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You and your teammates all appears in a some sort of spaceship not only your teammates but also people from Raimon who didn't got chosen to come into the book.

"Sengoku, Amagi, Hayami, Hamano you all... how are you all here?!" You asked confused.

"We're also asking the same question as you!" Said Hayami panicking looking around.

"We're not sure, we were practicing then all the sudden. Poof! We appeared here." Said Hamano.

"Welcome to El Dorado." Said a unknown voice to us.

You all turn around and see two men's appearing in front of you all, one of the men is the coach of the Perfect Cascade and the other... You don't know who it is.

"You are currently 200 years in the future, at El Dorado's headquarters located in Saint Elder city. And this man is the Head of the highest descision-making body in the world, the unified Parliament of El Dorado, chairman Toudou" Said the coach of the Perfect Cascade.

You look at the chairman Toudou, so he's the one who planned on erasing soccer.

"What are you planning to do with us!?" Asked Shindou.

"I brought you here so we could have a discussion." Answered the chairman.

"There's nothing to discuss!" Said Shindou.

"We'll take soccer back no matter what!" Added Tenma.

"If that is all, there's nothing to worry." the chairman Smirked then snapped on his fingers and appear a screen on front of us.

"I've returned soccer's history back to it's place." Said the chairman showing us on the screen that the soccer building was no longer closed and was back to normal.

"What is it you're up to now?" Asked Kyousuke.

"I want you to cooperate with us now." replied the chairman.

"Cooperate?" You mumbled.

"You are aware that El Dorado is fighting the second stage children, correct? You will be allying with us." Continued the chairman.

"We've already beat Perfect Cascade at your games, we have nothing to do with your future stuff!" You yelled at him.

"Oh, yes you do. The second stage children took the chrono stone of Endou mamoru." Replied the chairman.

"What?!" You then remembered that this man who took the Chrono stone of coach Endou from Zanark's hands.

"if you want to save him, you also have to beat them." Added The coach of the Perfect Cascade.

"We will never work with people like you!" Said Nishiki.

"If we want to save Coach Endou we'll save him on our own! We'll never work for evil people like you." Said Kirino.

"What makes you think we ARE evil? Do you even know the reason why we are erasing soccer?" Asked the chairman.

"By erasing soccer you can erase the second stage children since they're power are coming from soccer." Answered Fei.

"Exactly. To understand our situation you need to know what's happening in our world." Said the Chairman and appeared a bigger screen behind him.

Second stage children are children who possess the S5C gene, a gene mutation, their intelligence and physical skills surpass the most formidable of levels, there are even those among them who can use telepathy and telekinesis, powers that are out of the reach for normal humans.

They originally lived under the radar in this world, without drawing attentions to them, but one year ago under the of an organization named Feida, they proclaimed a war against El Dorado.

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