Future With Gamma

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"Gamma!" You shouted but no response from this silly guy that has been hanging out in your house for 5 months.

You pout and walked in the kitchen with no sign of him, you walked in the living room and bingo.

"Found you!" You said pointing at him sleeping on the couch for no reasons, you walk toward him and shake him to wake him up.

"Hm... 5 more minutes..." Said Gamma.

"I'm not your wife Gamma! You said you had a reunion right?? You're gonna get scold by you're leader!" You replied.

"But your house is way more calm and comfy than in El Dorado." He opened one of his eyes to look at you.

"Still, you promised to them that you'd still be a good worker, if not they will come and force you to never time jump again!" You respond.

"Fiine... But what did you say a minute ago?" Asked Gamma.

"Huh ? What? You had a reunion?" You tilt your head.

"after that." Said Gamma.

"That I'm not your wife?" You asked.

"That. Who said you weren't?" He smirked.

"Because we're not?" You answered.

"Oh? I thought you knew, alright then." Gamma gently grabs your chin and stand up.

Now that you look at him from a closer looks, he's taller than you.. Has he been growing up?

"Amazed by my charm?" He winked.

"No." You simply respond and kissed him on the cheeks. "Now go before you're late." You winked at your turn and went back to what you were doing. Wich is... Watching animes.

On the other side, Gamma was blushing hella red. "I admit my defeat this time, but I'll make you know I'm superior!" Yelled Gamma and disappeared.

|Some hours later/Gamma pov|

I time jumped back to the past and appeared back in the living room of [F/N], I heard no noises so I guessed that she went to sleep since it was almost midnight.

I went to check on her room and... SHE'S STILL WATCHING ANIMES!?

"You're going to weakened your eyes!" I immediately turned on the lights.

"Hey! I was almost watching the kissing scene!" Said [F/N].

"That's non sense! Go to sleep, you can watch tomorrow!" I ordered.

"that's not non sense ! It's romantic, now come and watch it with me!" she said patting the floor to ask me to sit next to her.

"No!" I responded.

"Pleeeaseee." She said with her puppy face trying to convince me.

Of course, I refused... I'm lying. Who can resist [F/N] cute face..?

I ended up watching animes with her, seems like that animes are not that bad after all.

"Hey Gamma?" [F/N] said.

"Hm?" I look at her.

Then... At this moment, my surrounding disappeared, the only person I could see, was [F/N].

She was kissing my forehead.

"Good night!" She smiled and walked toward her bed.

I was in shocked. "[F/N]!" I exclaimed.

"Hm ?" she turns around and look at me.

"I... I like you.." I looked at her blushing a bit.

"I love you too." She replied.

Is that how you feel when you are being... Loved ?

|Gamma as a boyfriend/back to your pov!|

"Sorry for being late!" Said Gamma wearing an normal outfit for once, since he was always wearing the El Dorado uniform.

"It's fine! You're just one minute late." You chuckled.

"Still, I don't wanna make you wait." He said.

"That's fine! Now let's go eat!" You said happily.

"Anything for you princess." He said and opened the door of the restaurant for you.

You thank him and you two went in the restaurant and ate peacefully there, until...

"Oh! Isn't that [F/N]?"

You heard and saw Tenma and Aoi!

"Woah! What a coincidence!" You notice them.

"So true! It's been years! Oh? Isn't that Gamma?" Smiled Tenma.

"Are you two...?" Aoi look at you two.

"Dating!" You smiled.

"She fell into my charm, what can I say?" Smirked Gamma.

"Good luck on you two date!" Winked Aoi and walked to a table with Tenma.

"Bye!" You waved then look at Gamma and stood up from your seat and approached him.

"Huh?" Gamma looks at you.

"I think you meant. My charm." You smiled and kissed Gamma and went back to your seat.

Gamma face was boiling red.

|Author note|

Sorry I ran out of ideas :')

But yeah! Here's the ended of this book! I hope you liked it, if you did I'm glad.

Now... Guess who posted the book inazuma eleven go galaxy?


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