Soccer Time!

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"Guy's! Remember our soccer!" Shouted coach Endou to us.

Those were the words from Coach Endou before the match resume, you immediately leave your defense post and steal the ball from Saru.

"What?!" Said Saru surprised from your sudden speed.

"Tenma!" You shouted and passed the ball to your captain.

"Everyone! Let's win this match!" Shouted Tenma.

An light aura surrounded your team, creating an energy that made you and your teammates creating a new hissatsu.

"Strongest eleven surge!" Everyone give their energy to Tenma, Tenma shoot in the ball creating a huge light sphere hitting every opponent on front of the shoot.

Saru tried to block it but failed.



After this shot we were all at our limits wich is why..

"Everyone ! Let's all attack!" Shouted Tenma.

"Last play huh?" Smirked Shindou.

"I thought you'd say that!" Said Zanark.

"If it's your decision as a captain then.. I'm fine with it!" Said Fei.

"I'm in!" Said Nishiki.

"This is so whoa whoa!" Said Tove excited.

"Let's do it!" Said Kirino.

You nod. "Let's go !"

The match resume as everyone attack, this match creates an shadow vs light looking.

Both team clash at each other... But a light blinded your eyes, when you opened them up.

You were in a blue white room, floating like there was no gravity.

"We are different from you!" Said Saru, you turn around and see him floating up to you.

"Saru...." You replied.

"So through this match, we will make you accept us!" Continued Saru.

"where's the difference?" You asked.

"What?" Responded Saru.

"Superior or not, we're all humans! Of course we are different, some prefers calm places some prefers to be surrounded by friend's, we all have our own differences." You said.

"I am completely different from you! We are the second stage children!" Said Saru.

Then the rooms disappeared as you see Saru and you clashing at each other trying to steal the ball.

"Don't get in my way!" Saru pushed his foot to move the ball toward you.

You use all your strength left and kick the ball in the sky, you and Saru jumped, but you were higher than him so you used your last strength to pass it to Fei.

"Score!" You shouted while falling, your Mixi max disappear leaving you no strength to land back down on your feet.

"Count on us!" Said Fei and used again Strongest Eleven surge and scored 5:4.

You close your eyes for the impact but...

"Ouch!" "Ow" You fell on..

You look down and... See Tove, Kirino, Shindou and Taiyou you fell on them.

"Gah! I'm sorry!" You immediately stood up and bowed at them.

"You okay?" They asked.

"Uh.. Yeah." You nod.

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