Fixing Time

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The next day Tenma, Shinsuke and Shindou arrived at the meeting place, the others didn't arrived yet.

Yuuichi give the artefact that is a soccer ball, it's his and Kyousuke's when they used to play when they were young.

Yuuichi gives the artefact to Fei, but after some minutes Fei inform us that we needed to go without the team, because appenratly if we wait more further it will be hard to change the past, we all agreed to without the others and went in the caravan.

|6 years Earlier/Park|

The caravan land in a park with children's playing and dogs freely running happily and some are reading books on the bench.

You look around and spot... BABY KYOUSUKE AND CHILDREN YUUICHI, your eyes were sparkling.

"You two looked soo cute back then!" You said to Yuuichi.

"Thanks." He said and smiled.

We then hide in the bushes watching carefully our surrounding making sure the protocol omega don't interfere the past.

But suddenly everything stopped moving, the time has frozen just like before when you met... Alpha.

You immediately leave your hidding spot and confront Alpha.

"Don't you dare to touch them!" You said helding out your arms protecting Kyousuke and Yuuichi from the past.

"Who are you?" Asked Alpha, seems like he's also from the past when he didn't meet you yet.

"Someone you will meet in the futur." You smirk.

The others comes next to you, Alpha get an order from his communication device and put down his android soccer ball on the ground and switch its mode.

Move mode.

The soccer ball appears a blue light and blind you all.

|Soccer building(field)|

Everyone appears in the soccer building field, Alpha and his team also appears, looks like we are going to play against him and his team once again.

Fei appears five other duplicate for our missing members for our team, this time they are wearing the Raimon uniform, thank God you really hated your team name before.

The match starts Raimon start the kick-off, you dodge your opponent and pass the ball to Fei, but due to bad timing Fei tries to pass it to Shindou but it was too fast for him.

The match resume and Shindou steal the ball from the protocol omega and pass it to Yuuichi.

Alpha and Yuuichi are on a one on one both of them call their Keshin and use their armor, they both clash at each other but Alpha push the ball away from the field.

"Weak." Said Alpha to Yuuichi.

You glared at Alpha then walk up to Yuuichi.

"Are you okay?" You asked worried.

"Yeah, we must win this match no matter what, we won't let them change the history." Said Yuuichi tapping your shoulder.

You nod.

For the entire first half the protocol omega stopped every of our move and actions from scoring against them, they were all in the defense spot.

The first half end as 0:0, we decide to keep on attacking, we can't let them attack either.

The second half start and the Protocol omega start the kick-off but the match continues just like in the first half, both teams are struggling scoring.

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