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The second half starts as Zanark Domain player's steal the ball from us but you immediately steal it back with your defensive hissatsu then pass it to Kyousuke.

"Nice one, [F/N]!" Shouted Midori from the bench.

But all the player's of Zanark Domain started to use dirty tricks to hurt Kyousuke, but as always Kyousuke would always stand back up and continue to get back the ball.

But the opponent's kept on using their tricks and push Kyousuke on the ground.

You tried to stop them but one of the player's blocked your way.

"I won't let you." Smirked the opponent.

These actions from Kyousuke's made Okita realize how much he cares and wanted to protect soccer.

"Take my power! If it's what it takes to save what's most important to you!" Shouted Okita from the bench.

Wonderbat took out his Mixi max gun and pointed at Kyousuke and Okita, its a success.

Kyousuke's hair became dark purple as his eyes became purple with yellow in the middle and just like Okita, his skin became tanned.

Three opponents runs toward Kyousuke to steal his ball but Kyousuke dodged them all with lightning speed and dribble toward the goal.

"Kiku-Ichimonji!" Kyousuke uses a new hissatsu from Okita's power toward the goal.



After this goal, Zanark Domain team player's tries to score their third goal but this time Shinsuke blocked their shoot with his Keshin armor.

Shinsuke do a long pass toward Tenma but Zanark cut in and gets the ball.

Zanark passes all your teammates, you felt this dark aura surrounding him again, Zanark shoot in the ball but Shinsuke blocked it.

Your both hands starts to shake once again, this aura was again calling for you... But why?!

Zanark's Keshin appears with chains surrounding it his Keshin was struggling trying to escape these chains, that's it! He's calling for help!

"Nishiki with me!" You ordered and ran toward Zanark.

"Right behind you!" Said Nishiki and followed you to Zanark.

"[K/N]!" You call out your Keshin, Nishiki also call his.

"Nishiki uses your Keshin to break these I'll hold him!" You said and used your Keshin to hold Zanark's Keshin from struggling.

Nishiki uses his Keshin and cut with his katana's the chains and free Zanark's Keshin from the chains.

The dark aura disappeared so did Zanark Keshin, Zanark falls on his knee.

You and Nishiki walk up to him.

"Are you okay?" Asked Nishiki.

"Why did you two helped me?" Asked Zanark.

"You can thank [F/N] for that." Smiled Nishiki pointing at you.

"No need to thank me, thank your Keshin for calling help." You said looking away.

Nishiki laughed and tapping your back. "Haha! Still kind as always." Said Nishiki.

"You should still thank Nishiki though, he's the one who cutted the chains." You teased then Smirked.

"Stop that ! You're gonna make me blush!" Said Nishiki.

You notice behind Nishiki there was Wonderbat pointing his Mixi max gun at Nishiki.

"Time to shine for our Samurai!" You smiled then immediately dodged the Mixi max.

"Wha-" Then Nishiki get hits by the Mixi max gun and successfully Mixi trans to Sakamoto.

His hair becomes dark blue and his hairstyle changes. His eyes turns teal and his skin becomes lighter.

The match continues as Zanark finally start to have fun in player soccer and tries to block Nishiki with his Mixi trans Cao Cao but Nishiki passed him with his new hissatsu.

Nishiki pass the ball to Shindou, Shindou uses his Mixi trans with Nobunaga and uses his hissatsu.



Both team are doing their best trying to score the last goal in these last minutes.

You steal the ball from your opponent and do a long pass to Nishiki. "You can do it Nishiki!" You shouted.

Zanark comes between the goal and Nishiki, Zanark call out his Keshin and used his armor.

Time for the answer will Nishiki finally be able to call out his? You carefully watched the scene and bingo! He succeeded!

Nishiki uses his Keshin armor strenght and shoot in the ball,Zanark wasn't able to block it.




The match ended, Raimon won.

You walk toward Nishiki and did a high five.

"You did it Nishiki!" You smiled at him.

"Thanks to you!" He said and chuckled.

"Nah, it's thanks to your own strength." You playfully hit his shoulder.

"You've won for today, but next time I'll win." Said Zanark walking toward us.

You and Nishiki look at each other then look at Zanark. "We'd thought you'd say that." You and Nishiki said at the same time.

Zanark teammates disappear, Zanark smirk at you and Nishiki reaction.

"Zanark, please give us Coach Endou and make disappear this soccer ban!" You asked.

"You mean this?" Asked Zanark taking out a purple rock with a different form but it exactly look like Daisuke in a chrono stone form.

"He turned into a Chrono stone..?" You asked looking at the chrono stone.

"Here." Said Zanark handing you the chrono stone.

You noticed that ever since you've helped Zanark your hands stopped shaking, you smiled then was about to grab Endou chrono stone but.

An unknown person appeared on front of you and took the chrono stone from Zanark's hands.

Then the person disappeared and Zanark ran away with his red vehicle.

"He tricked us!" You said angered.

We've beaten the protocol omega, Zanark Domain but still don't have coach Endou nor being able to stop the soccer ban.

But then Fei suggested us to beat El Dorado by going to the future, this is the only option left so we agreed.

Okita walk up to you. "I want to thank you for opening my eyes, everything you said. Your words. Helped me to see what was missing in my life." Said Okita with a smile.

"Missing?" You asked confused.

"I was so scared to betray the Shinsengumi because I thought that it was because of this that I was only existing but I was wrong." Continued Okita.

Then Okita looked at Kyousuke. "This boy made me see that being alive was the most important to me." Said Okita.

"I'm glad that Kyousuke could've help you see it." You smiled.

"This boy said he wanted to protect something that is the most important thing to him, I have to agree. He must protect this precious thing." Added Okita.

"You mean soccer?" You asked.

"Hm? We can say that." said Okita.

"Huh?" You look at him confused.


"You're kindness made me become what I am today."

"The most precious thing to me isn't only soccer."

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