Chapter 14

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I woke to the ringing of my alarm. Turning it off I pushed the covers off me and walked groggily to the bathroom.'s Monday which means I'm off with Athy to Delta.

Smiling I turned the water heater and jumped right in. I shampooed my hair and rinsed myself. I then got out and wrapped a towel around me then brushed my teeth.

Staring at my reflection I caught my lips quirked up in a smile. I know it's just a business trip but Athy's presence is just overwhelming for me. Her smile, her laugh, her's just too adorable.

"Look who's talking"I heard Laylani snicker.

"Not now you idiot, am just happy I'm in her good books now, "I said rolling my eyes.

I'm just happy she's no longer grumpy and doesn't have an attitude towards me. Actually, towards everyone, even the other employees have noticed too.

I'm glad to be a part of her happiness. Getting out of the bathroom I put on my not so tight not so short black skirt, a button-up shirt, and a blazer.

Spraying a little perfume I checked myself on the dressing mirror. Being satisfied I took the little suitcase I had packed a few clothes and some essentials and walked downstairs.

Athena had asked her driver to come to pick up and take me to the airport saying she'd meet me there.

I took an apple from the kitchen counter and locked my door. I found his driver all parked, "Good morning Miss Hernandez, I'll be escorting you to the airport," he said lowering his eyes.

"Oh please don't do that sir and call me Hestia, miss makes me feel a little old."I chuckled lightly.

He chuckled along, "Alright Hestia call me Christian or Chris is fine."

"Well good morning Chris now shall we, "I said getting inside while he put my suitcase in the backseat.

Getting in he drove us to the airport within twenty minutes we had already arrived. Getting off I rolled my suitcase behind me as he showed me to Athena's hanger. We'll be taking her private jet. Rich people. I scoffed at the thought.

"Here we are Hestia, "I turned to Chris as he pointed at the jet.

" that Athena's?" I asked my jaw hanging.

It was so gorgeous, it had two initials on the sides A+H, what does that even mean? Athena + Hestia? I thought and laughed at myself. Yeah like that is even possible dumb I snickered.

It was amazing nonetheless, had a golden-like exterior.

"Go ahead Hestia, Athena will be over in a few," Chris said going back to the car.

"Bye Chris, "I said heading to the jet.

Getting inside her jet I was left baffled by its interior decor. They must have put in years of effort to get every single detail right ridding all possible faults.

Four huge seats with the same initials were curved opposite each other in a little circle. The leather seats were plain white and looked so invitingly comfortable. Deciding to test my theory, I placed my suitcase on the floor and laid my back against the seat. Oh boy, this is so comfortable. I thought as I slid against it.

"Looks like someone already got comfortable without me, "I stood up quickly when I heard Athena's voice. She laughed at me while I lowered my head down too embarrassed.

"Don't stop now Esty, go ahead with what you were doing," she said amused.

"I was only testing its comfiness and I must say this is just so amazing Athy. Why white though?"

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