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|Time skip/resume|

The first half ended as 0:4 the last goal was made by Fei himself.. You saw Saru doing something to Fei, did he used his power on Fei?

You got so frustrated that you again stood up from your seat and shouted to Fei. "Why did you do this?!"

"Because this isn't my team, not anymore." Replied Fei looking at you.

"What do you mean?! We've been teammates ever since El Dorado attacked me! Explain!" You shouted but Fei walks away out of the stadium.

"Does that mean.. Fei is a spy...?" Said Tenma.

"No way..." You said in shock.

Does that mean, everything he did with us was just.. To manipulate us..?

Because of this, you didn't focused on the match anymore, lost in your thoughts, confused about the situation, the only thing you had in mind.

Win this Ragnarok game and show Fei that everything he's doing is wrong.

The matched ended as 1:5, after this you immediately went to search for a Fei.

You look around running everywhere and spotted Fei!

"Fei wait!" You shouted.

Fei turns around, he wasn't wearing his soccer uniform anymore but his casual clothes.

"Why...?" You asked out of breath from running.

"Sorry, but I remembered why I came to your era in the first place and why I am fighting El Dorado." Said Fei.

"So... Everything you said because you wanted to protect soccer... Was.. Fake ? A lie?"

"Yes, I fight because people out there doesn't accept us. The second stage children. That's our destiny." Said Fei.

"What...?" You are still confused.

"Allow me to explain." Said a voice behind you, you turn around and face yourself to Saru, you immediately back away from him.

"Fei isn't a kind of person to lie, that's why I erased his whole memory of being a second stage children, but everything he told you aren't lies. He loves deeply soccer just like you, but only when he forgot that he was one of us." Continued Saru.

You were out of words, everything makes sense, yet.. This reality hurts you so bad.

Saru and Fei walks away.

Then doctor Aruna appears behind you out of nowhere as always.

"I knew that Fei was sent by Saru, I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you about it this, I thought that maybe Fei could... Change the world by showing this amazing sport. Soccer." Said Aruno.

"Doctor Aruno, do you... Trust Fei?" You asked.

"I do." He nod.

"Then, I will too. Fei will come back soon as I show him the right path!" You said not discouraging yourself.

"Oh, by the way doctor ar-" You look toward Doctor Aruno direction but he already disappeared.

"Oh come on! I was going to ask a question there!" You pouted.

Then you remembered it was soon Shindou's team turn to walk in the stadium so you immediately rushed on the waiting room, on your way you bump into Aoi, Tenma and Shinsuke so you four went toward the waiting room.


You saw your teammates in El Dorado uniform.

"..." You stood there.

"Is it that bad..?" Ask Kurama to you.


"Ugly?" Ask Amagi.

"IT'S WONDERFUL! You all look so good in those uniforms!" you were totally fangirling over how good they fit in those uniforms.

"Uh.. Thanks ?" Said Shindou sweatdropping.

"[F/N]! You came to cheer on me right?" Asked Beta to you.

"No! She came to cheer on me!" Said Gamma pushing Beta away.

"No, she actually came to cheer on the team." Said Alpha.

"Yup !" You replied.

"Eh..." Both Gamma and Beta pouted.

Then two people appears in the same room, a blond boy with glasses and a girl with long lavender colored hair, they seemed bored when they took a glance at Shindou's team.

Then they just walked out of the room with uh... Lovers.. Aura..? Oh well, atleast you now know there's couple in the second stage children.

"Anyway Akane, did you bring your camera??" You asked to Akane.

She nod and took out her pinkish camera.

"May I borrow it?" You asked.

"Sure." She smiled and hand you the camera.

You took a pic of the room with everyone in it then asked something Akane, she nod.

Then we started to talk about who could be the power number 11.

11# An all rounder who pierces through all with the power of the scorching hot wind and earth shattering-thunder.

Then Daisuke said that the only person able to fit this position was.. Zanark.

You sat down on a bench listening to them speaking about Zanark.

"That's true that he has an incredible power." Said Tenma to Daisuke.

"I thought you'd say that." This line... This voice.. Wait a minute. Why is it so near you-

You look on your left and see Zanark sitting next to you, you immediately stand up walking away from him.

"What the-when did you got here?!" You exclaimed.

"Zanark? What are you doing here?" Asked Tenma.

"the way those guys do things makes me sick, compared to them, the old farts in El Dorado look like a kitten. Wich is why I'm gonna do you the favor of mingling with you." Said Zanark with a smirk.

"Join us?-" You said.

"Ludicrous! I won't accept that!" Yelled Gamma.

"I agree, we can't trust you." Added Shindou.

"Sorry, but my descision is final." Said Zanark.

"I also disagree, your power is indeed strong Zanark but it's inadequate." You said crossing your arms.

"[F/N] is right." Said Daisuke.

"I thought you'd say-- I'm inadequate?!" shouted Zanark.

You nod, then Daisuke floats toward Zanark. "You indeed can become the power number 11 that I seek for, but you need to be follow my instructions and training." Said Daisuke.

"I refuse." declined Zanark.

"What?" Said Daisuke.

"Stone grandpa! It looks like you and [F/N] [L/N] have no idea about my real powers, I'll prove you in this next match that I already have what it takes to become one of the strongest player in the history!" Said Zanark.

You all looked at each other, we had not choice so we let Zanark doing his thing.

Inazuma eleven go x reader [Chrono stone/BOOK II] Where stories live. Discover now