Chapter 31

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Dedicated to what_ever_meh


"I've never seen you in jeans Athy, let alone anything casual," Hestia said eyeing the woman

"Oh yeah?"

"Mmh, you look great though" she complimented

"Thank you, Esty"

"Now where are we going?"

"Argh Esty you don't know the meaning of a surprise"Athena groaned before chuckling

"Well sorry for wanting to know"Hestia pouted

Athena laughed softly, her voice echoing in the small truck they were in

"How about you sleep a little, we're only fifty minutes from the place, I'll wake you up when we get there" Athena suggested

"But I'm not even sleepy and it's only like 5:00 pm Athy"Hestia whined

"Okay..okay then"

The two women were sat in Athena's black slick truck. Athena was driving them to her favorite place for their date. Athena couldn't help but be happy, this was what she always wanted. To be in the presence of the woman she loved the most. The same woman whose smile lights up her world, whose laughter causes eruptions in her body. Whose simple touch electrifies every nerve in her system

She was not ready to let all that go and the fact that Hestia even agreed made her heart flutter in pure joy

There's nothing more heartwarming than being with someone you like..or love. All the giddiness you feel, the stomach knots and twists,heart-racing miles, how you feel protected when you're with them. It's all just overwhelming and Athena couldn't help but feel overprotective of Hestia. She would give up her life just to ensure her safety

Hestia stole a few glances at the woman beside her and felt happier than she has ever been. Yes, they did have quite a rough start but she was grateful for how things were turning out for them. Her friends didn't stop teasing her about their moments. It had only been a month and two weeks but she had gotten extremely closer to the girl

Are we moving too fast?

Maybe...but it just feels right. Hestia thought to herself

"We there yet?"

"Patience Esty"Athena laughed

"You know I'm running low on that too"

"Oh you" Athena smiled warmly

"We've been on the road for two hours Athy" Hestia mumbled

"Come on it's only been forty minutes, just ten more minutes"

"Ten and that's it"Hestia huffed

Athena shook her head smiling, even when trying to be angry the goldilocks-haired woman was too soft for her good. Her cheeks all puffed in an attempt anger with her bottom pink lip sticking out in an adorable pout

"We're here Esty, "Athena said

"Where's here?"Hestia questioned glancing around the empty road

"Where I wanted to take you"Athena grinned

"You know if you wanted to kill me without anyone knowing, you could have just told me"Hestia furrowed her eyebrows because there was nothing to see but an ongoing road and some thicket on the sides of the road

Athena laughed so hard clutching her stomach while Hestia looked at her confused about everything. She was seriously confused with the whole situation

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