Sakamoto Ryouma&Okita Souji

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The caravan land down as you all see your teammates waiting, you all walked out and told everything to them.

"Eh?! Zhuge Kongming is a woman?!" Asked Hayami surprised.

Midori nod. "It was pretty surprising." Said Midori.

You walked away still scared about what happened back there.

"Where are you going [F/N]?" Asked akane.

"Ah..its pretty late.. My auntie is gonna scold me if I stay too long outside." You responded.

"Oh, let me walk you ho-" Suggested Kyousuke but you interrupted him.

"It's okay! I can walk home alone, I'm an independent girl!" You said with a smile.

"Okay, then. See you tomorrow." Smiled Kyousuke.

You nod then walked away from your friend's.


If I don't Mixi max with someone, I'll probably be no use to this team anymore, Zanark was able to counter me and my Keshin no matter how hard I try or focus he's still superior than I am and stronger.

You shake your head. "No, I'm sure that I can Mixi max! There's 7 spot left I still have time." You said trying to not feel negative feelings.

You walked back home like it was normal then ate dinner and went to rest for the next day.

|Next day/soccer building|

"I came the fastest way I could! What's wrong with the emergency meeting?!" You shouted bursting in the Soccer building.

"Right on time [F/N]!" Smiled Haruna at you, you notice you weren't the only one since everyone were there.

"what's going on?" You asked walking toward the group.

"Gouenji wanted me to give you all this." Said Haruna and took out a picture of someone from her pocket.

Then Daisuke comes out. "So he did got it! This is Sakamoto Ryouma's photograph." he said.

"Ryouma Sakamoto?!" shouted Nishiki.

"So our next target is Sakamoto Ryouma?" Asked Tenma.

"Yes ! 5# A super tricky midfielder with a heart as big as the sea and who acts as the bridge between offense and defense." Said Daisuke.

"He's a perfect choice! Since it's Ryouma then it has to be me, I'm not letting anyone else take it!" Said Nishiki, right. Midori once told you that Nishiki is a huge fan of this Sakamoto.

"Alright! Then the Mixi max is for you!" Agreed Daisuke.

"Alright !" Said Nishiki happy.

"That's not it! We have another candidate." added Daisuke.

"Another?" You asked.

"To make it short and sweet, it's the genius swordsman, Okita Souji! Power #6 A speedy striker as quick as lightning, who cuts up the field with a lightning bolt." continued Daisuke.

Then Midori seems to be agreeing to Daisuke Description about Okita Souji, but then Nishiki said he didn't wanted to accept him since both Sakamoto and Okita are ennemies, but Midori started to get mad and defended Okita because he was protecting the capital city of their era.

And here we go again with another fight...

"Wait..." You stare at Kyousuke.

"What..?" He look at you confused.

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