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After that Taiyou joined us for practice, we all gathered to the bench noticing Gouenji was holding a scroll that seems to be the artefacts for the next time jump.

"The next artefacts is... Kongming's scroll." Said Gouenji.

"Kongming's scroll ? Then it means we're going to time jump in the Three Kingdoms time ?!" Asked Hayami who seemed to be excited.

"That's right! 3# A midfielder of unparalleled accuracy, who can see into the future and attack the enemy's weak spot with his analytical reasoning. That would be Zhuge Kongming!" Said Daisuke.

"4# An iron wall goalkeeper with the power to control a major country, along with the tenacity and will carry out his actions. That would be Liu bei aka Liu Xiande!" continued Daisuke.

"Liu Xiande ?! I'm an huge fan of him!" Said Hayami screaming and fanboying around.

Liu Xande, the person who managed to convince Kongming to help him in a war against Cao Cao and also managed to create an even bigger country in China by gathering three states.

How do you know that? Uh... Its because of your homeworks when you were sick, remember? Your fever...

"I'll be announcing who will come to the time jump! Matsukaze, Fei, Shindou, Tsuguri, [L/N], Nishiki, Kirino, Kariya, Nanobana, Amemiya and Nishizono." Said Daisuke.

Liu bei Mixi max would be perfect with Shinsuke since he's the goalkeeper of the team right now and Kongming.. Hm.. That's hard to tell.

You all walked in the Caravan, you sat down on a seat and saw Kyousuke and Taiyou glaring at each other standing on front of the empty seat next to you.

"I'll sit in the back.." You said and sweat dropped then stood up and sat at the back of the Caravan.

Jeez what's wrong with these two..

Time jump !

|Year 207 A.D Later Han dynasty (current China)|

The caravan landed in a wood FULL of bamboo, you all changed outfit to this era to not look suspicious.

You hear someone singing from afar, it was low but still hearable. "Someone is here somewhere." You said.

"Let's follow [F/N]!" Said Wonderbat.

You nod then run toward the sound of the person singing huh... "After after after after?" You didn't knew since the person singing it kept repeating these word's.

You see a blue haired man then walked out of the woods to talk to him.

"Hello!-" Said Tenma.

But we got greeted back with a HUGE cannon bomb pointing at us.

"Look out!" shouted the man in blue hair at us.

(I'M SO SPEECHLESS ABOUT THEIR REACTION I'M SORRY, Look at Kurama face and Wonderbat acting dead-)

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(I'M SO SPEECHLESS ABOUT THEIR REACTION I'M SORRY, Look at Kurama face and Wonderbat acting dead-)

Then the man started to laugh at us. "Just kidding! Did I scared you?" he continued laughing.

"What's with this guy?" Asked Kariya a bit pissed.

"You came in the right time, could you help me out? This thing is stuck and won't move at all." Said the man looking at the cannon bomb stuck in the mud.

We agreed and the boy's went to help the man.

"That's a rather large cannon, what are you gonna do with it?" Asked Shindou.

"Hm... I'm gonna catch a turtle!" He said with a smile.

You all then imagined a gigantic turtle getting hit by the cannon, then the man started to laugh again. "Just kidding!" he said.

"Give me a break." Sweatdrop Kariya.

"Actually, I'm gonna catch a dragon." Said The man.

"We won't fall for your jokes again sir..." you said to him not believing at all.

"No, I'm serious. Inside this cannon there is a net to catch the dragon." Replied the man.

He seemed serious this time..

Fei, Tenma, Shinsuke and Nishiki helped him with the cannon and succeeded even though they could just pushed the back of the cannon since the wheels of it wasn't stuck.

Then two other man's come out of nowhere and shouted "HONORABLE BROTHER!" they ran to us and pointed us their spear at us to protect the blue haired man thinking that we're attacking him.

The boy's grab you and put you behind them to protect you.

"Wait, wait, calm down." Said the man with blue hair.

"Right ! We shouldn't be hasty." Said the man pointing his spear at you and your teammates and moved his spear away.

"We aren't anyone suspicious, we've just came to Meet Liu Xande and Zhuge Kongming." Said Shindou to them.

"Me?" Asked the man in blue hair.

"Huh?" Tenma look at the man.

"I am Liu Xuande." Said Liu pointing himself.

"EH?" Everyone screamed.

"This man is Liu Xuande?!" Said Tenma in shocked.

"You're Liu Xuande?" Ask Shindou.

"Yeah, these are my two sworn brothers. Guan yu and Zhang Fei." Said Liu to us.

Then we started to tell him about our situation that we needed his and Kongming power to save soccer, but.. He didn't believe us.

He also explained that he came to visit Kongming twice and failed, well.. He also said that he told Kongming two jokes that are rather... Stupid.

Wonderbat tried to fuse Shinsuke aura with Liu's but it didn't work.

Looks like Shinsuke need to get closer to Liu or get stronger to handle his aura.

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