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(Fine MEN'S IKEMENNN alert on the chapter picture.)

In the end we lost Kondou buuuut! We finally found the Shinsengumi headquarters!

While your group were all talking, you weren't interested and walked in, the more fast you find Okita the more you could finish this and win against Zanark Domain.

|Nobody pov|

"Huh? Hey guy's, where's [F/N]..?"Asked Fei noticing that [F/N] is gone.

"Wasn't she just there-" Said Midori pointing behind her then.... Air.

"... Where is she?!" Shouted Midori panicked.

Then everyone heard some footsteps, they all went to hide in the bushes.

They peek and see Zanark wearing Kondou's outfit walking in the headquarters.

"That's bad... [F/N] is probably also in there!" Said Midori.

"You think so?" Asked Kyousuke.

Midori nod. "If her and Zanark meet... She'll..." Midori remembered this scene when [F/N] was frozen in place when seeing Zanark power getting uncontrollable.

"We must find her before Zanark does!" Said Kinako.

"I agree, let's go when Zanark is gone." suggested Kirino.

Fei and the other's nodded.

|Back to your pov|

You walked around the headquarters for some minutes now... You've encountered no one!

You sigh desperate, maybe he's probably stuck in bed because of his illness that Midori said about, uh... Where am I suppose to search then...?

You let out a deep sigh then walked around trying to find a building where the Shinsengumi are suppose to "rest", while looking you notice a huge building full of Shinsengumi guarding it.

It must be something important there, so it shouldn't be the building you are searching for, you see another small building with no guards.


You made sure no one notice you and walked in the building, you immediately stopped when you heard some people speaking.

"I will kill him, by my own hands, he will die." Said someone in a room.

Sheesh, the first words I hear in this headquarters is someone talking about killings...

You hear footstep coming toward you, your hands started to shake again, don't tell me...

You look around trying to find a place to hide, YOU GOT NO CHOICES AT ALL!

"Well Frick that!" You said burst in the room where the people where talking about killing and closed the door behind.

"Who are you?!" Said a man wearing the Shinsengumi uniform that has dark green hair, he was next to a man with dark purplish hair and dark skin.

"Please hide me and I'll explain everything, I promise!" You begged them.

Both men's look at you then the one with dark purple hair pointed at the closet in the room.

You went immediately there and hidden there.

Then the door of the room opens.

"There are still more regimental soldiers in here?" This voice... You knew it. Its Zanark!

"That's Kondou's Haori(commander uniform.) why are you wearing that?! Who are you?!" Said one of the man.

"I am Kondou Isami for now." Responded Zanark.

"Nonsense! Where is Kondou?!" Asked again the man.

"Kondou is locked in a place far away from here at the moment." Replied Zanark then you heard a cling sound.

You heard a sword sounds then...

Mind control mode.

Your eyes widen hearing this robotic voice, Zanark is about to control these two person!

You were about to step in until you heard a slash.

"You have a tenacious Willpower, what's your name?" Asked Zanark.

Seems like one of the man in the room succeeded to slash the sphere device.

"I am the captain of Shinsengumi first unit, Okita Souji." replied the man.


But then you heard Okita coughing, right he has an illness..

You waited a bit before confronting Zanark until you felt an dark green light coming from the closet door.

"The pain is disappearing..?" Said Okita.

No way, Zanark device sphere shouldn't have this functionality!

"Zanark stop!" You opened the door of the closet and went on front of him.

"You are.." Zanark stopped using his weird power on Okita and stared at you.

"Okita don't listen to him! He's only gonna use you for bad intentions!" You said to Okita.

"Bad intentions..?" He look at you.

"Don't believe her, she's on Sakamoto side." Said Zanark.

"Sakamoto..?!" Then Okita glared at you.

"He's lying! I'm on no one's side!" You shouted at Zanark.

"Then if I give power to Okita and ask him to kill Sakamoto, it won't bother you. Right?" He Smirked.

"..." What am I suppose to answer now..? I said I'm on none's side but I still need Sakamoto's aura to save soccer.

"Just as I thought, you are on Sakamo-"

"I said I'm on no one's side! So both lives matter to me!" You replied.

"Hmpf, what a nice excuse." Said Zanark then grabs your arm.

"Hey, let go!" You push Zanark away then back away from him from some steps but you hit against the wall and window next to you.

"I'm not letting you escape this time." Said Zanark then appeared again another device Sphere in his hands.

"How about a. NO?" you said then opened the window and jumped out of the building then ran away.

I need to inform the others and quick!

You ran toward a direction but stopped when you saw the Zanark Domain player's waiting outside, not this way.

You looked around to find another path... It was... The woods.

God! Why do I always end up in the worst situations like those!

You ran in the woods hoping to find your teammates.

You finally got out of this forest but when you arrived it was too late, Zanark was already there with his team and your friend's were all also there with a person.

Who seems to be.. Ryouma Sakamoto.

You saw Okita Souji in Zanark Domain Uniform, tsk, Zanark probably spoke to him after you've left.

The match was against a team lead by Okita and Sakamoto against 5v5, Raimon won against them, thanks to Kyousuke for scoring the first goal, after this goal the whole team of Zanark disappeared.

But Okita illness came back to the surface, Okita falls on his knee in pain, it confuses you... How can Zanark have some sort of... Healing powers?

You punched the tree next to you, you could've stopped Okita from moving and following Zanark and his bad intentions.

But you just couldn't, you were powerless against him, what am I suppose to do now...?

You were hesitant to walk toward your teammates like nothing happened, you felt guilty for not being able to stop Okita.

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