Soccer Is Illegal

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You ran in the soccer building out of Stamina and opened the door.

"I'm here-"

"Soccer is now illegal!" you saw the principal saying in the room.


Illegal? What's going on? Did I miss something?

Soon after the principal left the soccer building you walked to Kyousuke and hit his shoulder.

"Hm?" as always your hits are weak like a bird trying to fight a cat, Kyousuke look at you still crossing his arms.

"What's going on?" You whisper to him.

"The end of this club, that's what is happening." He said.


"Have you seen the match between the American against Japan?" He ask.

"Nope, too busy with my things." You said shaking your head.

Kyousuke sigh and explain to you that in the match the Japan team used violence and rough play against the American team, that the match was suspended because Japan injured all the America player's.

Then Clark Wonderbat walked in the room and introduced himself and explained everything, here we go again with the explanations.

(I'll skip these explanations of parallel world and ect since yall everyone know about those.)


The history has changed once again, the protocol omega has switched place with the Japan team and used violence against the America Team, the match was suspended.

Then you met Doctor Aruno, we can say he's someone who likes to disappear.

So now our mission is to go back to the past of 1 month ago and stop this accident.

You and your team are now reunnited to stop the protocol omega, thanks to this Fei can play without worrying about his duplicates.

|End of the resume|

You and your team walk in the a caravan and take a seat, the artefact is Amagi's ticket of the soccer match.

Now that you think about it, it's the first they time they travel the time, what kind of plan have you in your mind now Alpha?

|1 months earlier|

You look over by your window and notice that the match has already started, but it hasn't ended yet the score are (Japan) 8:0 (America).

The caravan land down, Fei use his power to switch everyone outfit back to our soccer uniform, we all sneak in the stadium and see this horrible scene where all the America players are on the ground injured and unconscious.

"I knew you would come." Said a feminine voice coming toward your team.

You were expecting to see Alpha but instead you see a girl with blue hair and violet eyes with the captain band on her arm.

"Who are you?" Ask Fei.

"I'm beta." Answered Beta.


"What happened to Alpha?" You asked to Beta.

"I suppose this is what you call 'getting sacked'? Such a pity." Answered Beta.

"getting sacked...?"

"We're the protocol omega 2.0 a version upgraded!" Continued Beta.

"We don't care who you are! Let's fight!" Shout one of your teammates.

"Are you sure you want to us fight us?" Smile Beta.

"Yes, we'll take back the real soccer!" Said Tenma.

"Alright then, I've put all the data in the commentator brain. That should work." Said Beta.

You and Your team walk in the field replacing the whole America Team.

|Time skip|

The whole team got injured, even if we switched players it was gonna end the same way that Fei had to use his duplicates to help, but it was useless, moreover you couldn't use your Keshin armor anymore.

As for you, you got heavily injured during the first and second half, the match got soon suspended by the referees coming to stop the match after that Beta and her team got their 10th score.

You slowly open your eyes seeing Fei getting taken away by this soccer ball that beta is using,this soccer ball was also used by Alpha to move around the time, looks like it can also lock up people if they wanted to, you tried to stand up but your left leg immediately give up on you because of its injury.

But Endou stopped it with his God hand V, suddenly your body felt heavy, your eyes were slowly closing.

You used too much energy trying to call out your Keshin during match.

You faint.

"Is she going to act like the other's?"

"I don't know, we need to wait her to wake up to know if she will leave or stay."

These voices.. You open your eyes seeing yourself sleeping on the caravan seats, you then remember...

"COACH ENDOU!" You yelled and lose your balance and fall from the seat. "ARG-"

"She's awake." you could hear Kyousuke coming toward you.

"Are you okay?" Asked Tenma and held out his hand to help you up.

"Yeah.. Huh.. Why are we... Wait where is coach Endou?! Where are the others??" You took Tenma hand and stand up and asked panicking.

Their face sadden, then Fei walk up to you with a serious face.

"Coach Endou has been imprisoned by El Dorado and the other's... Has lost the will to play soccer because of a mind control from the protocol omega.." He said.

"I.. I'm sorry.. I wish that I could've help.." You said looking down.

"Don't worry, we're gonna still fight the protocol omega and learn how to do the Keshin armor!" Said Tenma.

"Right..." You said, you then remembered that your Keshin armor didn't work in the match.

"Don't worry, we'll win next time." Smile Shindou and tap your shoulder.

"Yeah.. Let's go." You smile.

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