Zanark Domain

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You walked back to your position, you stopped your hand from shaking you tried to kept on focusing on the match.

Your team tries to tied the score but Taiyou timing suddenly was off, your teammate pass the ball to you.

You turn around and see Zanark on front of you. "What the-"

"Let me show you something interesting." He Smirked then a dark purple aura surrounded him. "Mixi Trans, Cao Cao!" Zanark hair turned into a white color.

"Did he just say Cao Cao?!" You thought.

You shake your head, focus focus!

"[K/N]! Armor!" You called out your Keshin and summoned the armor and shot in the ball toward Zanark.

Then Zanark also called out a Keshin. "Black turquoise of herculean strength!(dang his name is long)"

The Keshin stopped your shot with ease, your eyes widen, you were mixed feelings with afraid and impressed.

"How's that?" Asked Zanark to you.

You stood there speechless, and the match continues Taiyou movements slowed and he became more hesitant.

Taiyou frustrated hit the grass angered. "Why?!" Shouted Taiyou.

"Taiyou.. Are you scared..?" You walk up to him.

"I'm sorry.. [F/N], I said I wanted to help you and your team but all I've been doing is dragging you all down." Said Taiyou.

"Oh.. Taiyou, don't be too harsh on you." You smile.

"Huh?" Taiyou look at you.

"People have bad times and moment. They often make mistakes and that's okay, you are surrounded by trustful teammates, we support each other, right everyone?" You asked.

"Yes!" They shouted behind you.

"See?" You smile at him.

Everyone cheered on Taiyou, we all agreed to help him score no matter what!

The match resumed as we all focused on helping Taiyou, you pass the ball to him.

"Go for it, Taiyou!" You shouted.

He nod then uses his Keshin hissatsu trying to score but... It didn't work against the goalkeeper.

We tried multiples times to goal but they kept on stopping Taiyou shots, they are strong..

Then the Zanark Domain player's started to pass the ball to each other but their pass were so strong that when it pass next to us the wind blows so hard that it feels like a hit.

We all one by one get injured by them, you tried to stand up noticing that the only person standing left was Taiyou.

The balls rolls toward him, he was injured and weakened, you see one of the Zanark Domain player running toward him.

"Taiyou!-" You shouted.


You look toward the sudden growl and see a dragon, no.. A Keshin from Kongming!

The dragon growl and charge toward Taiyou, a huge light appears surrounding Taiyou when the Dragon and him seems to have fused.

Taiyou's hair length grew a bit longer to two tied hair and became light purple.

"Taiyou..?" Your eyes widen, he... Mixi maxed with Kongming without a Mixi max..?

Taiyou uses his speed and dribble ahead, Zanark uses his Cao Cao Mixi trans then summoned his Keshin but even with that Taiyou passed him with ease then shoot in the ball toward the goal.




The first half ended, Taiyou goes back to his normal self, Taiyou walks toward you and held out his hand. "You okay?" He smiled.

These word's reminded of your first meeting with Taiyou, you chuckle then grab his hand, he helps you stand up. "I'm fine, I'm ain't gonna let you all the spotlight." You Smirked.

Taiyou chuckle. "As expected from you."

You all walked to the bench, Wonderbat tries to Mixi max Shinsuke and Liu bei but it still didn't work.

Something is missing between these two, power? No, Shinsuke surely has enough strength to handle Liu aura, maybe that these two need to feel closer to understanding?

The second half resume.

"Everyone focus on the defense!" Shouted Tenma.

"Tenma ! Leave it to me!" Said Taiyou.

"Taiyou?" Tenma seemed confused by Taiyou's words.

"Looks like he has a plan." You whispered to Tenma.

"Ohh !" nodded Tenma.

The match started as Zanark Domain do the kick-off, Zanark immediately uses his Mixi max with Cao Cao and dribbled toward us, Taiyou also uses his Mixi max with Kongming then ordered us to circle around Zanark.

All your teammates were surrounding Zanark in circle.

"Pathetic, there's an opening!" Said Zanark all confident until he shoot in the soccer ball but it hit the goal bar and leaves the field.

This new hissatsu tactics from Taiyou was created by Kongming for strategic plans in wars and such stuff.

It's named Qi Men Dun Jia.

The match continues with a kick goal, Shinsuke pass the ball to Taiyou then passes it to Fei, you observed Zanark from where you were and saw him undoing his Mixi max then raised his hand.

"Come out! King of destruction, Zodiac!" Said Zanark calling out a different Keshin, is this even possible?! His Keshin looks like a dragon with arm-wings with dark and red colors.

He uses his Keshin armor then pushes all of us away with his strength, he undo his armor then dribble toward the goal.

Zanark uses an hissatsu and shot in the ball toward the goal, Shinsuke's back appeared an energy aura but it soon faded when Shinsuke got hit by Zanark's shoot.



"Shinsuke!" You and Fei ran toward Shinsuke making sure he was fine.

You see Shinsuke's hands trembling, Shinsuke eyes were full of fear.

"It's different from any shoot I've ever faced..." Said Shinsuke stuttering.

You hold Shinsuke's hands. "Shinsuke, it's fine. If you want to switch position I'll do it." You said.

"I..." Shinsuke wasn't sure anymore.

"[F/N]..." Fei look at you worried for Shinsuke.

"Shinsuke, stay in the goal, I'll protect it with you." You said.

Shinsuke look down, seems like your words can't reach him right now.

You sigh then stood up.

"Shinsuke, I've been scared ever since I've seen this Zanark!" You shouted.

"Huh..?" Shinsuke raise his head to you.

"If I can control this fear then you can too!" You said.

"But.. His shoot is really scary.."Said Shinsuke.

It's no use, he won't listen to any of your words.

"Taiyou! Switch with me." You said.

"To forward?" he ask.

"Mhm, I want to stay as a midfielder to protect the goal." You replied.

"Understood." He nod then walked on front to the forward position.


"Now that I have enough strength, I'll protect you and the other's."

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