Knights Of Round Table!

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"The test will be about... Soccer !" Said King Arthur holding a soccer ball.

Wait... In the book it was said to be Jousting test, weird. But hey. Atleast it work in our favor.

We were gave 10 minutes to prepare ourselves, you all changed to your Raimon uniform to play, after these 10 minutes King Arthur and... A- no wait.. Since Aoi is the princess her name must be... Princess merola!

We decided to play with all we've got since, King Arthur is that kind of men to notice if we are playing with all we have or not.

The match was intense but Tenma and Fei with the duplicates were still able to put a good fight, Tenma and Fei teammates made King Arthur stop the match, both team were tied 1:1 but Kind Arthur still accepted Tenma and Fei to join the knights.

We celebrated this, we complimented Fei and Tenma about their play it was impressive.

But suddenly.. The sky darkened, the clouds covered the beautiful blue sky and thunder appears.

The thunder hits one of the castle part and destroyed it, one part of the building walls falls and hit the ground.

Then a roar could be heard from the sky, a dark dragon appears from the dark clouds.

"This is... Master dragon!" Shouted King Arthur seeing the dragon.

"That's power number 9.." you mumbled.

Someone was riding master dragon, a dark knight, him and dragon chase toward the king and the princess.

"Everyone protect the king and the princess!" Ordered Shindou.

Everyone nodded and went toward the king and princess, but the dark knight appears a shadow sphere then throw it toward Aoi.

"Princess!" You shouted and pushed away Aoi.

You get hit by the sphere, you look around you and see yourself locked in a purple bubble you tried to hit the bubble from the inside but no use, it's hard like iron.

"[F/N]!" Shouted Aoi.

Kyousuke shoot toward the bubble trying to break it but no uses.

"Tch!" Said Kyousuke.

The bubble floats toward the dragon and the knight, Tenma and Fei tries to hit master dragon with their hissatsu Extreme rabbit, the ball hit master dragon but you saw master dragon shinning for some seconds.

"Huh..?" You were confused.

But then you notice it stopped shinning as master dragon roar, you cover your ears since you were near the dragon.

Suddenly master dragon grabs the bubble you're inside.

You yelt by the sudden action.

"An irregularity, but no matter. If you wish to save this girl, come to the Cave of Grief." Said the dark knight and took you away from your friend's.

Master dragon flies in the Cave of Grief then the bubble became a cage.

"Stay there and watch over her, don't let the king and his knights free her." Said the dark knight getting off Master dragon.

Master dragon did a nod and guarded you, then the dark knight left to somewhere..

Pft, this sucks, I have to stay until Tenma and others comes to rescue me, but I'm not that time of person to be patient!

"Say, master dragon. Don't you get bored waiting in here..?" You asked bored, Master dragon look at you and roared at you, you cover yours ears.

"Come on, don't try to scare me, ya know I already know the story of King Arthur.. You have a kind heart." You continued.

Master dragon just roared again.

"You know, I was also controlled by evil people... But not like you are right now.. I just didn't had choices." You said.

Master dragon eyes shined for a moment but it became dull again, you notice master dragon eyes, she can hear you.

But after this short talk master dragon just closed its eyes and started to sleep.

You sigh. "You're not a talkative dragon are you..? Fine, I'll also sleep with you." You said then yawned and lie down.

Stuck in a cage? It isn't the first time I was stuck somewhere in life.

Your eyes slowly felt heavy then closed itself.


"[F/N]! [F/N]!" Whispered a familiar voice your name, your eyes slowly opens as you see Aoi calling your name then behind her all your friend's and King Arthur.

"you guys came..finally." You yawned.

"We'll free you!" Said Aoi.

But this touching scene got interrupted by the dark knight waiting for your friend's to show up the whole time on top of a rock.

"Who are you?!" Asked King Arthur.

"I am the dark dragon knight. King Arthur's kingdom will soon be mine!" Replied the dark knight.

Then the dark knight ordered master dragon to kill king Arthur, king Arthur had no choice but to defend himself, he take out his sword Excalibur.

"Don't do this! Master dragon is controlled by the dark knight!" You shouted at the king.

"I know, but if Master dragon bring disaster to the people, I will bring Excalibur down without an pause on her neck!" Said King Arthur.

"No! Please master dragon, don't let this stupid knight control you!" You shouted behind your cage.

Master dragon look at your just like last time her eyes shined then became dull for an short instant.

Arthur and master dragon started to fight, but Arthur won this match by hitting Master dragon on a weak spot, master dragon fall in a lake disappearing in it, the cage disappears.

You immediately rushes toward the lake. "Master dragon! Please!" You yelled in despair hoping that master dragon was still alive.

Aoi walk up to you. "[F/N]..."

You look toward the dark knight, it ended up that it was Ray behind this helmet.

"I will never forgive for what you've done!" You shouted angered at Ray.

"Calm down [F/N]!" Said Tenma.

"How can I calm down?! These... Robotic people just made suffer an innocent dragon!" You yelled.

"Please..." Asked Tenma.

... You sigh. "Fine." You said.

You look at Akane holding the book, you walk toward them and see the book page of the ending fading away, wich means... We need to win.

You were chosen as defender, you all walked toward the field but Ray and his teammates suddenly changed form.

Just as you thought they are androids, robots! Not humans, they eyes area changed to dark and eyes became yellow.

This match.. Is going to be hard.

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