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You watch Sakamoto leaving the field to somewhere then...


You looked down and saw Kyousuke who saw you standing there.

"Oh.. Hey !" You faked smiled and waved at him then walked toward him.

"Where were you?! Fei and the other's told me you walked in the headquarters alone!" Asked Kyousuke angry.

"Don't yell at me like that... I'm sorry okay? But hey you found Okita, right?" You said.

Kyousuke sigh. "Right, but it won't be easy to take his aura, since he's on the enemy side at the moment." He said.

"... It's my fault." You said looking down.

"What do you mean?" Ask Kyousuke.

"I met him some minutes ago but I had to run since Zanark was... With him, he tried to capture me but I escaped, I should've escaped with okita!" You replied.

"Don't be harsh on yourself [F/N]." Said Fei and walked toward you and Kyousuke.


"Fei is right! We'll find a way to put back okita on our side to defeat Zanark and his team!" Smiled Tenma also joining the conversation.

"Okay..." You mumbled.

|Sakamoto lodgement|

To wait Sakamoto his friend took us to their lodgement to wait for him, in the end he came back soon as we stayed for some minutes and told us he wanted to meet the general Lord but it ended badly soo he ended up running away.

I mean... He's the enemy of the city.. I don't they'll let him easily go through and meet the general.

After speaking to him Tenma and the other's explained that they learned Sakamoto how to play soccer... Is it really a great idea?

Anyway, after everything we went outside to practice but we got interrupted by Sakamoto friend who was holding a letter for him.

"Lord Yoshinobu has agreed to meet me!" Said Sakamoto happily after reading the letter.

"That's fishy." You said crossing your arms.

"I agree with this young lady, they are planning on killing you there Sakamoto!" Said Sakamoto's friend.

Even though Sakamoto still wanted to fo and speak to the lord about his plans, so Fei created a plan.

"Let's bring the caravan with us." Said Fei.

"Huh ?! Caravan? Are you sure??" Ask Shinsuke.

"We have no other choice if we want to safely go there." replied Fei.

"Let's take the risk." You said.

"I agree!" Added Tenma.

"Then it's decided!" Said Fei with a smile.

We all used the caravan and teleport ourselves in the building where the Lord Yoshinobu is suppose to be.

We land down already seeing some swordman hidding in the bushes, just as thought they plan in killing Sakamoto in this place.

Because of our Caravan the lord accepted to listen to Sakamoto and not to kill him since we could easily escape with the Caravan.

For short, Sakamoto want that both villagers and samouraï's have an same equal society to win against the outside world wich means the other countries, but the lord refused directly his offer.

"This lord only cares about high status tsk." you mumbled.

Then you all hear an motor vehicle sound coming toward you. He's coming.

Zanark comes in the building with his red vehicle then uses his red sphere to mind control the lord and his guards.

The lord get manipulated and challenge us to a soccer match, if we win he will accept Sakamoto restoration of the imperial rules.

This was an unique offer so we all nodded and accepted their challenge, Zanark create a field with his sphere and appear this same commentator.

Raimon will be fighting against Zanark Domain as support we got Sakamoto as player while in the opponent team they have Okita.

"Then I'll be the coach for this match!" Said Wonderbat.

"Hey! Nakaoka(Sakamoto friend)! They need a coach so you'll do it!" Said Sakamoto.

Nakaoka agreed and became our coach, Wonderbat falls off his seat disappointed and sad.

But after just one minute into the game Zanark Domain easily scored against your team, they are even more faster than last time!

Even with Shinsuke's Liu bei Mixi max he couldn't block Zanark hissatsu like he did before.


The match resume but Zanark easily steal the ball from Fei then pass it to four of his midfielder including okita in it, even with Zanark "healing" powers Okita was still suffering of his illness.

You see an opening. "[H/N]!" You used your defensive hissatsu against Okita and steal the ball from him. "Why are you following Zanark...? I told you he was nothing but trouble!" You said.

"I need to win against you all to protect this city!" Said Okita.

"very well then, TENMA!" you do a long pass to Tenma. "Your way of protecting this city is wrong Okita Souji." You said to him then ran toward the others.

The match continued, The opponent goalie is strong. He was able to stop Kyousuke's hissatsu, suddenly you noticed Kyousuke observing Okita from afar.

"Kyousuke?" You walk up to him.

"Huh?" He look at you.

"What's wrong..?" You asked worried.

"... When I see Okita, I see.. My brother." He replied.

"Yuuichi..?" Now that he mention it, Yuuichi and Okita both has strong will of succeeding something in their lives.

Yuuichi wanted to bring back the soccer to Kyousuke while Okita wanted to protect this city in the name of the Shinsengumi.

The field half ended with 0:2, yes. Zanark team made another score, we couldn't stop it.

After this Okita wasn't able to play anymore, his condition has worsen.

Kyousuke and Sakamoto went to talk to him about everything, but even after what Kyousuke and Sakamoto said he still didn't wanted to give us his power.

"I am an Shinsengumi, I must protect the city." Those are Okita's word's.

You stand on front of Okita.

"Open your eyes Okita! You're an Shinsengumi okay. But have you ever thought that this person that you call 'lord' is ruining this city?!" You shouted at Okita.

"I can't do anything about it! What do you want I do?!" Shouted Okita back at you.

"That you stop act like a selfish person and start seeing your mess and start to act like an real Shinsengumi!" You replied back.

Okita stay speechless, you sigh.

"Watch this match and look at us, you'll see who's the bad guys here." You said walked back to the bench.

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