Perfect Cascade

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The next day we started to learn Tove about soccer, he was progressing very fast thanks to his reflexes by living in the wild with dinosaurs.

But after this Doctor Aruno comes with some shocking news, apparently Tove isn't coming from this era but he's indeed originally from our time-line and was sended to this dinosaur era by mistake.

There's is some research to find his parent's, then as always Doctor Aruno disappear faster than ever.

Fei seemed distracted, was it because of yesterday night conversation with Big? About his parents...

"Target in sight." You all heard a voice from somewhere, you look up and see a boy (the chapter pic) looking at us.

"That's..." You look at the boy, then the boy appears a blue sphere device and uses Move mode.

You all get blinded by the blue light, it soon faded away but you noticed you all were on a soccer field somewhere in a unknown place.

"You're the guy who hurt Rockstar! I can tell by your smell!" Said Angered Tove, Then Big agreed with him.

You observe the boy he has a yellow captain armband on his arm, so he must be..

"Rockstar death, with this event you cannot achieve your goal anymore, it's wise to give up." Said the boy with a robotic vibes.

"You are the captain of the Perfect Cascade right?!" You shouted at him.

Then a men walk up to the boy and stand behind him. "Indeed, this is Ray Rukh, he and his team will now destroy Raimon." Said the man.

"Tenma ! Let me play with you guy's, I'll make them pay for doing this to Rockstar." Said Tove.

"I can drop out." You said raising your hand, you knew this kind of feeling when you lost your parents that's why you wanted to let him go.

"Thank you! Uh..." Said Tove that forgot your name.

"[F/N]!" You smiled.

"Uh yeah!" He smiled back.

"I count on you, please win this match for us and Rockstar." You said and held out your hand to shake his hand.

"I will." He said then look at your hands.

"Right.. He doesn't know what's a handshake.." You mumbled, you grab his hand then showed him what's a handshake.

And as always the coach position was taken away from Wonderbat by... Tove father!

The match started, you observed the opponent movement's... They're fast... Its not human! They immediately scored against Raimon with just some perfect passes and a strong shoot.


But even after this score they didn't had any emotion! No happiness, no surprise, not even a trick to make us mad like the protocole omega or even Zanark Domain.

Raimon start the kick-off but the Perfect Cascade players immediately steal the ball from Kyousuke and score against Shinsuke Mixi trans easily.


"So not even the Mixi max work..." You said.

Wonderbat nod. "Not only they are fast but strong aswell." He said.

The match continued. The score went to 0:19 that was certain, they are way more stronger than any opponent we've faced before.

The match ended, El Dorado tried to use mind control on us but Tove father called out his dinosaurs friends and blocked our opponents views.

We all got teleport in a dark cave.

"Phew! That was a close one!" You all noticed Doctor Aruno was also here.

We all walked out of this cave but we didn't got time to thank Doctor Aruno that he already disappeared.. Jeez.. Can't he even stay so we can thank him?

But even after this defeat we all were still energized to beat the Perfect Cascade.

We were about to practice to get even more faster than the player's of Perfect Cascade but then you all got suddenly surrounded by... Dinosaurs.

"Wow! So many Troodon!" Said Shinsuke with his eyes widen sparkling everywhere.

"This isn't the time to be fanboying! You're agreeing with me right [F/N]?
.... [F/N]?" Said Midori then look at you.

"These are the coolest Dinosaurs I've ever seen!" You said all happy wanting to pat them.

Midori sweatdrops.

Then Tove tells us that they mean no harm they are his Father friend's and his, Tove father told us to train with them since they practically memorized on how to play soccer by watching us back there against the Perfect Cascade.

Thanks to this training.

Kinako succeeded to call out her Keshin, it was impressing, our movements also became faster by not hesitating in passing or dribbling.

The day passed really fast as we walked back to Tove and his father house to eat dinner.

You were exhausted, not even Fifth sector's training could be compare to this one.

You look at Fei, he seemed to be bothered by something... You sit next to him and offer him a nice fruit.

"Huh?" Fei look at you.

"Eat up! If you wanna get stronger health also count!" You smiled at him.

"..." Fei look at the fruit you're holding then smiled. "Thank you." He said and took the fruit and started to eat.

You have been watching Kinako and Fei lately, I'm starting to think that Kinako is acting weird these day's.

It's better to wait and see what happens.

The next day we kept on training but our training got interrupt by them again. Perfect Cascade.

Ray appear his blue device sphere and uses move mode to teleport us back to this soccer field from yesterday.

Kariya tap your shoulder.

"Huh?" You look at Kariya.

"The team needs to win this one, take my place on the field and win." He said.

"... Understood, I'll do my best to carry everyone to victory." You said.

"That's what I wanted to hear!" Said Proud Kariya.

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