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|Zhong Kongming's estate(the building in this chapter picture)|

We are on front of Kongming Estate, trying to figure out how to open the door who seems to be locked.

Then Shinsuke notice something on the ground, a hole.

"There's a hole." said Shinsuke pointing at the hole under the door.

"Could it be..." Zhang walk toward the door, you back away a bit.

Zhang uses his strength and put his hands under the door and open it by pushing it to the top.

"I see, it's a upwards door." You said.

"Good job, uh.." Said Liu looking at Shinsuke.

"Oh ! Shinsuke !" Smiled Shinsuke telling Liu his name.

"Oh, that's a good name!" Complimented Liu.

Then Liu walked in with the cannon inside the building but then...


A Huge wrecking ball comes out of nowhere and destroy Liu's Cannon.

"My capture device!" Yelled Liu noticing that his cannon was destroyed.

"What was that?" Asked Fei.

"This estate is littered with traps, and once you're inside, you can't get back out easily, it's also named as Kongming's fortress. I've heard some people have lost their lives in here." Said Liu with a serious expression.

"T-their lives..?" you stuttered.

"You only tell us now?!" Said Kariya afraid.

"We'll have to keep on going." Said Shindou.

You gulped, then followed the group in the building, the first room seemed to not be suspicious or even trapped so we walked in but Liu's brothers stop us from walking further.

"We won't let you go further!" Said Zhang.

"What the..." You mumbled.

"Don't joke around you two!" Said Aoi.

"No, they're serious, they look like they are controlled by some sort of black magic." Said Liu.

Then three people with red uniforms one with a white uniform appears out of nowhere on front of you and your team.

A boy with blue dark hair wearing a mask, the second in the middle has purple hair, the third one wears a white uniform and is taller than the others.

"who are you?!" You shouted.

"Protocol omega ?!" Asked Shindou.

"Tsk, dont group us with those losers" Said one of the person with a red uniform and snapped on his fingers appearing a soccer ball on front of him.

Liu gets angry and take out his sword toward the strangers.

The one wearing a mask grab your arm with force toward them.

"[F/N]!" Yelled everyone.

"Let me go!" You try to move your arm to escape.

"Do not move." Ordered the person who's holding your arm with so much strength that you couldn't escape.

"We have an hostage, so if you try to hurt us then you can say goodbye to your friend." Said the boy with purple hair to your friend's.

"Liu put back your sword! In order to save them we need to win against them in a soccer battle!" Said Shindou.

"Soccer..?" Ask Liu not knowing what's soccer.

"Hmpf, be good and sleep." Said the boy with purple hair approaching you with a red sphere ball.

"Don't... Approach me with your disgusting face!" You yelled angry at them.

"Tch." The boy click on one of the sphere button.

Mind control.

Your body suddenly felt heavy, your eyes slowly close and.. Fainted.

|Time skip|

You suddenly wake up seeing yourself standing in the corner of the room, all your teammates were looking at you with their worried face.

"Huh... Did I miss something?" You asked looking at them.

"SHE'S BACK!" They all shouted happily, Tenma and Shinsuke hug you at the same time.

"It feels like I slept for a while.. My legs feels weak for some reasons.." You said hugging Shinsuke and Tenma back.

"You've been mind controlled by these people and stood there while we fought them." Said Fei.

"Oh, jeez... I don't want this to ever happen again.." You whined.

Everyone chuckled then went to the next room, Tenma and the other's explained everything to Liu and his brother's about El Dorado using "Black magic" and.. yeah we have to stop them from making disappear soccer.

"Sorry.. I couldn't protect you." Said Taiyou to you with a sad tone.

"Don't worry, atleast I'm here that's what it matters!" You said trying to cheer him up.

"I'll protect you next time, I promise." Said Taiyou looking at you determined.

"First focus on your health before saying that." You said jokingly teasing him.

Taiyou face went red of embarrassment. "I already said that my health was fine!" He said.

"Sure, sure~ anyway, I'll also protect you and everyone in this team." You said with a smile on your face.

For the second floor you all arrive in a room that look like this.

For the second floor you all arrive in a room that look like this

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When you all stepped in the door behind you disappeared.

"Okay, lets think, there's a ball, a candlestick and fire.." You said but got cut off by Liu.

"Let's extinguish the fire!" Said Liu.

"Huh?! But what about the candlestick and the ball?" Ask Shindou.

"Not a clue, but if we keep thinking we'll be stuck here." Said Liu.

"Wait ! You said people lost lives in here its better to think before-" you said but...

"Zhang!" Shout Liu.

Zhang uses his spear strength to use the wind to extinguish the fire.

"Good!" Said Liu.

Suddenly the platform under your feet disappear.

You inhale and exhale.

"WHY DOES HE NEVER LISTEN TO ME!!" You yelled in rage while falling into the deep hole with your teammates.

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