Chapter 42

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"Girl, what moisturizer are you using? Coz you are just glowing" Charles chuckled trying to imitate some uptown accent

"Nothing" Hestia mumbled biting her lips, she turned her head to the side only making herself seem more guilty of Charles's accusation

"Oh doesn't seem like nothing"Blair pointed smirking

"True that B, what's gotten you all glowing and smiling? Like seriously for the past thirty-five minutes you haven't wiped that stupid grin off your face" Jade said raising her eyebrow

"Okay is not stupid and two. can't I just be happy" she rolled her eyes at her friends

Jade squinted her eyes over her friend's expression and the realization hit her like an Mc truck, "You didn't!" she gasped placing her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide as alien UFOs

Blair caught on to what she meant and burst into a fit of giggles," She fucking did"

"Wait!.. Did what?"Charles groaned

"Oh yes she did"I smirked

"Fuck off Laylani, I don't need you and your big mouth"Hestia snapped

"Okay, you need a time out missy" I huffed flipping her off

"Okay, and why are you talking to yourself Es?"Charles furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

"Nothing Charles."Hestia sighed

"Oh really."He scrunched his nose as his eyes wandered over the girl's face to search for anything


"You did it Es," Jade said shaking her head a smile on her face

"Hallelujah!" Blair flared her arms dramatically. There was no doubt they were happy their best friend finally found someone to make her happy and treat her right

"Oh shut up, we all knew it would happen sooner or later. "Hestia shrugged a blush rising in her cheeks

"Well, not this soon," Blair said

"I just knew you wouldn't last a whole year"Jade chuckled

"Seriously what are you guys talking about?"Charles asked groaning in frustration

"Es banged her boss"Blair mumbled blatantly

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" He shrieked jumping from his seat

"You don't have to be so fucking loud dude."Blair rolled her eyes

"Why was I not fill in about this?"Charles pouted

"Don't mind them, Charles, nothing happened."

"Don't try to play that, ' nothing happened card' with us" Jade laughed at her best friend, Hestia's face palmed hitting her head on the restaurant table

"So how was it?"Blair wiggled her eyebrows playfully, her smile spread on her face

"How was what?"Hestia asked trying hard to hold in her laughter as the trio glared at her

They gave her the, ' really now?' look, she gulped taking a sip of her lemonade

"Okay fine." she sighed

"Woohoo!" Blair cheered fist-bumping air

"Well, she took me back to her little cottage outside town. The place has this huge orange orchard that looks straight out of a magical world. She made...

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