hide your hands once again your pockets of your outfit.

You heard Jeanne deciding that they'll take us to Vaucouleurs, that's a good sign. We might actually have a chance to get Jeanne's aura sooner than last time with Nobunaga.

We arrived in a some sort of small castle with guards surrounding the area wich means we can't leave until we are told to, to wait for Jeanne we started to practice soccer since there was no other stuff to do.

While practicing you notice that Kinako could play defense and attack just like you, she was also even with Kyousuke. Impressive.

Then Jeanne came out and watched us play, so we introduced our sport to her, she was interested in it by watching us play.

After the practice Jeanne offered us lot's candy, you took three candies and kept them in your pockets incase you wanted to eat some sweets.

Then you notice Wonderbat taking out his Mixi max and point it at Jeanne and you.

You two get hit by the Mixi max but it fails, then Tenma, Midori, Aoi and Akane jumped on Wonderbat to hide him from the guards.

"What if someone saw you?!" whispered midori.

"They'll definitely think that we're hostile!" Added Akane.

"I couldn't take her aura..." Said Wonderbat at us.

Then Daisuke came out of Aoi pocket and told us that Jeanne's power hasn't awakened yet.

You sigh relieved, actually. You knew that someone else would be perfect to Mixi max with Jeanne d'arc.

But that someone else isn't you, it was someone else who has the perfect description to the number 2 power.

Then Kinako asked Jeanne if she wanted to play soccer, Jeanne accepted and learned a bit about it.

You watched Kinako and Jeanne passing the ball to each other enjoying soccer, it made you glad, then you notice Jeanne walking toward the guards.

She tells them that we are not spies and that we came from the God's will, well of course. That's fake, we just come from the future..

"Is something wrong?" Asked Hamano next to you.

"I... I don't know." You said.

"You don't know?" Hamano said confused.

"I have a bad feelings about.. Something." You said.

"Bad feeling..? Maybe you're just over thinking!" Smiled Hamano and tapped your shoulder playfully.

"Let's hope.." You said still hidding your shaking hand in your pocket.

|Time skip/Night time|

At night, Jeanne came to ask us to escorts her to the castle of King Charles tomorrow to ask for reinforcement to free the Orléans.

We all agreed since Jeanne promised that she'll help us back, then she told us that only 6 of us will come with her.

So we decided wich people will come.

Fei, Kirino,Tenma, Kinako, Kyousuke, You.

You all went to another room to try out the knights armor.

You tried to move your arms but it was difficult to because of how heavy the armor is.

"Heavy..." You mumbled.

The next day, earlie morning we changed back to our knight armors and escorted Jeanne.

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