7 Days!

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The next day Toukichirou brought us four more player's who are Tasuke's friends who wanted to help us win against the protocol omega.

And we decided that Toukichirou would be our new coach (sorry Wonderbat).

Then we started the practice/training,for the beginners it was hard to catch up but they progress really fast.

Shindou tries to use his Keshin armor but he still is missing something, you can feel that he needs only one more thing to succeed to use his armor. But what?

Let's hope in 7 days only he will find the answer, today passed quickly that night time quickly came, you also notice that Okatsu was very close of Shindou, she's probably worried.

After eating you notice Tasuke leaves the hidden house, you follow him secretly and notice he keep on practicing even after a whole day of training.

That's why...

"Mind if I join ya?" You asked to Tasuke.

"[F/N]? Sure!" He smile at you.

You two did a 1v1, you gave Tasuke instructions and tips but he still wasn't able to steal the ball from you.

After a hour you two sat down on the grass to do a break.

"This is frustrating, why can't I steal the ball from you..?" Asked Tasuke.

"Your movement has progressed though." You said.

"But it's not enough, what if I drag everyone down?" Said Tasuke.

"Trust you and your skills."


"If you start doutbing yourself it won't work, that's why you need to trust your competence and skills." You said.

"Trusting my skills..."

"Mhm, I know you can do it and progress in these last day's." you smiled and lied down on the grass watching the sky.

"If you trust me then... I can do it!" Said Tasuke.

"That's the spirit!" You said.

|Time skip/6 days later|

Last day before the match and today something unexpected comes from our coach Toukichirou.

He wants Tasuke and his friend's to create a combined hissatsu in one day, Toukichirou decides to call it the "One night castle."

Tasuke and his friend's accept the challenge, for a whole day we focused on helping them to complete their hissatsu and that hard work paid off! At the sunset we could finally the "one night castle" hissatsu finally completed.

You yawned tired and stretches, finally the day of the match is tomorrow can't wait to beat the protocol omega and put them right where they belong.

"Pst! [F/N]."

"Huh ?" You look around and see Okatsu, you walk up to her.

"Hello Okatsu! Need anything?" You asked to her.

"Here." she smile handing you over a bento.

"Huh? Thank you! But what it is for?" You asked confused.

"It's from Tasuke's, it's a thank you gift for helping him today." Smiled Okatsu.

"Oh, pft. This boy, he could've come and give it to me in person." You chuckled an thanked Okatsu then walked in the hidden house to eat and then went to sleep to be energized for the next day.

|The day of the fool's festival|

"Well, I see you've actually come. I commend you for your bravery, but you've made a poor choice by bringing these boys along." Said Beta by criticized our team.

Tasuke and his friend's talks back to Beta wich made her very mad..

"Oh dear..." She closes her eyes then her eyes becomes dark violet glaring at Tasuke and his friend's. "don't mess with me! I'll crush you all with one blow! Once this ends, you'll never play soccer again." Said Beta.

You confront beta and stared at her. "We won't let you." You said.

Then suddenly lot's of sound came from the people in the spectators seats, you all raise your heads and notice Nobunaga was there to watch the match, not only that Imagawa Yoshimoto is also there.

"We're fighting in the name of Oda' s army." Said Fei.

"Mhm, we must focus on the match." Nodded Tenma.

You walked on your position as a goalkeeper since for now you are the only one who can make a decent goalie against the protocol omega.


The protocol omega start the kick-off and pass the defense toward you, Einam gets the ball and uses his hissatsu trying to score.

You use your hissatsu and trying to block it with one hand but the shoot was strong so you moved your hand a bit to the left.

The soccer ball rolls out of the field.

"His shoot has become stronger, I must be careful." You noticed that Einam shoot strength was a bit more stronger than last time you've fought against him.

Tasuke friend's are starting to question their skills because of how the protocol omega passed their defense.

The match resume as the protocol omega get the ball once again and pass the ball to beta then dribble toward the goal, she calls out her Keshin about to shoot.

"I won't let you!" Said Nishiki on front of you, he also calls his Keshin to stop beta's.

Beta uses her Keshin hissatsu and shoot, Nishiki couldn't block it.

You tried to call out your Keshin armor but your timing was off.



Because of this score Tasuke and his friend's were petrified and afraid of their opponents, because of that Tenma, Shindou and the other's had to defend even more to not let the protocol omega score again.


The first half ended.

We walked toward the bench waiting for the orders of our coach.

"Here's my plan for the second half.." Said Toukichirou.

You all waited and...

"Don't attack." He said.


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