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"You there! Are you interested in these swords?" asked feminine voice to you and your friend's.

Uh oh..

"Well..." You didn't knew what to say.

"Please can we borrow these swords? We promise to bring it back!" Said Tenma.

"T-Tenma!" Aoi was kinda surprised by Tenma action.

"why do you need it?" Asked the woman.

"Well... To bring back soccer!" Respond Tenma.

"Bring back soccer..?" The woman seemed confused.

You pinch Tenma cheek. "Ow!"

"She'll think we are crazy! In a time where soccer is banned we'll be 99% sure to get jailed!" You whispered to him.

The woman chuckle then look at us. "You three are from Raimon, am I right? The truth is, I was once a captain of a pro all woman's soccer team." Whsipered the woman to us.

After a small discussion with this kind woman she accepted to lend us one of the sword of Nobunaga, we thanked her and rushed to the Caravan and called everyone from the team to gather.

|Nobunaga time|

You look by the window seeing the outside. "So that's where Nobunaga live huh..?"

The caravan landed down everyone went out of the Caravan to observe the amazing view to the town where Nobunaga is suppose to be.

"Well, what are we waiting for let's go!" You said excited.

Tenma nod at you but Kyousuke interrupt you two. "It may be a bad idea to just wander in there." Said Kyousuke.

"Certainly! With the way you're dressed, you'll stick out like sore thumbs!" add Wonderbat.

"Therefore! Wonderba switch on!" Said Wonderbat taking out a device with a button on it, he point the device at us and click on the button.


You look at everyone.. WE ALL CHANGED OUTFIT!

You were wearing the almost same outfit as Midori except that it was with [F/C] (Favorite color) and there was a Kistune face mask on your left side of your head.

You then look at the others outfit, you were pretty much fangirling deep inside because it was the first you were wearing these kind of clothes!

And pretty much everyone's clothes fit them well!

Wonderbat used again his device to turn invisible the caravan, then we went to the village looking for Nobunaga.

"Let's split up and gather informations!" Suggest Fei.

We all nod to agree and split up and interrogated some people from the village.

You were walking holding the new paper you found in the library back there hoping to find some clue on finding Nobunaga.

When suddenly...


You felt something splashed on your outfit, you notice a boy on front of you looking at your outfit, oh. He must have splashed water on me by accident.

The boy has brown hair and black eyes wearing a green traditional clothes with dark green sleeves, he's a bit taller than you.

|Author note!|

Before we continue, yes normaly it's suppose to be Okatsu who splash water at Shindou but since you are the main protagonists... why not not put more boys into your harem? (n˘v˘•)¬

Imagine that Okatsu is the younger sister and Tasuke the older brother!

Thank you now let's continue!

|Back to the story|

The boy drop his stuff when he finally realized he accidentally splashed water at you.

"Forgive me!" Said the boy.

"It's fine, don't worry about that!" You smile at him trying to reassure him.

"Forgive me!" He bow at you. "What have I done.. I'll have them dried at once, please come inside." Said the boy offering you to enter the shop to help you dry your outfit.

"Don't worry, it's my fault for not looking where I was going. Thank you for caring." You smile and walk away.

But you got stopped, the boy just grabbed your sleeves "You mustn't! You'll catch a cold!" insisted the boy.

You sweat dropped and accepted his offer in the end.

You changed to a traditional kimono while waiting for your clothes to dry.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I should've been more careful." Said the Boy again.

"No no ! It's mine. I wasn't watching where I was going, don't feel guilty over something like that." You said.

"You're.. Very kind, what's your name?" Asked the boy.

"[F/N]." You smile, it's better for him to not know my last name we never know if we ran into another [L/N] from the past.

"My name is Tasuke!" He said introducing himself.

"Nice to meet you Tasuke!" You said.

"By the way, you aren't from the Owari province. Are you?" Ask Tasuke.

You chuckle. "You got me! Yeah.. I come from somewhere very far, there is something very precious to me." You said looking at the sky.

Thinking about.. Your family, friend's, soccer and...

"Something precious... Do you mean the person you like?" Ask Tasuke.

Then someone special popped in your mind. (your crush!)


"EH?! No no no! Something special not someone haha..." You laughed awkwardly.

"Tasuke! Your friend outfit is now dry!" Shouted Tasuke mother.

"O-oh! I just remembered I need to go! See you later Tasuke!" You said and went to grab your outfit and went inside the shop to quickly change and left the shop.

You accidently bump into someone while running.

"Ow.." You mumbled.

"Oh, it's you." You raise your head seeing that you bumped into Kyousuke.

"Oh, my bad." You said.

"Here, take my hand." Said Kyousuke held out his hand.

You grab his hand then stood up. "Found any clue?" You asked.

"I just heard from some villagers that Nobunaga doesn't come here often that's all." Said Kyousuke.

"Oh, I se-"

"get back here!"

"This...voice.." Said Kyousuke.

"It's Tenma's!" You said and ran toward the Tenma's voice sound.

Kyousuke follows you.

Inazuma eleven go x reader [Chrono stone/BOOK II] Where stories live. Discover now