Don't Attack?

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"Don't attack." He said.


"You mean, that we must wait for them to find an opening?" You asked.

"That's right, and we need the help of these people." Said Toukichirou pointing at Tasuke and his friend's.

Tasuke and his friend's weren't confident at all at first but after that Tenma took out his speech about believe in themselves to them all, all you could say was "Woah. " then clap on your hands.

It made Tenma blush a bit, this guy is too sweet to be teased.

Back for the second half!

Just as Toukichirou asked none of your teammates attacked but all defended and helped Tasuke and his friends to overcome their fear.

Tasuke successfully made a clear against one of the protocol omega player, this made the other's wanted to do their best too.

The protocol omega gets the ball and dribble toward the goal trying to score, Tasuke and his friends comes on front of you.

"One night castle!" They shouted and used their defensive hissatsu to blocked the protocol omega shoot.

The ball goes back to us, Tasuke do a long pass to Kyousuke.

Kyousuke uses his Keshin armor to score.


"Thank you for protecting the goal!" You shouted at Tasuke and his friend's.

"No problem !" They said happily.

The match resume, Tasuke and his friend's movement becomes way more faster and better at stealing balls, they even have a strong hissatsu to block the protocol omega shoots wich made you relieved.

But the last thing is... Shindou.

You carefully watch Shindou trying to wear his Keshin armor but it still doesn't work, he hasn't found the last thing he's missing.

After this action Beta uses her Mixi max and transfer her aura to all her teammates, just like last time their movements becomes faster and their shoot more stronger.

They pushed away all your teammates with their shoot and pass the ball to beta, beta uses her Keshin armor and shoot in the ball toward the goal.

You try to block it with your Keshin armor but beta strenght was still stronger.



You punch the ground in anger.

"How am I suppose block her shoot?!" You thought.

The match resume but this time we concentrated mostly on Shindou since he was still trying to call out his armor, but after multiple attempts still no success.


"Shindou Takuto! Come here!" Ordered Nobunaga who left his seat to the bench of our team.

The match was paused.

Shindou walked toward Nobunaga, it kinda scared you since Nobunaga was holding his sword on his left hand, like jeez don't scare people like that and let go for atleast one second of your sword..

You notice Okatsu interrupting Shindou and Nobunaga conversation, you could hear what they are saying but seems like Okatsu is begging to Nobunaga for something.

Then our coach called You, Fei and Tenma to come.

You walked up to your coach Toukichirou.

"The plan now is... Shindou you won't be touching the ball." He said.

You raise your eyebrows. "What kind of conversation did they have between nobunaga and them." You thought.

When everyone went back to their position you asked to him. "Why did you call me out there? I'm not a player on the field. I'm a just a goalkeeper." You said.

"Listen closely.." Then Toukichirou whispered to you something.

Your eyes widen. "Got it?" Ask your coach. You nod and went back to your position.

The match resume and both team are trying to get the ball and score slowly the protocol omega forget about someone.

You guess it. Shindou comes out from the shadow from not getting the ball from the past minutes and dodges his opponents, you felt like he was a different person.

Shindou is faced to the opponent goalkeeper, he tries again to use his Keshin armor but this time it successfully worked!

Shindou shoot in the ball and score.


From afar you see Shindou and Kyousuke do a high-five and goes back to their position.

Gosh, I'm jealous. I also wanna do an high five to someone...

The match resume and you notice Wonderbat holding the Mixi max, is he.. Wait did he told Nobunaga about it?!

God, please we'll end up locked up in a cell if Wonderbat didn't told Nobunaga what are the Mixi max for.

Shindou steal the ball from the opponent then dribble toward the goal, you see Wonderbat pointing the Mixi max at Shindou.

He shoot at Nobunaga taking his aura and transferring it to Shindou, your eyes widen when the Mixi max finally works.

You see Shindou hair and eyes becoming red and his hair tied to a ponytail.

His eyes also changed a bit, he had this serious glance just like Nobunaga's.

"You made me come this far, that's why I always do my best."

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