The Book

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You played as a libero like Fei ordered and used all your maximum strenght on playing both defense and attack, you used your Keshin to finally score against these robots, the simulation ends.

You and your team run out of the museum and ran in the Caravan exhausted.

"Please tell me we're never going to do EVER again." you said out of breath.

"Can't promise that.." Said Fei.

You all time jumped back to the present, the caravan land next to Tenma's house, we all stayed there for the night.

|The next morning|

"Uh... Well, I know that this thing is impossible to read but.. How are we gonna decrypt it?" Asked Nishiki.

"That doesn't look like handwriting to me.." You said looking at the Holy book of champions, the more you look at it the more you think it's that this Master D is a very bad artist.

"Have you decoded it yet? We brought snack!" Smiled Aki with Haruna holding some cups and a kettle while Haruna was holding a plate of snacks(biscuits).

Then haruna look at the book with a surprised expression. "Aki, this book looks like the same that Endou had." Said Haruna to Aki.

Aki then look at the book. "That's true, it does." She said.

Then they both joined us and took a look at the book, they told us that the owner of this book is none other than Endou's grandfather. Endou Daisuke.

We decided to find this Endou Daisuke, for that we need to time travel to where he is right now, while we were about to go our trainer Kidou also joined us.

Time jump


We arrived in a some sort of tropical place, jeez it's hot in here.. Oh well, we arrived on front of a hospital.

Tenma gave the book to Kidou, since out of everyone Daisuke only knows Kidou.

We waited a bit in the waiting room and saw Kidou coming from Daisuke room expecting to hear some good news but..

"What ! he refused?!" You shouted.

Trainer Kidou nod.

"Then... Maybe I should go!" Suggested Wonderbat.

"It'll backfire.." Said Akane.

"That's it! We didn't risk our lives and everything to end up like this, I'll go!" You said.

"Are you sure?" Asked Kyousuke.

You nod.

"Then, take this with you." Kidou give you the Holy book of champions.

You thank your Trainer Kidou and walk back in Daisuke room holding the book.

"Who are you?" You see a old man sitting on his bed, he must be Daisuke.

"My name is [F/N] [L/N], I'm from Raimon Junior soccer team lead by coach Endou." You said.

Daisuke laugh. "Don't shouldn't speak lies, young miss, mamoru isn't a coach." Said Daisuke.

"I'm telling the truth, I come from the future!" You exclaimed.

"Absurd." Add Daisuke.

"..." You inhale and exhale.

"Listen here! If I was lying why do I have this book you wrote in it?! Who in the world would waste their time and life to come all over to you and ask about this book secrets? If it wasn't for Coach Endou I would've still be in this controlled soccer! I came all over to here to protect it and to save Endou!" You shouted but stopped out of breathes.

Daisuke had a shocked expression on his face then continued on laughing." Your name is [L/N], right?" Ask Daisuke.

"Uh.. Yes." You reply.

"Fine, you win. I'll tell you the secret of this book." He said.


"But.. These eleven player's are impossible to assemble." Continued Daisuke.

"Impossible to.. Assemble?" You raise your eyebrow.

"You'll see, I'll meet you outside to explain it to everyone." Said Daisuke.

You nod and walk out of Daisuke room, phew...

You felt relieved, you walked back to your friend's but the protocol omega 2.0 were also there, gosh did they followed us?

|Soccer field|

"[L/N], I want you to play as a defenser." Said Kidou.

You nod, everyone went to their position to play against the protocol omega 2.0, Fei appears his dupli and the match starts as the Protocol omega do the kick-off.

But soon as the match started the opposition team makes the first goal against us.


But something wasn't right, Einam and the four others doesn't seem to obey to beta orders.. Beta asked to have the soccer ball but instead they gave it to Einam. Strange.

The match resumed, you carefully watched Einam and Beta both actions, looks like there's a part of the protocol omega that doesn't listen to beta.

You tried to block Einam by summon your Keshin armor but it didn't work anymore! Just like last time..

But Einam was stopped from shooting by Beta.

"That's how you summon your Keshin armor!" Beta takes the ball and summon her Keshin then used her armor. "Shoot command 07!" Beta shoot in the soccer ball and score.




The first half ended, you all walked toward your bench, you clenched your fist.

What happened?! Why can't I use my Keshin armor anymore? Did I do something wrong? You thought.

"What's with the depressing look?" Ask Daisuke.

"Who's this person?" Ask Tenma.

"It's Daisuke Endou." You respond at his question.

"So he's.." Tenma look at Daisuke.

"So you're master D!" Said Fei.

"Master D ? So that's how you call me in the future?" Asked Daisuke.

"Huh? So you believe us?" Ask Kidou.

"Of course." Replied Daisuke, he then take a look at us for some seconds.

"It's decided! I'll be you all coach for this match!" Said Daisuke.

"Huh..? EH?!" You all said in shocked.

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