The Lagoon

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Chrono stone against The Lagoon led by Saru the "emperor" of Feida, both team are ready.

The match was about to begin until something happens, the Stadium started to float, it was easy to tell since the ground was shaking.

You look at Saru taking out a gun and point it in the sky, he shoot and appears a huge purple portal in the sky, the Stadium floats in the portal as we end up in this... Weird.. Place.

The sky became purple, no. Everything surrounding the stadium was purple.

Then Fei inform you and your teammates that we are in a wormhole, then Saru tell us that El Dorado was planning on putting sleeping gas to inject the vaccine to the second stage children.

Clever but not so when it's about not trusting our skills.

"Everyone! Mixi max!" Shouted Tenma.

You all nodded.

"Mixi max trans! Master dragon!" You used your Mixi max and change your appearance, everyone did the same.

Now, everyone is Mixi maxed.

Endou set you on the defense line as a libero just like how Daisuke described the power of Master dragon.

"Master dragon, please give me all the power you can to help me win this match." You thought holding your chest.

This pressure.. This is stressful, but I cannot lose. Not against them.

The match starts but both team couldn't make it to the goal, until that Saru steal the ball from Tenma and pass it to his teammates, then their speed increased and scored against us.

They were able to score 0:2, two times against us, that's bad.

"[F/N]" Kirino looks at you.

You nod, then left your post and stole the ball from your opponent then pass it to Zanark, Zanark and Fei makes some perfect passes.

Thanks to that Zanark succeed to make the first goal against the Lagoon.


But after this score the Lagoon players did something, they injected something in their uniform belt.

The match resume as their forward speed insanely increased again! Then Fei inform us that the Lagoon just injected something called Ampules that increases their strength.

Your team tighten the defense but the defender of the Lagoon runs toward us, the forward pass the ball to the defender.

The defender uses an shoot hissatsu, Shinsuke tries to block it with his Keshin armor but...



Your eyes widen, this defender can also play as a forward...?

"[F/N]! Stay focus!" Shouted Shindou.

"r-right !" You pinch your cheeks to concentrate on the match.

The match resume you tried to steal the ball from the opponent but their speed and strength were insane, Fei tried to stop Saru from shooting but something happens.

Saru... Was... Uh... Becoming a.. Beast?

(I don't know if he became a monkey or gorrila, so I'll say beast-)

Saru brutally pushes Fei away and call out his Keshin. "Ultra God demons Evahs! Armor!" He then uses his armor, he also uses his Hissatsu and goal against us.



The first half ended.

You run toward Fei that was covered in wounds. "Fei!"

"I'm fine.." He said in a low tone.

"Let me help you." You said offering your help, Fei accepts your help.

You helped him walking to the bench.

"Is that... You all soccer?" Asked coach Endou, you all looked at him confused.

Endou smile at us. "You all are too obsessed to win, what is soccer to you all?" He asked.

Everyone responded except you and Tenma.

"What about you two? Tenma, [F/N]?" Asked Coach Endou.

"Soccer is a friend who is always here for me." Said Tenma.

Then everyone look at you. "Well uh... It's... Something that saved me." You replied.

"I see, I know that we must win this game but haven't you all forgotten about something? Now go and show me the soccer you've always done til now." Said Endou.

"Yes!" You all replied to Coach Endou.

Playing soccer for fun huh? It's true that I have forgotten the happiness of playing this sport, I was probably too focused on becoming better.

The second half start, as we all planned to block our opponents to let Zanark and Fei an open path, each time we switch to block each enemy that is getting near Zanark or Fei.

But it isn't going to be easy, Saru and his others teammates dodge you and the other's trying to steal the ball back.

"[F/N], Tsurugi, Shindou ! Keshin armor!" Ordered Tenma.

We all nodded and undo our Mixi max.

"[K/N]! Armor!" You uses your armor and Keshin speed to catch up the opponents and block them again.

Tsurugi, Shindou and Tenma does the same, Zanark also undo his Mixi max then uses his Keshin armor trying to score, but the goalkeeper blocked it.

"tsk, Almost!" You said frustrated.

"You did well [F/N]!" Smiled Tenma at you.

"Huh? Oh.. Thank you!" You said.

The match resume as we go back to our Mixi trans, Saru gets the ball and dash toward the goal and uses again his beast power and Keshin to shoot.

You, Kyousuke, Shindou and Tenma all four goes to block the shoot but it was too strong, but our block must have atleast slow down the shoot.

Shinsuke block the ball and pass it back to us.

"Let's do this!" Said Tenma.

You all nodded, Tenma pass the ball to you, you immediately pass it to Shindou.

Your teammates make the passes connected from the top of the field we could see our passes making an thunder sign just like Raimon's.

Hissatsu tactics: Grand Laster.

An huge energy surround the ball, Tenma uses his Keshin armor and uses an new hissatsu and shoot.



The match went in our favor, Fei immediately stole the ball from Saru and scored the third goal for the team.


But our Mixi max were getting weaker, it's soon to be undone then..

"Guy's!" Shouted Endou.

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