See You Soon.

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After that the Mixi max was successful three of the protocol omega player's tries to steal the ball from Shindou.

Shindou waits for the perfect timing and dodges them with ease, he dribble toward the goal and uses a new hissatsu. "Split-second boost!"

Beta suddenly comes on front of the goal and use her Keshin armor trying to block the block the ball but she fails.




After this we surrounded beta and forced her to take off the mind control of our Raimon teammates, Beta pout and does what we asked for.

"Done, happy now?" she asked.

"Not yet, where's Coach Endou?" You glared at her.

"I don't know, he's not in there." Said Beta then pass the device ball to Fei.

Fei uses his bracelet device to analyze the ball. "She's telling the truth." Said Fei.

You were confused, then where is Coach Endou..?

Suddenly another UFO appears, someone appears from it.

He has the uniform of the protocol omega, wich means...

"That was pathetic, beta. And you call yourself one of El Dorado's chosen administrators?" Said the boy with the uniform of the protocol omega, he has white spiky hair.

You can hear beta mumbling something like... Gamma ? That's his name?

Then the boy with spiky hair notices you and Smirked, he walks toward you.

"You're the one that beta lost against to? I would admit you are quite pretty." Said the gamma.

You glared at him. "What are you going to do to beta?" You asked.

"I don't think you need to know that, since... I'm your new opponent from now on." He replied then walks away.

"What..? Wait ! What happened to Alpha?!" You shouted.

"The same thing that's going to happen to Beta." He answered.

Then just like that, they disappeared with the ufo, is beta also going to disappear like alpha did..?

|The next day|

It was time for the goodbyes.. Ah.. I'm bad at these!

You were hidding behind the caravan waiting that Tasuke and Okatsu forget about you and walk in the Caravan.


"!!!" You turn around scared, just as you thought it's Tasuke.

"Er...i..i wasn't hidding at all! Haha.." You are still a bad liar.

"Oh, actually. Can we speak for a moment before you go?" Ask Tasuke.

"... Sure." You respond.

You two walked toward a quiet place to speak in private.

"Looks like you're gonna leave.. Right?" Ask Tasuke.

"Yup, I need to leave and protect the soccer I love." You replied.

"You probably noticed but.. I had a huge feeling toward you." He smile a bit embarrassed.

"Huh? Actually... Well.. I don't know what to say sorry.." You said.

"It's fine, I knew from the start that I couldn't win your heart just like that in some day's, trying to make you stay would make me feel guilty." He said.

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