Chapter 51

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Comfortably lying beside her on the hospital bed Athena caressed her fingers placing light feather kisses on her temple. Their heartbeats in sync, a small smile playing across her lips. Her girlfriend was finally out of any critical condition and was healing in the ward. She needed to stay for some monitoring. Her chest rose and fell with hers. Earlier they had talked and she couldn't be happier with Hestia learning about their past. She had been waiting for this day, where she'd finally hold her completely with no amnesia getting in between them

At first, it was too hard for her to take it all in, flooding her with lots of questions especially about the jet with the initials A + H. And the pendant with the same initials. Of course, it was meant for the two of them. Hestia's heart was filled with an adornment with how thoughtful Athena was, even when they weren't together. She did mean it when she said she'd always reach out to her

The only remainder of the ordeal was the scar cutting across her arm, to the lower back and waist. Her neck was still covered in a bandage as it was still yet to heal. Her eye had escaped permanent blindness by sheer luck. Generally, she was healing impressively that she was allowed to leave after three more days of finalizing her recovery and coming up with suggestions for her much-needed therapy sessions. Her small yet visible bump earned a kiss from a grinning Athena. Her eyes flutter open and land on her girlfriend's. A smile spread across her exhausted face, her fingers stroking her hair gently massaging her scalp

Slightly moaning Athena rose her face to meet hers mumbling a soft hi. "Hey back" Hestia all but rasped. Trying to sit up she was held back by Athena, "Stay right there, I got you something"

Getting the brown bag she handed it to a curious-eyed Hestia. " No you didn't" she gasped covering her mouth

"Yes I did" Athena smiled watching her girl gawk over it

"You know how much I love it" she whispered softly

"Of course I do, you're the only person I know who loves sushi from Pe's to survive on it for a whole month with nothing else" she chuckled

"Mmh" she hummed as she chewed her tongue sticking out to lick off the small pieces off her lips

Athena watched intently as Hestia moaned with each bite. Her tongue skillfully licked her lips, her throat runs dry as she gulped feeling the familiar lump stuck in her throat. "I swear Pe does something voodoo-ish to this sushi, it's so good" she sighed opening her eyes. Her brown one's landing on slightly darker hazels. She visibly swallowed as she watched Athena's hungry eyes stare her down

"Is there something on my face?" she asked reaching to wipe nothing

"No" Athena whispered her voice husky and low filled with lust

"Oh," Hestia blushed to hide her face with her goldilocks earning a growl from Athena. " Don't hide your beautiful face from me" she said flipping her hair to the back

"I'm not beautiful" she mumbled lowly, so low that Athena didn't hear her

"What was that?"


"No, tell me babe" Athena pushed

"Am not beautiful, not with this scar anyways" she muttered a sad look encasing her features her shoulders slumping

Athena felt her heart clenching and twisting in pain as she unbelievably stared at her girlfriend. She gently took her chin in her palms forcing her eyes to meet hers. "Babe you are the most beautiful thing I've known my whole life, well you and our little angel, but that's beside the point. I could come up with all the reasons why I know you're beautiful and how your scars are a part of you that I'll always love them and you but that won't make you feel any better. You came into my life when I thought no one would melt that icing in my heart. Accepted me when I thought no one would. Took in my daughter as your own and gave me a family of my own. Right now as you're carrying our little angel I couldn't ask for more blessings. It doesn't matter what we go through, what you went through, what resulted from that ordeal. What matters is you're here with me and I don't love you any less. Neither will our princess nor our unborn baby. These scars, she ran her finger over her arm to her neck, are a part of our story, one that we lived through and came out strongly. I'll always love everything about you. Don't ever degrade yourself because I would never think any less of you. I love you so much Esty" she inhaled and exhaled her eyes with unshed tears

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