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|Chinon Castle(Where king charles lives in)|

You and your friend's are in of the castle of the King Charles about to speak to him to ask for reinforcement with Jeanne.

Jeanne and Kirino went to speak to the king inside while we were waiting in the court.

"Why don't we play soccer while waiting?" Smiled Tenma and took out a soccer ball from the ball he was holding while coming to there.

"Great idea!" Said Fei.

"But.. We're only five people, we need one more person to make an 3v3."You said.

" Then let's invite someone to play with us!" suggested Kinako.

Kinako looked around then spot a knight without an armor, he has long white hair, she walk toward the man to invite him to play with us, the knight accepts.

Then Tenma made the teams.

1# team: Tenma, Fei, Kinako.

2# team: You, Kyousuke and the knight.

We then explained to the knight how to play soccer and showed him the two side goals and other stuff.

"You're in me and Kyousuke team, if you want you can stay behind us to watch carefully how to play." You suggested to the knight.

"Stay behind? Absurd! An chevalier never stay in the back." Respond the Knight.

"Eh... I can stay in the back anyway, I can play any position." You said.

The match started as both team tries to score, as time pass the knight get how to play soccer and starts to have fun.

You pass the ball to knight. "Pass the ball to Kyousuke!" You shouted.

"Don't worry ! I'll win this game for us!" Said the knight and shoot the ball to the opposite way of Tenma's team field, the ball hit a knight in a armor on the cheek then bounce toward Tenma's team goal and score.

Your mouth was wide open because of how lucky this knight got.

"Voilà ! That was a show of my true strength, what soccer is fun!" Said the knight then laughed at his victory.

You and your friend's gathered together while looking at the knight.

"Should I say he's lucky or strong?" You asked.

"Maybe both?" Chuckle Kinako.

Then the knight told us to follow him we tried to decline but he insisted soo.. We ended up following him around the castle.

He seemed a bit arrogant though, since he said that he allowed us to enter in a room that we were forbidden to walk in, the room I am talking about was the one where Kirino and Jeanne went.

The Knight open the door and walked in, we followed him.

Then you see Jeanne walking toward the knight looking at him, she then bowed toward the knight. "It's an honor to meet you, Lord Dauphin Charles." Said Jeanne.

"Wha- so this knight is..." You said pointing at what's seem to be the King Charles.

"Yes, it's him." Said Jeanne.

Then Charles walk toward his throne and sat down, we all bowed on front of Charles.

Jeanne told everything to Charles about the reinforcement and stuff, Charles accepted and ordered his guards immediately to send reinforcement to the Orléans.

After this we went back to the Orléans with Jeanne and the reinforcement safely, but not everything went as Jeanne planned.

Jeanne suggested to attack England but the two leaders leading the knights refuse and ask to rest before doing the war.

Of course the knights listen to their leader, Jeanne walked away but you see Kirino following her, Kirino has done lot's of things for Jeanne, just as thought Kirino is the ideal person to Mixi max with Jeanne.

But some hours later, you were looking at the sky chilling until you see Jeanne leaving the Orléans with a small group of guards and left.

"Don't tell me... I need to inform the others!" you immediately left your spot and went inside the building where your friends were.

"URGENT! It's Jeanne!" You shouted by slamming the door of the building.

"What's going on??" Ask Kirino.

"She... She left with a group of knights and left the Orléans !" You said.

"What?!" Everyone shouted.

"Bad news! Maiden Jeanne has left with her troops to attack the England's castle! She wrote in this letter that she's waiting for our support." Said one guard coming behind you.

"Is she planning to sacrifice herself in order to inspire the rest of the troops?" Asked Tenma.

"I have to stop her!" Said Kirino and left the Building.

"Kirino!" You said then followed him, the rest of your team also followed him and arrive to the England castle.

There was lots of knights fighting each other but you saw Jeanne and two of her knights next to her.

"Jeanne!" Your team shouted but we all stopped when someone walked on front of your team stopping you from going further.

"You're..." Say Fei.

"Who are you?" Asked Tenma.

"I am Zanark Avalonic. A member of the lower middle class without a name." Said Zanark.

Then one of your hand started to shake again, why is it happening again?

"But you have a name." Said Hamano to Zanark.

"Why did you come here?" Asked Fei to Zanark.

"I'm looking for whoever will be my playmate." Respond Zanark.

"Get out of the way! I have to save Jeanne!" Shouted Kirino and ran toward Zanark.

"Kirino don't!" You grab Kirino arm.

"Why?!" Asked Kirino.

You then point at Zanark, something was appearing behind him, it was the protocol omeg-.... Why are they're hair blue?

"Happy to see me again?" Smirked Gamma.

"Nope." You replied.

"Hmpf." Said Gamma.

"There's only two ways you can get to the shore on the other side, Win against me in soccer or swim." Said Zanark showing his hand with two fingers up.

"Let's swi-" You said but got cut off.

"Although, if you opt to swimming, I'll drown you." Smirk Zanark.

You gulped, then Zanark appeared his sphere ball but this time it's red and creates a field with a purple aura surrounding the field to block anyone who tries to interrupt us.

"Before you ask anything I'll explain, you can't go out of this field until that the match is over." Said Zanark.

"Fine ! Zanark or whatever. I'll be the coach of this game!" Said Wonderbat.

"What's a coach?" Asked someone next to you.

"A coach is.." Wait... Who just spoke now? You look next to you and see The king charles.

"CHARLES?" you shouted.

"Hm ?" He look at you confused.

"Where? How? When?" You asked confused, wasn't he in his castle?

"Oh, I was disguised the whole time as a servant and followed you and your fellow knights to here." Smiled Charles.

"Er... Anyway! A coach is someone who support the player's and give orders then creates some strategies to win." You replied.

"Just like a king! Then I shall be your coach for this match." Said Charles.

Wonderbat falls on the floor with sadness.


"Fei, why do they all have blue/cyan hair?" You whispered to him.

"They are probably all Mixi maxed with this Zanark guy." Replied Fei.

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