Chapter 2

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The caravan followed the spaceship into this weird place far away from earth, you and the others walk out of the Caravan meeting with people and not robots this time.

They thank us for believing in them but we asked what was going on, they replied that the enemy wanted to end our world.

"No way..." You mumbled.

"Let me introduce myself first, I'm Yamano ban " Said a boy with brown hair, Ban.

"I'm Oozora Hiro." Said a blue haired boy, Hiro.

"Hamasaki Ran." Said a girl with pink hair tied to a ponytail, Ran.

We tried introduce ourselves but they already knew who we were, then they explained us that the time was in chaos, the enemy appenratly already destroyed their world already.

So we decided to fight and get back Endou and the other's, meaning.... CAMP !

Shinsuke and Nishiki took the tent and ect for the "camping"

"Hey! Remember me?" Asked Hiro to you.

"You?" You tilt your head.

"You asked me what was a LBXs right?" He smiled.

"Oh, you were the one in the robot!" You said.

"Yep ! I'll explain to you what's a LBXs!" He said, you nod and followed him.

Tenma, Aoi ans Shinsuke also got curious and followed you two.

He explained that those robots are called LBXs they can be controlled with a CCM that looks like a phone.

"Interesting." You said looking at the LBXs. "Hiro, do you think these LBXs can perhaps play soccer?" You asked curiously.

"I don't know, I didn't really tried." He replied.

"Oh, I see." You said.

"Wanna try?" He asked.

"Sure!" You replied, Hiro gives you the CCM and you look at the buttons, you succeed to make him walk normaly and made him dance a bit.

"Woah! Looks like you are already good with it!-" Complimented Hiro.

Until you accidently makes trip the LBXs.

"Huh... Sorry about that.." You sweatdrop.

"It's fine ! You were still doing very well!" He smiles at you.

"Thanks, in exchange how about we teach you about soccer?" You give him back the CCM.

"Sure! Me and my friend's would love to!" he replied.

The next days we started fishing, learning our new friend's how to play soccer, we all become closer to the point that we became very fast friend's, mostly with Ban, Ran and Hiro their other's friend's were rather serious and didn't really wanted to spend lot of time with us.

|Night time|

You were training alone juggling with the soccer ball and doing some tricks, but you soon stopped when you heard someone applauding.

You look at the sound direction seeing Ban.

"Ban ?" You said.

"Sorry, did I interrupted your practice? It wasn't my intentions, I was just really impressed by your play." Said Ban.

"Thanks, why aren't you with the others though?" You said and catches the soccer ball.

"I notice you weren't at the camp with the other's, do prefer to be alone?" He asked.

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