Chapter 11

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I had asked Diana to come to my office and to bring my little princess with her. I wanted Esty to meet her.

Don't say am moving too fast, I just want her to be close to her. Not that I want anything with her. Like she said she's Straight and I respect that.

Oh who am I kidding of course I don't respect that am gonna make her mine even if it's the last thing I do.

Holding my baby's little arms I entwined our fingers and walked out to the garage. Diana and Esty were behind us.

"Do you know a great place we could go to Esty?"I asked her

"Me.... you're asking me?" she questioned uncertainly.

"No, I'm asking the yeti behind you," I chuckled and Rose busted out laughing.

For a five-year-old, she's too smart for her age.

Esty looked confused for a minute before she busted laughing too.

"You....know...I almost....fell for that," she said between laughs.

I just smiled at her...her laugh was just so beautiful. I want to be the one to cause this sound and more to come out of her mouth.

I just smirked and asked her where we could eat.

She directed me to some diner close to her place. She had insisted on driving but I refused to let her and she reluctantly let me.

Half an hour later I parked right outside the diner. It wasn't anything fancy but she assured me they had great sushi

Taking a seat by the window she sat across me and my baby. Diana sat beside her. She called the waitress for us turns out they're childhood friends

She ordered sushi for all of us and dare I say I almost moaned at the taste. I mean I thought she was exaggerating a little when she said they had the best sushi in town but damn this is just heavenly

Esty eyed worriedly while I took a bite. She must have thought I didn't like it

"Oh my god, Esty you didn't say it was this good," I said stuffing my face some more

Usually am careful with what I consumed but tummy you're gonna have to excuse me today

She chuckled, "Told you"

Wiping my mouth I decided to introduce Diana and Roselia to Esty

"Esty I want you to meet Roselia my daughter and her nanny Diana Anderson."

"Nanny is Hestia Hernandez."

"It's so nice to meet you both, Athena has told me so much about you Rose" Esty smiled politely

"Athy is she the same Esty that you and..."

I interrupted before Diana said anything that would demand some explanation

"No nanny she's not the one," I said and saw Esty raise her eyebrows

"It's no one Esty, I said to her, Diana just confused you both, I said glaring at D"

She gulped and stuffed her mouth so she wouldn't blurt out important information

"Hey, Rose wanna get some candy?"Esty asked my baby

In other instances I would I said NO without hesitation but this is just too cute to ignore

Rose turned to me for approval and I nodded my head saying yes

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