Chapter 47

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"The multi-colored splattered sunset sky itself doesn't compare to your beauty"

"No! That's lame" I grunted as I hit my forehead for the umpteenth time

Coming up with something romantic shouldn't be this hard right? I don't want this to be cheesy and way too clichèd

I can't even get my words right. I sighed plopping myself on the bed staring at the white ceiling. My heart danced in my chest as I pictured B's cute confused face as I kneel on one knee proposing

She's just the cutest

I let out a small chuckle, I don't believe this is happening but am ready. I've been so out of the game can't remember the last time I even asked anyone out let alone propose. My late husband had always been ahead of me in everything. It was the most amazing year with him but am finally ready to settle with B. Everything with her feels right

I've never actually questioned my sexuality. Can't say am bisexual or anything. Maybe queer or something but love is just love and who I fall for wouldn't matter as long as there's that right connection between us. And that's what I have with B, from a simple gesture like a smile I feel like my whole world is complete. Like everything is going to be okay no matter what

Sitting up I took the sapphire engraved ring sized especially for her finger. It was an ancient custom-made ring back in the '70s. My great great great grandma owned and since then it's been handed down to every daughter of the family and now it's mine. Well, Blair's, but you get my drift

I can't wait to have a daughter so she can also own it someday and pass it on to her husband or wife, whomever she chooses

I played with the ring, tossing it up and down. I've never been this nervous for anything. What if she says no? I'll be so crushed. Or what if she thinks it's just a whole big joke and doesn't trust me? Sure she's doubted me before like she wouldn't see herself enough or worthy of my love or attention while I take it the other way around. She's so beautiful both inside and outside and could have won anyone's heart easily why choose me?

"You look like you're about to piss yourself"

Blair's voice rings in my head, I turned red in the face while I clutched the ring in my hand, she can't see it yet. Turning my head I see her leaning against the door, her arms across her chest pushing her cleavage in clear view. Her full figure is in a tight pink-flowered sleeveless dress ending at her knees. Her smooth legs in black flat shoes

Taking in her whole body I licked my dry lips, from her feet to her face I was met with her questioning look. Eyebrows scrunched up her eyes twitching, an amused smile on her lips as she confirmed I was checking her out

"What's folded in your palms Adams?" she asked

I gulped. Of course, she saw me trying to hide it

"Nothing babe," I said trying as hard as I could to sound innocent

"Yeah right, there's no fooling me Adams"

"I'm doing no such thing," I said standing up walking to her my palms still holding the ring

She raised her eyebrows as I got closer. Staring an inch taller than her eye level I kissed her forehead. Her shoulders moved downwards as she sighed in content

"I want to take you somewhere," I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist

"Where's this somewhere Kat?" she asked as she played with the hair on my neck. My senses heightened as her fingers lightly brushed over it to my ears

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